Act Like the Doctor of Doctor Who

Here is a guide that will help you emulate the main character of the hit British science-fiction series Doctor Who.


Displaying your Intellect

  1. Be very smart. Focus on Science, history and geography. But don't forget to learn about other things too. It may surprise people (in a good way) if you come out with a wonderful, unexpected, well-informed remark. The Doctor does it all the time.
  2. Read books and do your own research. Knowledge is power, and since the Doctor does not carry any weapons, you will need a lot of it.
  3. Learn different languages. The TARDIS does this for him, but you don't have one and learning different languages is really cool and useful. You can also try learning how to address people in different social situations. Don't get worried it you mess up a bit, because it's all part of learning. This also helps with the whole travelling thing - if you are travelling in a country that doesn't speak your first language, it's often good to know the main language.
  4. Don't follow rules. Make your own up. However, if the established rules make sense and are there for a reason, don't go breaking them for no good reason. The key is to think; are those rules sensible for safety and well-being or are they just a case of authoritarianism and blind allegiance gone wild? Hone your critical thinking skills!
  5. Use big words. Make sure you know what the words mean, and preferably how to pronounce them!
  6. Sound Like You Know What You're Talking About most of the time. If you don't, then don't be insulted if someone corrects you! It's always good to get more information and you can impress people with your new knowledge. Thank people for helping you to better understand things.
  7. Enjoy Use Problem Solving and Posing Strategies and helping in bad situations. Be nice to friends (and enemies!) if they're having a bad day, and make sure you compliment people. Don't be tactless, though!

Travelling Often

  1. Travel. It doesn't matter what kind, long distance or to a shop you have never been to before, just travel. Always be well informed about the places you are travelling to, but don't think you know everything about said place, because you probably don't.

Staying Healthy and Fit

  1. Be fit and healthy. You don't have to look it, but do try. Running is a great way to exercise and burn off steam, and it is very Doctor Who.
  2. Be fast on your feet. If you need to run, run. Always be ready to run.

Caring for Others

  1. Help People. The Doctor is known for helping/saving people and planets. Don't be afraid to show a little tough love as you do it though.
  2. Give people more than one chance. The Doctor is a great believer in second chances; he even gave the Daleks a second chance. Find the redeeming features in others and seek the good. Realize that some people continue to misbehave precisely because they feel that other people have given up on them. Let them know that's wrong.
  3. Stand up for others. If you see someone being picked on, beaten up, attacked or upset help them. if there is a large group shout, if not then go to the person and get them out. If you can't do anything without getting hurt yourself, then get reinforcements.
  4. Be defensive. Protect your friends and others around you. Never desert your friends. They need you in hard times, even if you have fights, stick together. Don't leave them; if they forget you, remember them and safeguard them. Do everything you can to ensure they are safe.

Being Technologically Savvy

  1. Talk very fast and show a high enthusiasm for Be Prepared for Common Technology Problems. Try combining the two and trying out technobabble (which is talking very fast about technology, mixed in with a little nonsense).
    • Be sure not to overdo your enthusiasm and glee. Make sure you act appropriately to the situation - the Doctor quickly switches between this and complete seriousness depending on the situation.

Embracing Your Foibles

  1. Be a little vain. The Doctor is. Dress Well All Day too, simple and well-cut always works, but add a little Become Very Odd touch, like the 5th and 10th Doctors' glasses which he doesn't need.
    • That said, don't boast. Remain modest to the core.
  2. Be a little random, don't be afraid to be a bit mad. The Doctor does it all the time and it makes you and other people laugh. You may not be the class joker, but try making a sarcastic or witty comment from time to time.
  3. When you are angry hide it as well as you can. However, when you are justifiably angry, there may come a time when it is appropriate let it loose if innocent people are suffering. Be a Be a Pacifist but don't neglect the need for justice to end unfairness. Some things, like starving children and slavery, are worth being angry about.
    • The Doctor tries not use harmful weapons, the most deadly thing he usually does is to use his sonic screwdriver on them (of course, his reputation helps a little). No killing required, by all means give them an electric shock and knock them out but don't harm them. If you feel you may get in a fight, try to talk your way out of it. With practice, you should be able to thwart someone simply by talking to them.
    • If you can't talk yourself out of somewhere, put your physical skills to good use and run. If there's nowhere to go, then you may have to fight back but never seriously injure anyone.

Showing Independence

  1. Be tenacious. Never give up.
    • Don't let go of everything––hold on to it and carry on, try not to fall apart.
  2. Don't be afraid of being on your own. Sure it can be lonely at times but there is a difference between loneliness and fruitful solitude. Plus, being able to be alone shows that you don't fear the things to come and that you're willing to reflect deeply.
    • Don't purposefully ditch your friends to be alone all of the time, otherwise you won't have any. If you are more sociable, spend time with a few close friends as well as with a big group.
  3. Be prepared. Be ready for anything!
    • This might include having a first aid kit in your bag, on your bike or in your car; a tissue for a sobbing friend; a rain poncho for a downpour; a secret language to communicate in; a tiny flashlight for when the lights go out; and so forth...
  4. Be brave. If you're scared of something, try getting over your fear (if you have a serious phobia, don't shock yourself though) or facing it with someone else.
  5. Improvise. Don't worry about backup plans, or plans at all. Think as you go-why stop and plan when you can run and do? It doesn't hurt to have some idea of what you're doing. That way you can plan ahead a little, but be prepared for anything and don't have a specific plan that will fail if one thing goes wrong.
  6. Have faith in yourself, you're brilliant. You just need to realise that. You are who you are and nobody can take that away from you––it is your choice, not your friend's choice, not your parents' choice, it's yours, completely yours.

Socialising the Doctor's Way

  1. Be very social. Talk to anyone and everyone with no concern for what they might think of you. Be nice to people, though. Going up to a stranger, saying 'I hate your hat', and walking away isn't polite and it's not very Doctor-y either.
  2. Create an aura of mystery. When somebody asks you a question about yourself, Be Vague and change the subject. You could also use this as an opportunity to find out more about the other person - give a quick answer and ask their opinion on the same subject. Make sure you listen, as well.
  3. Find a Be Like a Doctor Who Female Companion (Revived Series). A person you can trust, who enjoys travelling and living as much as you do. This could be a best friend, a family member or a pet: basically anyone who you get on with and can talk to.
  4. Share intimate details sparingly. If you have lost something, then you know how others may feel. Only share intimate detail with friends and people you trust, everyone else you need to be vague with because nobody knows what people you don't trust can use information to do, they can use it against you at the best and worst of times.
  5. Be curious. You never know which detail might save your life and your conversations will always be interesting.
  6. Be enthusiastic. Try to look on the bright side, but when things get serious, be defensive. Look for the good things in situations, but don't just ignore the bad things because you don't like them: try to change them instead!


  • Watch how the Doctor talks, and acts when guns are pointed at him. How does he react? Is he nervous? Calm?
  • The Doctor has a lot of little phrases that he says, like "brilliant", "fantastic", "geronimo" and "allons-y!" (which means "let's go!" in French). Try to use these sometimes or come up with your own quirky exclamations, preferably some in other languages.
  • Remember where you're from. The doctor never forgets gallifrey, he takes it everywhere, and remembers the lessons he learnt and also what he has taught.
  • Watch all the Doctor Who seasons for more info.
  • Have some sort of gadget that isn't very common and that can be used in lots of different places. Take useful items with you, such as screwdrivers, bloc-notes, etc., of course though, a nice fitting suit doesn't hurt either, and if you want to go further to the tenth doctor still, a low-tail trench coat.

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