Be Calm While You're Getting Your Bellybutton Pierced
Getting a navel piercing can seem a bit nerve racking, especially if piercings in different areas besides the earlobe are new to you. If you're nervous about your 'big day' and want to learn how to keep your cool and not stress out, read on.
- Remember, that it's okay to be a little scared and nervous. It's natural for somebody's first unusual piercing. You'll probably be a little shaky at first.
- Practice deep breathing. Take deep breaths and close your eyes when the moment comes. Deep breathing reduces stress and helps calm your body down.
- If you're the type of person who doesn't handle seeing blood, even if it's the tiniest bit, it's best advised if you not look while the piercer is performing the procedure. There is hardly any blood, if not any visually, but seeing the needle go through can rattle a person's nerves.
- Keep a positive attitude. Going into the shop while angry, sad, upset or just depressed doesn't help the nerve-racking situation for you. Going in with a positive attitude actually makes the experience easier to do than a person who goes in cautiously.
- Make a plan for afterward, like rewarding yourself with an ice cream or something of the sort. It keeps your mind off the piercing.
- Bring a close friend or family member along with you to help you feel less scared. Having somebody go with you calms you down and makes it a little more 'fun'.
- Eat something light and drink some water before you go to ease your stomach and to prevent cramps caused by nervousness.
- Shower beforehand to prevent any germs and to lower the risk of infection.
- Relax and take deep breathes.
- Many are worried about the pain, but it depends on the person's pain handling. It isn't pleasant, but the process is very quick.
- Think about how awesome and sexy you will look after you get it pierced.
- Don't look at the needle.
- Just look somewhere else besides the needle.
- Don't take any aspirin beforehand. It will help with the pain but it may cause you to bleed quite a bit more.
- Think that the pain will be worth it afterwords!
- If you're under 18, make you sure have the consent of an adult. Most shops won't even pierce it for you unless your parent is with you to say it's okay, so be prepared.
- Don't touch your piercing after it's pierced.
- When the needle is through, try your best to not move.
- Stay calm or you will tense up and worry too much about the pain.
- Be very good about cleaning the piercing when you're supposed to.
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