Do Your Makeup Like a Fairy for Halloween

Fairy costumes are a great idea for a Halloween outfit, and they can be worn by children and adults alike! Some of the most important parts of a fairy costume are the dress, the wings, and the makeup. You have a lot of color choices when it comes to fairy makeup, but it’s best to pick something that complements you dress. Popular fairy makeup colors include pink, purple, blue, and pastel forest-green. Glitter is another important element, and you can achieve this with body glitter, shimmery makeup, and rhinestones.


Putting Fairy Makeup on A Child

  1. Choose a makeup type. There are actually a number of cosmetics and makeups that can be used for kids as well as adults. Depending on the effect you want to achieve, you can simply use adult makeup palettes, or you can go with a makeup designed for face painting.
    • For face painting, you can either use makeup sticks that are like large crayons designed for skin, or you can buy face and body painting palettes that are applied with a brush.
    • Kids usually have more sensitive skin than adults, so look for a hypoallergenic product or something designed for sensitive skin.
    • Try to choose makeup colors that complement the color of the costume. For instance, if the costume is pink, blue, or purple, any of those colors in makeup will look great with the outfit. If the costume is green or yellow, opt for one of those two in makeup shades.
  2. Pick a stencil or pattern. Many craft stores and costume shops sell face painting stencils that make it easy to create intricate designs with makeup. You can also create your own stencil by drawing a design on paper and cutting out the spaces you want colored in.
    • To use a stencil, press the stencil against the face in the area you want to draw. Dampen a sponge with water and press it into your makeup palette color of choice.
    • Blot the sponge over top of the stencil to fill in the open spaces with makeup.
    • You can also do a base color underneath and put the stencil over top in a darker color.[1]
  3. Create your own design. Instead of using a stencil, you can also create your own fairy makeup design. To achieve this, you can use either the brush and palette makeup or the makeup stick to draw butterfly or fairy wing shapes around each eye.[2]
    • Start with a darker color, such as blue or green. Begin drawing at the inner corner of one eyebrow.
    • Draw a rounded line up and out toward the hairline. Stop when you get there, and then connect a new rounded line going around the eye.
    • Come halfway under the eye, make a V, and continue the design down the cheek, stopping at the bottom of the ear. Now connect this with the original starting point at the inner eyebrow.
    • Now retrace the inside of this pattern with a coordinating color. Repeat for the other eye.

