Apply Eye Cream

Your eyes are one of the most prominent features on your face. It's natural that you want the area around your eyes to look its best. The skin that surrounds the eye is very thin and extremely delicate, and many times is among the first to show signs of aging. Using an eye cream can counteract problem areas. To realize its full benefit, you must first learn to properly apply eye cream.


Putting On Your Eye Cream

  1. Wash your face. Your eye cream will absorb better if you place it on a clean surface. Take care to wash your face before you apply eye cream. Do this whether you are using a night cream, a day cream, or both.[1]
    • Use warm water to wash your face. If the water is too hot, it can strip your face of moisture.
    • Choose a gentle cleanser. Use a cream cleanser to add extra moisture to your skin.
    • Wet your face, then gently massage cleanser onto your entire face, using circular motions. Rinse the cleanser off, then pat your face dry with a clean, soft towel.
  2. Scoop cream from jar. After washing and drying your face, apply any serums or toners that you use. Your eye cream should be the last thing that you apply in your skin care routine. Make sure to wash your hands before touching the cream.[2]
    • Most eye creams come in small jars. After washing your hands, use your ring finger to scoop cream from the jar.
    • Eye creams are typically much thicker than regular moisturizers. Because of this, a little goes a long way.
    • You will need an amount of cream about the size of a pea. Start small, and add more if you need to.
    • If you are using a gel instead of a cream, use the same process. You might need a slightly larger amount.
  3. Apply cream to the area around your eye. It is important to use your ring (or fourth) finger to apply eye cream. It is the weakest of your fingers. By using your ring finger, you are less likely to accidentally apply too much pressure and damage the sensitive skin around your eyes.[3]
    • Pat the cream onto the area around your eye. Do not rub, as you could tear the gentle skin.
    • Take care to go all the way around your orbital socket, which is the bone that surrounds your eye. You can feel its circular shape. Eye cream needs to be applied to this entire area.
    • Use your sunglasses as a guideline. You should apply cream to any part of your face that is covered by your shades.
  4. Choose the right time. Some eye creams are made specifically to use at night. They are typically thicker, and may have anti-aging ingredients. Apply your eye cream at least 15 minutes before going to bed.[4]
    • It is important to allow your skin time to absorb the cream. Otherwise, it could run into your eyes when you lie down. You also don't want it to rub off on your pillow.
    • If you feel that your eye cream stings your eyes, you might be applying it too close to bedtime. Try putting it on earlier in the evening so it has time to absorb. Always avoid the eye lids.
    • If you are especially concerned about the skin around your eyes, you may also want to use a morning eye cream. Allow it to set for 15 minutes after application before applying makeup.

Choosing the Right Eye Cream

  1. List your priorities. Your eyes are one of your most prominent facial features. It makes sense that you want to enhance them with healthy, beautiful skin. Before purchasing an eye cream, take a minute to think about your priorities.[5]
    • Eye creams do many things. For example, some eye creams are good for treating puffiness. If your eyes are a bit swollen, look for a product that mentions reducing redness and puffiness.
    • For others, wrinkles and fine lines are the main concern. Look for an eye cream with antioxidants and vitamins that can help repair skin.
    • Any eye cream that you choose should be fragrance free. Fragrances can irritate your skin and should be avoided on all parts of your face.
  2. Try some samples. Eye creams can be rather expensive. You might balk at the price, especially for something that comes in such a small container. Before committing to a product, consider trying some different options.[6]
    • Do your research. Many magazines and websites offer tips on which eye creams are most effective. Start looking for ones that interest you.
    • Visit a store. Many department stores are happy to offer samples of their skin care products. Approach several cosmetic counters and ask if they offer this service.
    • Remember that eye creams can take a few weeks to really begin improving your skin. However, by trying samples, you can at least find one with a texture and feel that you like.
  3. Ask for advice. Your skin is the largest organism on your body. Sometimes caring for it can be a challenge. Luckily, there are several types of experts you can consult.[7]
    • Schedule a facial. A licensed aesthetician can examine your skin and offer you personalized advice. She can also recommend eye creams that will work best for your skin.
    • Visit a dermatologist. Cosmetic dermatologists are doctors who can help you to make your skin look better. They will customize their advice to your needs.
    • Talk to your friends. Do you have a friend who never seems to have dark circles or bags under her eyes? Ask her which eye cream she uses.

Maintaining Healthy Skin

  1. Stay hydrated. If you are going to use eye cream, you should also take steps to make sure that your skin is overall healthy. One of the most important parts of skin care is hydration. Take steps to make sure that your skin receives the right amount of moisture.[8]
    • Hydrating your skin doesn't actually have to do with drinking a vast amount of water. Instead, it means making sure that your skin receives enough moisture from the environment.
    • Consider a humidifier. If your home is dry, a humidifier can add extra moisture to the air.
    • Cold air dries out your skin. Wear a scarf over your face in cold weather.
    • Moisturize your face and body immediately after showering. This will help lock in moisture.
  2. Create an effective routine. Taking good care of your skin requires some effort. A healthy facial skin care routine involves several steps. Make sure to wash your face with a gentle cleanser.[9]
    • Wash your face twice a day. Any more than that can dry or damage your skin.
    • Consider using a toner or serum. These liquids can help soften and tone the skin.
    • Moisturize your entire face. Use a day cream in the morning, and a thicker night cream before bed.
    • Don't forget SPF. Make sure to use products with sunscreen anytime you leave the house.
  3. Get some rest. Lack of sleep can do a lot of damage to your skin. This is especially true for the sensitive area around your eyes. If you don't get enough rest, you could suffer from puffiness and dark circles.[10]
    • Get enough sleep. Aim for between 7-9 hours each night.
    • Try to relax. Stress can cause the same damage as not getting enough sleep.
    • Try yoga or mediation. Both can reduce tension and help you get glowing, youthful skin.


  • The eye cream needs time to fully absorb into your skin. For best results, you need to wait approximately 15 minutes before applying anything else to the eye area, such as eye cosmetics or products.
  • To extend the life and effectiveness of your eye cream product, store it in an area that is cool and dry, such as your refrigerator.

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