Apply Gelcoat

Applying gelcoat to your boat's surface will protect it from nicks and gouges if it scrapes up against the dock, a piling, another boat or anything else that can cause it to leak or crack. Applying gelcoat is a simple process, and with a few basic tools, and a day or two of your time, you can learn how to apply gelcoat using the following steps.


  1. Pull your boat out of the water and onto your boat trailer with a winch.
  2. Remove any old gelcoat by applying acetone and wiping it down with large rags beginning on one side of your boat and working your way over to the other side.
  3. Clean your boat by spraying its base and sides down with water and applying boat cleaning solution liberally with sponges.
  4. Wipe your boat down thoroughly with large rags and allow it to air dry.
  5. Apply a thick layer of gelcoat to the base of your boat with a paintbrush.
  6. Apply a thick layer of gelcoat to the sides of your boat beginning on one side of your boat and working your way over to the other side.
  7. Hand sand the gelcoat on the base and sides of your boat to smooth out rough areas and remove brush marks with fine-grit sandpaper.
  8. Allow the gelcoat to dry. This can take anywhere from one hour to several hours, depending on the humidity and temperature.
  9. Apply a second thick layer of gelcoat to the sides of your boat beginning on one side of your boat and working your way over to the other side.
  10. Sand the second layer of gelcoat on the base and sides of your boat with your fine-grit sandpaper.
  11. Allow the second layer of gelcoat to dry.
  12. Apply a third and a fourth layer of gelcoat, being sure to sand out rough spots and brush marks from each layer and allowing each layer to dry thoroughly before applying the next layer of gel coat.


  • Buff the finished layers of gelcoat with a fiberglass rubbing compound and rub on a good quality boat wax for added protection.
  • Add a coloring agent to the gelcoat, if preferred.
  • Use a sanding block for easier and faster sanding of the gel coat layers.
  • Use a roller or a sprayer for a faster application of the gelcoat layers.
  • Sand the layers of gelcoat with 400-grit, followed by 600-grit, sandpaper for a smoother surface.


  • Always wear a face mask for added protection against fumes from the acetone and buffing and polishing compounds.
  • Always check to be sure you have removed all the dirt and grime from your boat's surface or the gel coat will not seal properly and your boat may leak.

Things You'll Need

  • Large rags and sponges
  • Acetone for removing old gel coat
  • Medium-sized paintbrush
  • Gallon bucket
  • Fine-grain sandpaper
  • Liquid gel coat
  • Boat cleaning solution

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