Make a Catapult out of a Mousetrap

Has your mousetrap let a mouse run free yet again? Don't throw it out just yet - instead, recycle it into an awesome catapult that can launch pencils with serious force! As with any item that fires projectiles, use common sense with your mousetrap catapult - never point it at a person or animal.


  1. Get a spring-loaded bar mousetrap.
  2. Put two small nails about one and one half inches long into the sides of the mousetrap. Must be right by springs.
  3. Put a bolt going across the gap between the two ends of the nails and hot glue in place let glue dry well.
  4. Get a pencil and take off the eraser and notch the end of the pencil.
  5. Hold back the part of the mousetrap that traps the mouse.
  6. Put the notched end of the pencil on the part of the mousetrap that your holding back.
  7. Once you have the pencil loaded, release and watch it shoot through the air.


  • Don't release the catapult until the pencil is loaded.


  • Be safe. Never aim for a person's eyes or head.
  • Pencil may embed itself in the wall.

Things You'll Need for mousetrap catapult

  • Mousetrap
  • 2 nails
  • 1 bolt
  • Wooden Pencil
  • hot glue gun
  • door hinge
  • key
  • tuba mouthpiece
  • wd-40

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