Act Like Annabeth Chase from Percy Jackson
In the fascinating series crafted by Rick Riordan, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, the main protagonist's (Percy's) closest female friend and eventual girlfriend is Annabeth Chase. Annabeth is a kindhearted, level headed and sweet young lady. She also is shown many times in Heroes of Olympus, leading everyone for most of the part. Adapting her style and traits can be done in numerous ways.
Adapting Annabeth's style
- Dress in clothes that you find comfortable, but when the situation calls for it, it's important to show people that you can look fashion-forward if you try! For example, Annabeth might wear things like:
- Loose T-shirts
- Camp Half-blood T-shirt
- Solid colored, layered, tank tops in colors such as white, black, gray, orange, or blues.
- Jeans or Jean shorts
- Converse, sneakers
- Running/jogging shoes
- Solid coloured flip-flops
- Small silver owl earrings (those given to her by her father)
- No jewellery at all except for her bead necklace and her silver owl earrings.
- A bead necklace (the one she wears from Camp Half-Blood)
- Hair in a ponytail or possibly in a braid
- Hair down and curly.
- Have a cap. If you want to go all out in being authentic, keep a navy New York Yankees cap in your pocket or carry it around with you. And if you get a pocket knife, look for a bronze or gold-colored one. For Heroes of Olympus, you could get an Athenian coin.
- This applies unless you are trying to act like her in Heroes of Olympus, when the Yankees Cap loses its powers.
- Be natural. Annabeth is very down-to-earth, she doesn't wear makeup, and looks don't matter very much to her. But, you should still take care of yourself! Annabeth is a very hygienic and clean person and was described by Percy in the fourth book as "smelling like lemons" so you can use lemon scented products if you want. And she easily took the opportunity in Water World to take fresh clothing from the gift shop (in the first book), so this shows she is a very clean person.
- If you don't have blonde hair and gray eyes, you can use lemon juice while you suntan in your hair to lighten it up.
- For the eyes, If you have a reflective eye color such as blue or hazel or light green, then wearing something that is gray or black near your face, it will make them look grayish. Or, if you already wear contacts for sight purposes, get gray colored ones, instead.
- Just remember to be yourself, and don't get so caught up in imitating someone else that you lose sight of who you are.
Adapting Annabeth's interests
- Try to read as much as you can. Although Annabeth has dyslexia, she is also a Daughter of Athena, and that means the more knowledge, the better! Some good reading lists are:
- classics and other prestigious titles, such as: )
- Greek mythology---a lot of it!
- Try to excel at athletics. Many people are not exactly athletically inclined; if you are, that's fantastic, but if not, it really doesn't matter all that much. If Annabeth were to play sports, she would probably excel in things such as:
- Fencing
- Archery
- Rock climbing
- Karate
- Contact sports such as soccer, etc.
- Be a strong swimmer.
- Learn about architecture. Annabeth is really into architecture; she's also the Architect of Olympus, after it's been ruined (Percy Jackson: The Last Olympian). If you also find this topic interesting, it might be a good idea to read up on how to be an architect, famous buildings, etc. Even better, why not visit them? If architecture is not your thing, find something you're good at and perfect it; any skill can be useful if you can do it well, and you don't have to be a daughter of Athena to excel at something! One of Annabeth's most prized possessions is a laptop full of ideas and inventions that her half-sibling, Daedalus, gave her. If you admire someone's work, don't be afraid to use their style as a foundation while you develop your own. Just make sure you don't copy anyone!
- If architecture is not your thing, find a different passion. No matter if it's acting, sketching or basketball; stick to it and always be interested and excited to do it. Don't force yourself to like something, you don't actually want to do. Find a hobby that you love to do and don't care what others think of it!
- Stay informed. Annabeth would watch informational television programs. On channels such as National Geographic channel, Military channel, History channel, biography channel, or the science channel.
- Don't forget Annabeth's gift of combat. You probably don't own a sword and truthfully that's good. But, instead have fast reflexes. You might not use them in battles, but since Annabeth's mother is Athena, goddess of war strategy and wisdom, she is fast and agile.
Adapting Annabeth's behavioral traits
- Plan ahead. Annabeth is really smart and does a lot of planning. Feel free to carry a planner around with you at school or wherever you go in case you think of a great idea to jot down. Annabeth uses a lot of big words that the average person doesn't understand. Flip through a dictionary and work on increasing your vocabulary and using big words on a daily basis.
- Be confident. Confidence is very important, and Annabeth was seen as slightly pompous at first impression but turns out to have lots of depth and be a really sweet person. She isn't afraid to be herself and stand up for what she believes in. Also, don't be afraid to use intelligent sarcasm. Never be afraid to show your true self, just like Annabeth.
- Be both smart and confident. If you're already smart, great! Get outside, do some sport, meet up with friends. To achieve great confidence, stand in front of the mirror and list up the things that you like about yourself. Ignore the small imperfections. Get off the cell phone or any other device. If you don't feel like going outside all the time, read a book! Annabeth is a huge book nerd, since she is the daughter of Athena.
- Think outside the box. Annabeth never seems to go with the obvious answer to things; she comes up with wiser, more creative solutions. Take the time in the Mark of Athena when Annabeth is trapped in a cavern and forced to choose death by fire or dagger. Unlike many children of Athena before her, she chooses neither. Instead, she creates a trial of her own.
- Take pride in yourself, maybe even a little too much pride. Annabeth's fatal flaw is hubris, or deadly pride. She believes that she can do anything, even run the world, better than others.
- Diagnose Arachnophobia (Fear of Spiders). If you want to act like any child of Athena, you've got to hate spiders. If you know the legend of Arachne (the woman who challenged Athena to a weaving contest and was then turned into the first spider), you'll know why.
- Be brave. Annabeth is known for her wisdom and her courage.
- Be cautious as well as brave. Annabeth is both cautious and brave. When you first meet her, she might be a little weird to be around, but when you get to know her, she's actually a really sweet and caring person. You can achieve this, by not immediately trusting anyone with your deepest secrets or with your friendship. Take small steps and if the person begins to get used to you and warms up to you, then you might have just earned a new friend!
- Be good at sports. You may not be the most sport person out there, but don't forget that you're not the only one. Annabeth is extremely sporty, which also leads to a good body, which leads to confidence. So you're kind of supporting three positive things, by doing only one thing. If you don't like to go running, try something else. Maybe your thing is rock climbing. Or maybe it's yoga. You won't know unless you try it out. You don't even have to be a huge sports fanatic, you can just do some simple exercises, maybe take your dog for a walk now and then. Take small steps, and one day, fitness will just be another thing in your everyday routine.
- It's important to realize that what makes Annabeth such an appealing character is that she is not afraid to be herself. Even if you do all these things, the most important thing is to be confident in yourself!
- Also, Annabeth wouldn't change herself. Being herself makes things easier and Annabeth enjoys being who she is!
- Annabeth is lucky enough to have great hair- if your hair isn't blond and wavy, just play to your strengths. Annabeth is normally too busy concentrating on life to care about how she looks, so don't focus too much on looking perfect all the time!
- Annabeth, being a daughter of Athena, is afraid of spiders, so try to avoid them if at all possible. Don't take it too far though, like trying to pretend you have arachnophobia if you don't.
- And to add to the gray eyes, if you have glasses you can also always get gray colored contacts!
- Annabeth is very fierce, she doesn't like anyone getting in her way so if there is a problem, tackle it!
- Try not to change yourself completely. The real Annabeth would never do that.
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