Clean a Book

With frequent usage and toting about, favorite books can become dirty over time. This article explains how to clean modern books effectively, without damaging the cover or contents.

Note: For antiquarian/old collectible books, you'll need specialist advice that is not covered by this article. Such books can be easily damaged by moisture and inappropriate cleaning products, so get advice before attempting to clean them.'


Sorting Out the Cleaning Needs

  1. Collect the needed supplies. Set them up in a well lit, comfortable work area.
  2. Check the book over and mentally list all the areas to be cleaned. You can bookmark them, or perhaps list them if there are multiple soiled areas. This step helps you to get every spot the first time and will minimize the trauma to an older, more fragile book.
  3. Place the book on your padded work area in preparation for cleaning.

Cleaning the Book

  1. Check to see if the cover, back, or spine needs to be cleaned first. If the book has an unpleasant odor, sprinkle baking soda between pages and close in a box for a few days.
    • For more details on musty odors in books, see Deodorize a Musty Book.
  2. Follow the directions for proper use of any book cleaning compound you've chosen to use. Since this is likely to vary from product to product, it is not possible to outline the requirements of proprietary cleaning products here. However, note that your best source of supplier for book cleaning products will be a retailer or manufacturer that supplies libraries.
  3. Carefully and gently clean the outside of your book first and place it back on your padded work area.
    • Clean the spine edge first, proceed to the gutters, and then go across the covers to the edges.
    • Take care to avoid lifting any layers of covering such as leather corners or glued on insets.
    • Clorox or similar wipes are great for using on the cover. These can be used on paper, plastic, and wood but may be a bit too harsh for leather. Let it dry completely before returning the book to the shelf or storage.
    • Vellum bindings can be cleaned with cotton wool dipped in milk.[1]
    • On covers that are fairly shiny and don't have absorbent paper, wiping with an essential oil such as lavender or tea tree will remove grime and marks. Use a clean cloth dabbed in essential oil.
  4. Gently leaf through the book and look for soiled pages. Mark them with a bookmark or list them for later reference. This will ensure that you avoid handling the book any more than is absolutely necessary.
  5. Clean the pages. When cleaning the pages, beware of the tendency of older paper to tear. To get rid of dust, gently shake paperbacks or fan hardbacks, as well as running a feather duster, very soft brush or other type of duster along the top, side and bottom edges of the book. You can also try the cleaning bellows used for camera cleaning, expelling air across the pages to lift dust. To gently clean the pages of marks:
    • For pencil and pen marks: Use an eraser made for pencil or ink. Erase slowly and gently. Biro or pen ink may be difficult to lift, don't rub too hard or the page risks tearing.
    • For other marks: Hold the cleaning cloth or tissue lightly. Do not scrub or rub a page. Move in one direction only, not back and forth. Wipe lightly in horizontal strokes from the spine edge to the outer edge. There are proprietary products that can absorb marks from pages, such as Absorene Book Cleaner.[2] White ink erasers or very fine emery boards can be used for some smudges on page edges.[2]
    • If pages show signs of insects, brush off eggs/insects/specks and wrap the whole book in plastic and place in the freezer for 24 hours. The freezing will kill off any other creatures. And be sure to thoroughly clean the bookcase area.
    • If a paperback is falling apart, a quick zap in the microwave can sometimes loosen up the glue enough for you to "reset" the pages in place.[1]
    • After the first page is clean, continue leafing through the book for subsequent dirty pages to be cleaned.
  6. Remove any goo and bugs. Use a plastic knife or painters pallet knife to slowly move horizontally towards the middle of any bug or goo mound. Go slowly and carefully, to avoid ripping the page. If the goo or bug is squished onto the page, use some rubbing alcohol on a cotton swab to loosen it and remove the excess.
    • Proprietary goo removal products exist too; just do a quick search online for an appropriate brand.[2]


  • Many musty smells can be eliminated with dryer sheets between pages. They should be left there for several days, depending upon the amount of smell.
  • Your cleaning cloth or tissue should be only lightly damp. A very damp cloth or tissue can allow cleaning fluid to seep into the page, causing water damage and possible smudging of the text.
  • A soft, cotton cloth will hold grime well. Tissues are better for older or more delicate pages, but you can choose for yourself.
  • Cover the book with a dryer sheet inside and out.
  • Remove price labels with essential oil on a cloth, flour and water paste (make, let set, then peel off) or use a hairdryer on its lowest heat setting and hover over the price until it begins to peel away.[1]


  • Take extra care with leather, vellum and very old books. In many cases, self cleaning is not the best option; rather, take it to an antiquarian bookseller or collector for advice tailored to the specific book's needs.
  • Moisture is an enemy of books. Ensure that the books are thoroughly dry before returning to shelves or storage.
  • Use only enough rubbing alcohol to get rid of the goo or bug. If you leak rubbing alcohol onto the book, it could ruin the book.

Things You'll Need

  • Soft cloth rag
  • Something to protect your work surface from the book and vice versa – an old heavy towel works well
  • Book cleaning compound - available from DEMCO Inc. (Madison, WI) or other library supply companies
  • Cotton swabs for cleaning small, tough spots

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