Approve Unanswered Questions on wikiHow

Approving unanswered questions is a great way to help wikiHow and its readers. Once these questions are approved, they stand a higher chance of being answered with helpful replies. To approve questions, you can use the Sort Questions tool.


Using a Phone

  1. Go to Community Dashboard. Select More Things to Try from the side menu.
  2. Open "Approve Questions". Tap on the Approve Questions to start.
  3. Approve questions. Select good questions that relate to the article.
    • Vote yes (green check) if this is a serious question that other readers might have about the article topic.
    • Vote no (red x) if it’s too vague, impossible to answer, or doesn’t take the topic seriously.
  4. Confirm your selection. Tap on Next to approve the questions and move to another task.

Using a Computer

  1. Open the mobile view of wikiHow. There is no option for Approve Questions on the desktop version of the wikiHow Community Dashboard. So you must go to mobile version of wikiHow by going directly to to
  2. Approve questions. You can approve questions in the same way as you do on mobile.

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