Backflip off a Raised Platform

This guide is how to do a backflip off of a raised object, such as a platform or riser.

Note: For safety reasons, please try to use mats or spotters when attempting to do a backflip. Do not attempt this stunt without the proper safety precautions unless absolutely necessary.. Stay Safe!


  1. Find something to do the backflip off of. Your platform should not be too high off the ground, but it should also not be too low to the ground. Something about waist height is preferable, although something higher can be used, if you're feeling courageous.
    • Do NOT use anything lower than waist height if you cannot perform a backflip prior to attempting this stunt. To do so could cause you to under-spin, and result in landing on your neck, and serious injury
  2. Get on top of the platform you have decided on.
    • Move around, shift your weight, and make sure that your platform does not move. If it shifts under your weight, or wiggles when you lean, you should not perform a flip off of this surface. It could fall over, and end up in a severe injury on your part.
  3. Determine whether or not your platform is stable, and then take your stance.
    • The best stance is to have your heels slightly over the edge of the platform, so that you are leaping from the balls of your feet.
  4. Prepare to perform the flip.
  5. Begin the flip by digging down. That is, bend your knees and balance on the balls of your feet while leaning your upper body forward. Jumping while standing with your foot flat on the ground is not recommended, as you will gain maximum height and spin by jumping from the balls of your feet. Also, raise your arms behind you, keeping your forearms at a ninety-degree angle with your upper arms.
    • To give an idea, your forearms should be perpendicular to your upper legs. Just make sure that your arms are pulled back, so that you can fling them forward and up to add to your spin.
  6. Jerk your arms forward, and start to jump at the same time. While your knees are unbending for the jump, you should also be throwing your arms, to begin the spin. Straighten your back, and then arch it as you make it into the air.
    • The arch of your back and the location of your arms should be similar. -- I.e., if your arms are pulled all the way back, your back should be completely arched.
  7. Keep pulling your head back and bring your legs over your head by pulling your knees forward.
    • Pulling yourself into a tight ball will increase your rotation speed, and can help when you're jumping off of a low platform. Don't try this when you're jumping off of something high, however, or you might over-spin.
      • Knowing when to slow your rotation by leaving this balled position is the key to landing correctly. Just before the rotation is completed, unfold your legs, and hold your arms out to your sides, to slow the spin.
  8. As soon as your feet hit the ground, bend your knees, so you don't experience a shock from landing with stiff legs. Keep your arms raised at your sides, to keep your balance, so you don't fall over when you land.
    • If your backflip is from a high object, such as a balcony, do not attempt to remain standing. Instead, as soon as you land, bend your knees, and perform a backward roll, to continue your momentum.
      • Attempting to land a 'high-risk' backflip without rolling is dangerous, and can result in a broken ankle(s) or leg(s).
  9. Stand back and bask in the glory.
  10. Finished.


  • Watch various Youtube tutorials, practice your technique on a trampoline, or get a few friends to spot you on the ground, to help you get over your fear of going backwards.
  • Remember: Take off on the balls of your feet, and land on them.
  • Always jump out from your starting place because a normal gymnastics backflip will cause you to go straight up and straight back down, and you need to go out at least a little bit to keep from hurting yourself.
  • Learn how to do a backflip on flat land before attempting it off of a platform.
  • Pick a height you're comfortable with jumping off of normally. If you can't hop off it, you can't flip off it.
  • Always keep looking up! If your head is bent backwards, your torso will follow!
  • Try to do the back flip off trampoline to get used to it!


  • Make sure the platform isn't too high or too low. You don't want to break your ankles from being too high, and you don't want to break your neck from being too low.
  • Never jump flat-footed.
  • Do not jump straight up! If you jump straight up, you could hit your feet or the back of your head against the platform.
  • Do not jump too far back. Jump far enough that you will land on the ground, but not so far that you won't spin!

Things You'll Need

  • Yourself
  • Bravery
  • A raised surface
  • a spotter (optional)

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