Eat Peas

Green peas come in different sizes, small, medium and large. They each have the same color, and they all are difficult or almost impossible to eat with a fork. The easiest way to eat them, is to use a spoon, but that is not proper etiquette at a formal dinner table. Pushing them onto the fork with a finger from the opposite hand would at least manage a few peas to land on the fork, but when you lift the fork to your mouth, they start slipping back into the plate. They make an excellent salad when added to other fresh vegetables, topped with Thousand Island Dressing.


  1. Saute an onion, and add either a can of cream of chicken or mushroom soup. Open a can of peas, spill out the liquid and add the peas. Stir, and pour this over a bowl of rice. Mix, and serve with a salad for a light but nourishing lunch or dinner.
  2. Fork the peas with the prongs of the fork, trying to put a pea on each prong. Bring to your mouth, and then go back for more. This is known as the fork method,
  3. Put the peas into a small blender or mash them with a fork. Add some butter, heat and you have made mushy peas. Serve as a side with any type of meal. To make pea soup of it, add milk to the mushy peas, stir well, heat and eat.
  4. Buy fresh green peas have a shell the pea get together. Each person opens a pea pod, removes the pea and places it into a bowl. However do not expect too many peas to actually get into bowl, because they will probably end up in their mouth. Fresh peas are delicious, and nutritious.
  5. Watch how a baby enjoys eating their peas. They pick it up with the fingers, one up at a time, learning coordination of hand to mouth, chewing and enjoying the taste of the pea, and then reaching out for another one.
  6. Finished.

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