Accomplish More With Your Master List
People become overwhelmed by having too much to do. They have confused their master list with their to-do list. Your to-do list should only ...
- Create your master list - this is simply a brain dump of everything you want/have to do. It can contain 20, 30, 50+ items.
- Create your daily 'to-do' list. This is the list of things you want to achieve today. Items on this list may come from your master list or may be a result of events from the previous day.
- Use your 'to-do' list to schedule out your day so you can take the actions needed to accomplish your goals.
- Review each item on your 'to-do' list and make sure that you are working on both important-but not urgent items as well as urgent items. (Working on the former is the only way to ensure true life success)
- Eliminate anything from your 'to-do' list that will not help you to get to where you want within the next month, year or five years.
- Understand that your daily 'to-do' list should change because of the differing priorities that each day brings.
- Keep the list of what you need to accomplish today short, so you don't become overwhelmed, but at the end of the day feel like you have been successful.
- When scheduling your day include down time to allow for unexpected events that come up.
- Celebrate at the end of each day when you have completed the items on your to-do list.
- Review your master list at the end of each day and ask yourself "What on this list needs my attention within the next 24 hours so that it doesn't become a critical item?"
- Write down your objectives for phone calls/meetings etc to make sure you stay on track
- Be wary of being caught up in the habit of reacting to urgent (generally short-term issues - e.g., phone calls/emails etc) rather than responding to important activities (generally longer term - e.g., articulating values/vision of organization)
- Be careful of being reactive rather than taking control of your time. Learn to say no to people or redirect them to other more appropriate people
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