Apply Gradual Tanner

Gradual tanner builds a tan up day by day, giving you more control over your colour and making it easy to maintain your tan.


  1. Choose your product. Most big skincare brands now make a gradual tanner, so you have a lot of choice. The main products are Dove Summer Body, Johnson's Holiday Skin, L'Oreal Nutrisummer, No7 Naturally Sunkissed Gradual Body Tan, Garnier Summerbody and Palmer's Natural Bronze. Most products come in two versions, one for pale skin and one for dark skin, so choose the right one for your skin tone. Some Gradual Tanners also come with a hint of shimmer, so are ideal for taking on holiday.
  2. To prepare for your tan, exfoliate thoroughly and remember to shave or wax the day before. On the day of application, shower, then apply a light coat of a thin moisturiser or body lotion to your skin and allow it to be absorbed. Make sure your skin is completely dry before taking a small blob at a time of the tanner and applying it to your skin. Remember to rub it in thoroughly and apply it everywhere.
  3. After applying the tan, wash your hands and wait at least a couple of minutes before getting dressed into loose clothing and avoid water for a couple of hours until the tan has completely sunk in.
  4. Reapply the product every day and a light, even tan should develop after 2-3 days.
  5. To maintain your tan, exfoliate and moisturise every day.


  • To get a light, year round tan, you can mix gradual tanner with your regular moisturiser and use it all the time.


  • In case of mistakes or over application, a small amount of lemon juice can help to remove, or at least lighten your tan.

Things You'll Need

  • Gradual Tanner.
  • Exfoliating scrub or gloves.
  • Moisturising lotion.

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