Avoid License Suspension for Refusing Chemical Test in Michigan

If you were pulled over by a police officer for being under the influence of drugs while operating a vehicle and you refused a chemical test, you may be facing suspension of your drivers license, and you may not know where to turn. Fortunately, it's not the end of the world. The following steps outline necessary actions for preventing license suspension in Michigan with the help of an experienced Michigan drunk driving lawyer.


  1. Contact a qualified drunk driving attorney in the area in which you were arrested.
  2. Investigate the Implied Consent Act. Your attorney should research your case and how the act can be applied to it.
  3. Request a hearing within 14 days, as required.
  4. The burden of proof will now be upon the officer to convince the judge that the grounds for your arrest were reasonable under Michigan's drunk driving laws.
  5. The officer must provide proof that you were read your rights as well as that you unreasonably refused the chemical test.
  6. If the officer cannot provide proof that all requirements under Michigan law were met, your license cannot be suspended.


  • Ensure that your DUI lawyer or OWI attorney is qualified and has adequate experience
  • Ask for references before hiring an attorney

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