Applying Your Own Fairy Eye Makeup

  1. Prepare your face for makeup. A great makeup job always starts with a clean, dry face. If your face is dirty, sweaty, or oily, then the makeup won’t have a good base to stick to, so it won’t be as noticeable and won’t last as long.
    • Wet your face with some warm water.
    • Lather a small amount of facial soap in your hands and rub it on your face using circular motions with your fingers. Use a gentle cleanser that doesn’t contain alcohol.[3]
    • Use warm water to rinse the soap off your face.
    • Pat your face with a soft and absorbent towel. Don’t rub or scrub, as this can damage your skin.[3]
    • When your face is still slightly damp, apply your favorite moisturizer.
  2. Apply a primer to your entire eyelid. To help your makeup really pop and last longer, apply a thin layer of primer to your eyelids. This can be a specific eye primer, foundation, or a layer of eyeshadow in a neutral color.
    • To apply primer or foundation, use your finger to rub a small dab of cream over your upper eyelid and just below your eye.[4]
    • To apply eyeshadow as a primer, choose a light neutral, such as a cream color, and apply the shadow all over your eyelid and below your eye with a brush.
  3. Choose makeup colors. The colors you choose should match your dress. You can either use multiple shades of a single color, or you can blend multiple complementary colors for a subtle rainbow effect.
    • If you choose a single color, pick shimmery eyeshadows in a light, medium, and darker shade of the same color.
    • Good color combinations include pink, blue, and purple,[5] or green and yellow.
  4. Apply a base color to your lids. No matter what color scheme you're working with, apply a medium-shade eyeshadow to your eyelid below the crease. Use an eyeshadow brush to apply a thin layer.
    • For instance, if you're working with purples, apply a medium-purple.
    • If you're working with green and yellow, apply a medium green shade.
    • If you're working with blue, pink, and purple, apply a medium pink.
  5. Add a darker color to the crease. With an angled brush, apply a darker shade to the crease of the eye, which is the semicircular area just above where your eyeball ends. At the outer corner, use this same darker color to make a V-shape in the corner of your eye.[6] Swirl your brush around in the eyeshadow and tap the brush to remove excess. You can always add more later if necessary.
    • Use a dark purple if you're working with purples.
    • Use a dark green if you're working with green and yellow.
    • Use a dark blue or purple if you're working with blue, pink, and purple.
  6. Add color under your eyes. To help make your eyes pop and look bigger, use a white eye liner pencil and trace a thin line following your lower lash line. Try to get as close to the lashes as possible.[7]
    • Take an angled brush and dip it into the lightest eyeshadow color you're using. Trace a thin line below the white eyeliner line. Follow the natural curve of your eye and extend this color toward your temple.[8]
  7. Create a few swirls with eyeliner. Use either a liquid or pencil eyeliner in black or dark brown. Trace a thin line across your upper lid, as close to the lash line as possible.
    • When you get to the outer corner of your eye, extend the eyeliner at a slight upward angle toward your temple. Once you’ve extended the eyeliner by one-half to one inch (1.25 to 2.5 cm) beyond your eye, you can experiment with different curls and swirls.[7]
    • Swirl the end of the eyeliner line into an upward swirl toward your eyebrow. You can simply curl the end to give it an elegant curve, or continue swirling to make the eyeliner into a spiral.
    • You can also make another branch off the eyeliner to make another downward facing curve or spiral. Branch off either from the corner of your eye, or closer to the end of the original eyeliner extension.
  8. Make your eyes pop with mascara. Use black or dark brown mascara to give your lashes more volume. With the wand, start at the base of your top lash line and zig zag the wand back and forth as you pull it up toward the tip of the lashes. Repeat three or four times, or more for even fuller lashes.[9]
    • Repeat with your bottom lashes as well. Don’t apply more than two coats, because you don’t want to add too much volume to the bottom lashes.

Completing the Fairy Makeup

  1. Define and highlight your eyebrows. Use an eyeliner or brow pencil in a color that complements your fairy makeup (such as dark green, red, or blue). Trace the natural shape of your eyebrows with the pencil.
    • With a clean mascara wand or brow brush, brush the color through your eyebrows, sculpting them into their natural shape.[10]
    • Then, take a light eyeshadow or highlighter and brush on a small amount just below your eyebrows to highlight your brow bone. Use a brush to blend it in. # Apply glitter. Use a brush to apply glitter to your temple and along your hairline toward the center of your forehead. Repeat on the other side.[11]
    • You can also apply glitter to your shoulders, collar bones, and over top of your eyeshadow.
    • To help make the glitter stick and last longer, apply a light mist of hair spray to your skin before applying the glitter.[8]
  2. Put some shimmery blush on your cheeks. Use a light pink blush with lots of shimmer or glitter. Use an angled blush brush and apply the blush along your cheekbones.
    • Blow off the excess and blend the brush into your skin.
  3. Add some gloss to your lips. To finish off the glittery and sparkling makeup, apply a coat of light pink lip gloss.[8] You can also use your favorite lipstick, and then add a thin dusting of glitter on top.
    • To make your lips match your eyes perfectly, put a small amount of lip gloss on your lips, then use a brush to apply one of the eyeshadow colors on top of the gloss. Use your finger to blend the eyeshadow into the lip gloss.
  4. Add accessories. There are a number of accessories you can use to enhance fairy makeup and add more glitter, shine, and definition to the look. These include rhinestones on your skin and false eyelashes, both of which can be applied with eyelash glue.
    • To apply jewels and rhinestones to your face, dip a cotton swab or small brush into the eyelash glue and dab a small amount onto the flat back of the rhinestone. Then, press the rhinestone against your skin for a few seconds, until the glue holds. Apply rhinestones around or under your eye, above your eyebrows, or on your cheeks.
    • To apply false eyelashes, apply a small amount of glue to the inner rim of the eyelashes. Then use your finger or tweezers to apply the eyelashes to your upper eyelid, as close to the lash line as possible.
    • You can also body stickers to enhance the look. For fairy-like stickers, look for swirls and designs that match the color scheme you’ve chosen.


  • You can also use body glitter on your shoulders and neck to complete the look. Look for glitter that matches your makeup color choices.

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