Be Old Fashioned

It is not a bad idea to be old-fashioned. It helps you to learn about history; how people spoke in the past, what they wore and what they ate. If you want to be old fashioned, just read these steps below.


  1. Try to wear old-fashioned clothes. Sometimes it is hard to find these sort of clothes, and if you really cannot find any old clothes, try to make your own. This is easy and fun, if you know how to sew and knit. Finding old-fashioned boy clothes is quite easy because all you need is a smart suit. Girls are harder, but you could buy a fancy dress costume.
  2. Try and eat old fashioned too. You don't have to entirely stop eating things they didn’t have in the era you're trying to emulate, but you should try to eat them less. This includes fizzy drinks (cola), new sweets (Wham bar). Try to eat old food such as bread or cheese and try drinking milk or water more often.
  3. Speak in an old fashioned way. If you want people to notice you are trying to be old fashioned, try speaking posh. Use words like shall, stupendous, flabbergasted, ridicule, marvellous, leisurely, indeed and 'tis.
  4. Act like a true Victorian. Sit up straight instead of slouching, Don't be rude, and if you are make sure somebody gives you a ticking off. Make sure no-one whacks you with a cane though!
  5. Try to know about old customs and beliefs too. They can help your attitude.
  6. Just try and be yourself. If you think you are a modern person, and that you like the way you were made, try and keep it that way.


  • Don't be too much old fashioned just for people to notice you are trying to be so.Be so only if it makes you comfortable.


  • Be sure that this is the image you want on other person's mind.
  • Don't be depressed if you get negative responses.Just continue if you feel good in your change.

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