Act Calm in a Time of Crisis

In life a crisis often strikes unannounced. In such situations many of us tend to panic. Panic affects our ability to make sound decisions, therefore it is important to remain rational and calm. Though the gravity of every crisis differs but there are some general things that you can adopt to help you overcome the crisis.


  1. Take deep breaths and focus on slowing your heart rate. If you can't control your anger go some where you can be alone. As soon as you realise that there is a crisis your body goes into a sort of a damage control mode. It senses a kind of danger and prepares to overcome or protect you. This is an evolutionary process as part of your body's flight or fight system. Therefore, first you need to make sure that your physical condition doesn't worsen in anticipation of what's to come. Try to normalize your breathing, sip water slowly. If needed ask for assistance. In case you are sweating get yourself some air.
  2. When moving around, walk--don't run (except to help someone who's hurt).If you run or move fast then your body which is already struggling to keep you functioning properly will experience more strain. The idea is to prevent your body from exertion.
  3. Speak in a firm, calm voice when talking. You may feel difficulty in speaking due to the panic. But once you calm your body this should not ideally happen. Talk slowly, making sure to get the information across. This will be crucial since you will be asking for help.
  4. Keep your mind "on task;" don't be stalled by "ifs" or "buts. Focus on managing the current crisis, don't try to manage that which is not yet happened. It is very human to imagine the worst. Refrain from doing so at all costs. "
  5. If you know what to do, do it. Sometimes we doubt our own abilities to manage a crisis and end up not doing anything. This is no time for doubts just do it whatever needs to be done.
  6. Encourage those around you to follow these steps.


  • It may be necessary to yell if someone who's panicking isn't hearing (or isn't listening to) important instructions, in order to reduce the problem!


  • Avoid engaging in an intervention for which you are not competent.

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