Apply for a Lifetime License to Carry a Handgun in Indiana
A guide to applying for Indiana's new lifetime license to carry a handgun. The process for applying for a 4 year license is similar though this article specifically covers the lifetime license.
- Determine your eligibility. You are not eligible if you have been convicted of a felony, have had a previous handgun license suspended, are under 18 years old (under 23 years old if a delinquent as a child), have been arrested for a class A or B felony, arrested for any felony involving violence or the use of a deadly weapon.
- The Basic Process. Indiana collects two fee's during the application process. The first fee goes to the State's general fund, and the second goes to the local department's fund for firearms and firearm training. The basic process to obtain a permit is: complete the application, provide fingerprints, pay the State fee, pay the Local fee at your local law enforcement agency, and then wait to receive your permit.
- Determine how you want to apply. The online application is located at If you prefer not to use the online form, you can contact your local law enforcement agency to determine how to submit the application. If you live outside of an incorporated town or city, you can contact the sheriff's office of the county you live in.
- Determine when you should apply and how they accept payment. This varies depending on where you're applying. Most police departments have specific days of the week and operating hours for handling applications. If you use the online application process, you can continue through to L-1 Enrollment site to schedule a time to be fingerprinted and pay the State license fee.
- Prepare to Pay State Fee. Purchase a cashier's check or money order for $75 ($60 if you have a current license) made payable to: State of Indiana. If you plan on going to an L-1 Enrollment center for the state processing, they charge an additional fee of $9.95. That fee gets added to the state fee and they send in the state fee for you. So, if you are getting a new license at an L-1 Enrollment center, you will bring one payment for $84.95. If you choose to pay by money order, L-1 Enrollment requires money orders be made out to: L-1 Enrollment.
- Prepare to Pay Local Fee. Purchase another cashier's check or money order for $50 ($40 if you have a current license) made payable to your local police department or sheriff's office. In some cases, the local payment can be made with a personal check or in cash.
- Get everything together. At this point you should know where you're going and when. You should also have your fee payments ready to go. Be sure to bring your driver's license or other form of State recognized photo ID.
- Apply! Use the online application, or go to your designated place of application and fill out the official application. It will ask for your name, full address, length of residence in the community, whether your residence is located within the limits of any city or town, your occupation, place of business or employment, criminal record (if any) and convictions (minor traffic offenses excepted), age, race, sex, nationality, date of birth, citizenship, height, weight, build, color of hair, color of eyes, scars and marks, whether you have previously held an Indiana license to carry (serial number and year issued, if so) whether your license has ever been suspended (year and reason, if so) and your reason for desiring a license.
- Fingerprinting. You'll need to be finger printed. If you use the ink process, they usually have a place for you to wash your hands but it's somewhat difficult to get all the ink off. If you use the INKless process, your fingerprints are scanned electronically. There is no mess with the INKless process and it is faster to receive your permit.
- The leg work. If you filled out your application on line, your local law enforcement agency will have electronic access to it. They will complete more of the form when you go in for fingerprinting. They run the criminal background check and enter your prints into the database (if you didn't do the INKless). This can take a couple of days. You then need to return to pick up your permit application and local approval (background check) to be mailed (along with the $75 money order) to the state.
- Wait a little while. If you use the online application and the inkless fingerprinting process, it takes about 2 weeks from the time you have everything submitted and paid to receive your permit. If you submit the application manually and use inked fingerprinting, it usually takes 4-8 weeks to process an application. With the increased demand due to the new lifetime licenses your request might take 12-14 weeks. If you are renewing a license they will staple your old license to your application (pink copy). If you keep them stapled and carry both then you may continue carrying a handgun until you receive your new license or your application is rejected.
- Check your mailbox regularly. Eventually your license will arrive in the mail and you'll finally have your lifetime license! Or, your application will be rejected and a portion of your application fee will be refunded.
- Get it laminated. Take your new card and get it laminated to protect it. (Notice that it has a place to sign it before you laminate it.)
- Notify the State of changes. If you change your name, address or are convicted of something that might change your eligibility you must notify the superintendent, in writing, within 30 days. You can (but are not required to) purchase a new license after an address change for a fee of $20
- Know the local laws.
- Educate yourself and your family about gun safety.
- Carry responsibly.
- Remember treat all guns as if they are loaded, and never point your gun at anything you don't intend on shooting if necessary.
- Get your license card laminated to improve its longevity.
- Use a holster. Carrying a loaded handgun without one is reckless.
- When the application asks for a reason the most common answer is "personal defense". You might want to avoid unusual answers.
- No matter how much you already know about firearms, taking a handgun retention and self-defense class can be very rewarding.
- Make copies of your license.
- Before you apply be sure you're not pressed for time. You might spend an hour or two at the police station.
- If you already have a valid License to Carry for Indiana you can start the application process for a lifetime license 365 days before your current license expires.
- If you need a replacement license card you can request one for a $20 fee.
- You can start the application process online:
- The right to keep and bear arms comes with responsibility. The laws can change at anytime and it is your responsibility to be familiar with them.
- Using any kind of deadly force, firearm or otherwise, in self-defense or otherwise WILL change your life forever. It is very important that you know the laws regarding the use of force and deadly force before you take on the responsibility of carrying a weapon.
- While this license permits you to carry a handgun in Indiana there are still places that are off-limits while carrying. A few places off-limits in Indiana are (including but not limited to): Schools (colleges may have rules against it, but legally they are exempt), School Buses, Federal Buildings, Court Houses, Aircraft (and restricted areas of Airports). There are some exceptions such as IC 35-47-9-1(3) which permits a licensee, who is operating a vehicle, to possess a firearm while transporting another person to or from a school function.
- You are required by law to notify the superintendent of changes to your name or address, in writing, within 60 days.
- This license is only valid in Indiana and select States that choose to honor out-of-state permits from Indiana. Laws regarding concealed carry, the use of deadly force and places off-limits while carrying vary greatly across the U.S. Ignorance is no excuse. Check local laws before carrying across State lines.
- You are required by law to notify the superintendent of any arrests or convictions that might change your eligibility status, in writing, within 30 days.
Things You'll Need
- Current and Valid Indiana License to Carry (if you have one) that expires within 365 days. If you don't have one you'll be paying a slightly higher fees. If your license isn't expiring anytime soon you'll have to wait.
- Money Order or Cashier's Check for $75 ($60 if you already have a license) made payable to the State of Indiana.
- Money Order or Cashier's Check for $50 ($40 if you already have a license) made payable to your city or county of residence.
- Some form of State recognized photo ID.
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Sources and Citations
- Indiana Code on Regulation of Handguns (IC 35-47-2)
- Indiana Code on Possession of Firearms on School Property and School Buses (IC 35-47-9)