Be Comfortable Showering in Front of People
Showering is natural. Showering with others might seem at first to be unnatural, but is again very natural. To be comfortable showering in front of others, you must first remove the stigma.
- Don't think about it. If you are very nervous, try to block out all of the other people and focus on yourself.
- Stop worrying. Everybody has the same parts, and they know how you feel.
- Focus on what you are doing. Imagine yourself at home and in the privacy of your own bathroom.
- Sometimes talking to the person next to you may help; talk about television or the weather. Who knows? Maybe they're nervous too!
- Remember there is nothing sexual about showering with others. Focus on the fact that you are in the showers to get clean not to show your body off.
- Be practical, and get in your own little world. Remember, you're there to get clean, not to chit chat or anything else. Do your thing, do it right, and leave. You have better things to waste time worrying about.
- If you are really shy, face the wall. Most people do this at first, and there is nothing wrong with it.
- If you're embarrassed about your appearance at all, try to overcome it: picture yourself as really hot in the shower.
- Understand that taking a nude shower with others of the same gender does not make you a homosexual.
- Men - Don't think of anyone you're attracted to. You could get an erection and it will be embarrassing.
- If you don't like people staring at you, try not staring and realize that is practically impossible to resist.
- If possible, wear a bathing suit.
- Get in and get out! If you're uncomfortable, why stay in for longer than you need to!
- Shower using a towel for privacy.
- Remember: It isn't your personal bathroom! Do not pee while showering for the courtesy of others and to save yourself embarrassment!