A new job

A college graduate wrote to me: “I just graduated in business administration and got a job with a foreign company in my country. I am worry because I do not know how a foreign company operates. My English is good and I want to succeed in my new career. Do you have any advice for me?”

Answer: Congratulation, now that you graduate and have a good job. I am sure your parents are proud of you. Before you spend your first paycheck, please buy them a gift as an appreciation of what they have done for you. There is not much different between a local company and a foreign company because they all follow certain business process to do thing. As a new people they will have to train you on this so do not worry too much. However there are few things you can do:

As a new people on the job, you should spend the next six months to learn whatever you can about your company and the industry, especially the commonly used policies, procedures, and process on how things are done. Being knowledgeable about the company operation will help you to be productive. If you understand how to do things without having to seek help from your co-workers, they are more likely to value your contribution instead of being skeptical. Being new to the job give you a new perspective. While most of your co-workers have been doing things in a traditional manner, your new approach may help you to think more creatively and be able to offer a fresh viewpoint.

In business industry, promptly is very important. Even you work at regular work hours but make sure that you arrive to work punctually. My advice is to arrive about ten minutes early and stay at least until the end of the day, unless your manager says you can leave earlier. In business industry, there are many meetings, you must be prompt and never go to a meeting late. Sometime you may have to stay later than others, but pay attention to others and how they work. Remember that you are in a business industry where people pay attention at detail so being punctual and professional about your work hours. Schedule your day accordingly and manage your schedule carefully in detail so it can help improve your productivity.

The business industry is different from other industries where appearance is important. As student, you can wear anything you want but in business, you must know what is appropriate to convey your professionalism and attention to detail. You need to dress professionally (Please see my blog on dress for success).


  • Blogs of Prof. John Vu, Carnegie Mellon University