Alleviate Constipation During Pregnancy

A few factors during pregnancy can combine to make constipation a problem for some women. The growing baby leaves less room for your bowels to work and your doctor may prescribe vitamin and mineral supplements that can work against you. In addition, hormonal changes in your body can make constipation a problem.[1] Alleviate constipation during pregnancy by getting enough fluids and fiber and by exercising and going to the bathroom as soon as you feel the urge.


Getting Enough Fluid

  1. Make sure you're drinking enough. According to the Institute of Medicine, you should be getting about 10 cups of water per day while pregnant. Each cup should be eight ounces of liquid.[2]
    • Inadequate water intake is the most common cause of constipation during pregnancy.
    • Because food is moving more slowly through your body, it absorbs more water. Therefore, drinking more water can help soften your stools.[3]
  2. Fill up bottles in the morning. One easy way to keep track is to fill up several bottles in the morning that equal the amount you need to drink throughout the day. That way, you can easily keep track of how much you've drank.[2]
    • You can also fill up one big container with the amount you need to drink and use it to fill up your glass.
  3. Eat fruits and vegetables that are high in water. For instance, fruits such as watermelon have a high water content. Similarly, vegetables such as spinach and cucumber have a lot of water. Therefore, eating more of these veggies can help increase your water intake.[4]
  4. Count other liquids. You don't have to get your water from just water. Liquids such as milk and juice also count. However, calories and sugar can add up quickly with these beverages (especially juice), so drink them in moderation. In addition, you can try decaffeinated herbal teas while pregnant to help with fluid intake.[4]
  5. Try flavored water. If you don't like drinking plain water, trying adding flavors to your water. For instance, you can add a slice of orange or lemon. You can also add a couple of slices of cucumber or even some ginger to help flavor your water.
  6. Use reminders. If you're having trouble remembering to drink water, try setting reminders on your phone or computer. Set one every hour or so to remind you that you need to be drinking water.[5]

Eating More Fiber

  1. Know how much you need. You should be eating at least 25 grams of fiber a day, which is what the Institute of Medicine recommends for all women under 50.[6] However, if you're still having trouble with constipation while pregnant, you may need more. Fiber provides natural relief from constipation.[7]
  2. Incorporate fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are an excellent source of fiber. For instance, a cup of cooked spinach has four grams of fiber, while a single medium carrot has two grams of fiber. A whole pear has about six grams of fiber, while an apple has about four.[6]
  3. Eat it in whole grains. Whole grains are also an excellent source of fiber. For instance, a serving of raisin bran (3/4 cup) has five grams of fiber. Similarly, you can gain 3.2 grams of fiber from eating two pieces of whole wheat bread.[8] Another option is eating a cup of cooked barley, which has 9 grams of fiber.[6]
  4. Try more beans. Beans are also a great source of fiber. Just 1/2 a cup of cooked kidney beans or lima beans has six grams of fiber, while 1/2 a cup of baked beans has five.[6]
  5. Use a fiber supplement. If you're not getting enough fiber from your diet, you can try a fiber supplement. Generally, these come as a powder you mix into water, and they are odorless and tasteless. Always talk to your doctor before starting any supplement while pregnant.[9]

Exercising More

  1. Understand why it helps. Exercising helps build up your core muscles. That, in turn, can help with your constipation.[1]
  2. Start slowly. You don't want to suddenly jump into an exercise routine you're not used to, especially if you weren't exercising much before your pregnancy. Start with just 15 minutes of exercise three times a week. Over time, you can increase the amount.[10]
    • Swimming is a good way to begin exercising, partially because your increased weight won't be an issue in the water. Ask the instructors at your local pool if they offer any prenatal swimming classes.[10]
  3. Try daily walks. Talking a walk every day can help keep things moving. Plus, it can help you keep from gaining too much baby weight.[11]
  4. Skip contact sports. Of course, you're probably not going to try to play football while pregnant. However, you also shouldn't do sports like judo or kickboxing while pregnant because of the risk of being hit.[12]

Making Other Changes

  1. Ask your doctor about your iron supplements. Iron supplements can make you more constipated. You do need to be on them for your baby, but you should make sure you're not taking too much. You might also be able to try a different kind of iron to help with your constipation.[11]
  2. Ask your doctor about stool softeners. Stool softeners do exactly what they sound like: they make your stools softer, making it easier to go. Ask your doctor if it is safe for you to take them.[3]
  3. Try the bathroom after a meal. Usually, it's easiest to go to the bathroom after you eat. Therefore, try spending some time in the bathroom to try to help your digestion along.[13]
    • Also, if you feel the need to go, take the time then. Don't try to hold it, as that may increase your constipation.[14]
  4. Avoid laxative pills. These pills can be dangerous while you're pregnant. For one, they can make you dehydrated. For another, they can cause your uterus to contract. Therefore, you shouldn't take them unless directed by a doctor.[15]


  • An exercise program may do more than keep your bowel movements regular. Exercise can help you prepare for childbirth and ease the physical strains of labor.

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