Act More Mature in Daily Surroundings

Many teenagers are desperate to prove themselves as adults. Some adults haven't quite "grown up" yet. Whatever your age, knowing how to act maturely is a vital skill, especially for formal and business events. Becoming mature doesn't necessarily mean becoming a stuffy bore - rather, it means knowing how to selectively control the immature urges that everyone experiences.


  1. Do not overreact. Overreacting can be annoying in most cases. When you hear, see, or feel something that really eats at your tolerance level, stop and think about what you're about to say and do before actually saying or doing it. Otherwise it will turn out bad.
  2. Don't joke around too much. Sometimes jokes can go a little too far. Like if you start joking around with someone and you continuously do it every day, sooner or later the person you're joking around with is going to get to the point where they have had enough. If you do joke around a lot, make sure it is funny to them too, not just you or else they might get annoyed.
  3. Do not be so random. Sometimes people find it annoying when someone is being really random out of nowhere. For example, if you're talking about sports then all of a sudden start a conversation on hairstyles.
  4. Be judicious. If your friend seems like they are annoyed by you or mad at you don't ask them if they are mad at you constantly because they will get annoyed and eventually will say they need some space. This can mean that the friendship slowly starts to grow apart.
  5. Don't argue over stupid stuff like "well you called me this and I didn't like that" or "well, you always do this and it's annoying" because that's annoying. Simply ask "what's wrong?" or "what happened?"
  6. Be sincere. Nobody likes it when they are telling you something, or confiding in you, and you are not paying attention. If you ask a question, listen to the whole answer.
  7. Reflect on your actions.
  8. Do not think that you are the center of the universe. You may be the center of your universe, but that's it. Everybody is focused on themselves; they are their own priority, like you are yours.
  9. Be confident, but not cocky. Even if you are insecure, or not confident, act like you are. Fake it till you make it!
  10. Don't obsess on what other people say, or think about you. Be your own person. You are a great individual just the way you are.


  • Don't accuse when you don't know anything about the situation.
  • If you think you're going to say something mean or hurtful after your friend did something, just walk away, take some deep breaths and talk it out calmly.
  • Be honest in action as well as word.
  • Try to look at a situation from the other person's point of view.
  • Listen and then give advice (think before you speak though).
  • Be caring and honest.
  • If you ever have a fight with a friend and it ends up with you guys being mad at each other, apologize in the nicest and sweetest way you can.
  • Don't have outbursts of energy, this will make you look childish and immature.
  • Don't get offended easily. Just chill and let other person explain their point of view.
  • Be respectful.


  • When your friend says they need space, they need space. Don't stay around them or hang around them like usual or else it will make it worse. Simply stay away from them and don't talk to them for a few days and then confront them about it.
  • Don't be a one friend only kind of person. This means, if your friend hangs out with one of their other friends instead of you, don't ask them how come you were not invited or how come you never hang out with me, etc. or else they might get annoyed.

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