A new direction

I received an email where a student wrote: “Last June, I graduated from college. It was the happiest day of my life. My parents were so happy when they saw me in the graduation cap and gown. My father said: “I am so proud of you, now our family finally has a college graduate, the first in our family.” That was more than six months ago, since then I am still living with my parents, without jobs, without hope, and no future because I study drama, a field that have limited job opportunity. I have many friends who were in similar situation, some study music and hope to be singer, some study modeling and hope to be fashion model but none were able to find jobs. My parents accepted it as my destiny and hope that I will get married so my husband will take care of me. I do not agree with them but at this time I do not know what to do. I feel very bad for my situation. Recently a friend shows me your blog and I read your advices to other students and wish that I know about it earlier. Do you have any advice for someone so desperate like me?"

Answer: Many students have made similar decision when entering college. They do not plan their career from a practical perspective but follow a “fantasy dream”. As young person, many often dream to become someone else. Sometime these dreams confuse them and they fail to recognize who they are and who they wish to become. After a short time, some realize that their choices are not practical and change their fields of study but many do not. I often wonder when students conceded that they were not becoming a movie star, a model, or a famous writer, or whatever else that a young person often dreamed of being. From my conversation with students, they told me that the concession happened as they understand their personal limitations; when they discover that the chance is so small to become famous, eventually their “fantasy dreams” dissolve and are replaced by the reality that they should “get serious about their future”.

There are always choices that you can make for your future. There are options that exist after you graduated as long as you have motivation and commitment to pursue a second career based on your skills and abilities.

The best solution would be to continue your education in other fields of study. Almost anyone with a bachelor’s degree in other fields can go into teaching. You may need a degree in education by returning to school to obtain it. You may consider teaching drama in school or learning to be a school counselor after taking several classes in psychology and counseling. Today, there are high demands in healthcare area. Nursing is a very good choice. There are several types of nurse, some require two-year training, some four-year depending on which career that you want to pursue. There are programs designed for graduates who want to change career. You can select program that fit your needs, helping you to shift into another fields, develop new skills, and increase your chance of finding another job.

Another solution is start looking for an opportunity by take the skills you have and turn those into an advantage. You have an expertise, knowledge and experience that are unique. Your skill in drama school may be special that you do not even recognize it. You need to ask yourself: “What skills do I have that others might want? What skills do I have that most do not? By having an answer to those questions, you can assess what career would work best for you?

This is NOT the time to feel bad. You cannot stay home and feel bitter. You should NEVER give up and let things happen to you. Have courage because you take responsibility for your career. Do not blame your destiny, or your fantasy dream, it is in the past. You cannot change the past but you can change the future. Do not expect someone else to take care of you. You cannot count on anyone else for your career success but you. You are young and full of energy; use it for your own advantage. You must develop a new mindset, new habits, and persistence to control your future. Your “soft-skills” that you learn in drama school can give you the leading edge. In this fast changing world, the skills needed for success today are less about academic or technical training but more about soft-skills such as emotional intelligence, adaptability, resiliency, relationship-building, accountability, and leadership skills. Everything in your life exists because you made a choice about something. Be brave and take advantage of your soft-skills that you already have, there are opportunities for people with these skills.

Please remember that success requires hard work, personal responsibility and positive choices. You already know all the information you need to succeed. You just need a new plan of action. Now is the time.


  • Blogs of Prof. John Vu, Carnegie Mellon University