Arpeggiate on Piano

An arpeggio is a series of notes played in quick sequence -- or one-by-one -- compared to a block. It adds a quick, fresh feel to any song and is much easier than most people think it ought to be. This will show you how to perform an arpeggio on the piano using the notes C,E,G, Which is a C Major chord. C is called the common chord, based on middle C being easy to find. You can use this skill to accompany a singer while the lead singer adds the Melody to blend nicely.


  1. Place your hands on low and middle C.
  2. Play C,E,G in your right hand as a block chord (C Major). Now, instead of playing them in one block, play them successively and quickly to make a sort of harp sound.
  3. Keep repeating until you are able to play it quickly, evenly, smoothly, and [insert adverb of your choice].
  4. Change notes/keys to something different, such as E,G,B (E Minor); A,C,E (A Minor); G,B,D (G Major).
  5. Add notes to it and make it longer using your other hand and arpeggiate with them both. Make sure to keep them coordinated -- together -- as to make one, longer harp sound.
  6. Practice right to learn to be confident and then to learn to improvise chord in a pleasing sound.


  • Learning new chords and progressions can also liven up your music.
  • Be as fluent as possible.
  • Keep your fingers light and loose on the keys.
  • Use this skill to accompany a singer and it will require the singer to know and furnish the melody of the song.
  • It should sound like a ringing noise.


  • Keep it stringed together and smooth.
  • It can be difficult for some people, but learn to control your fingers and it is a lot easier.

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