Be Prepared for a Pop Quiz
Pop quizzes can become your friend if you prepare for them well. If you prepare well, you can come to think of pop quizzes as fun exercises meant to prepare you for more important tests. By paying attention in class and creating good study habits, you can ace your pop quizzes. If you do well on your pop quiz, don't forget to reward yourself for all your hard work with ice cream or a movie with friends.
Giving the Pop Quiz Your Best Shot
- Get enough sleep. Sleeping is an essential element in the learning process. Make sure to get your recommended seven to eight hours of sleep per night. Getting adequate sleep will help your brain process the information you learned the day before. Therefore, you will be able to remember the information better.
- Review your notes and flash cards before class. Before class, always review your notes and flashcards. Since pop quizzes are unexpected, this will ensure that you will be prepared for any pop quiz. Review your flashcards with a friend, and focus your attention on the flashcards that you have difficulty with.
- Be sure to review your past pop quizzes and note what type of material they covered.
- Get advice from other students or older siblings. If a classmate or older sibling has had your teacher before, then they are more familiar with your teacher's tendencies and habits. Ask them about when your teacher is most likely to give out a pop quiz, and how often your teacher gives pop quizzes. Having more insight on your teacher's teaching style and habits will help you prepare better for their pop quizzes.
- For example, your teacher might not assign homework the night before if there is a pop quiz the next day. Or, if your teacher keeps reminding everyone during the week that they should be focusing on a certain subject or topic, this could be clue to an upcoming pop quiz.
- Be positive. Some students get anxiety when they think of pop quizzes. However, if you have prepared yourself by doing your assignments, studying and reviewing your notes, and by making flashcards, there is no need to be anxious. Remember that pop quizzes are meant to help you and your teacher understand which information you need to spend extra time on in order to be prepared for the big test.
- Try to think of pop quizzes as fun exercises, and reward yourself afterwards if you do a good job.
- Remember that pop quizzes do not make or break your semester grade.
- Calm your nerves. If you suffer from test anxiety the day of the pop quiz, practice breathing techniques in class. By learning to control your breathing, you can lower your heart rate, and thus calm your nerves and restore your sense of confidence.
- Practice breathing techniques by closing your eyes, breathing through your nose, and exhaling through your mouth. Try to do this at least three times. As you are breathing in, visualize that you are breathing in positivity and confidence. Then, as you exhale, visualize that your are releasing negativity, i.e., anxiety, from your system. Your mind should clear, and you should be able to remember how well prepared you are for the pop quiz.
- You can also calm your nerves by using your previous quiz experiences to help you predict what will be asked on the pop quiz, and how the questions will be asked.
Paying Attention in Class
- Listen for clues. If you teacher is prone to giving pop quizzes, they will most likely emphasize points during class that they want you to remember. Pay close attention to the points your teacher emphasizes, and jot them down in your notes. Put a star next to these points to indicate that it is important information, so that you can spend extra time studying to remember the information.
- If your teacher repeats information more than once throughout class or the week, chances are that it is important information and will be on the pop quiz.
- When your teacher is presenting information and they say, “This is very important” or “This might come up again,” this information will most likely be on the pop quiz.
- Depending on your teacher, they may give hints that a pop quiz is coming up soon or they may be fairly predictable about when they give quizzes. For instance, you might notice that your teacher tends to give pop quizzes a day or two after a new subject or concept is introduced.
- Ask your teacher what coursework pop quizzes will cover. Obviously your teacher isn't going to tell you exactly what's on the quiz, but they might let you know whether quizzes cover homework, lectures or assigned readings. Commonly teachers make their pop quizzes about homework to encourage you to do it! Some teachers might also be OK with telling you things like whether the quiz will be multiple choice, short answer or an essay or how many pop quizzes to expect each grading period.
- Some teachers will insist on not giving any information, or even deliberately try to take you off-guard with a pop quiz right after a holiday, but are more reasonable and it usually doesn't hurt to ask politely about these things.
- Take detailed notes in class. During class, take notes on information that is on the syllabus or that was covered in your assignments you did the night before. Also, take notes on ideas or connections that you make in your head while the teacher is presenting. This will enable you to remember the information better.
- Write down examples the teacher uses to explain concepts, particularly examples that stand out to you, i.e., examples that created a vivid image in your mind.
- Develop personal abbreviations that will allow you to take notes quicker. For example, make abbreviations for concepts or ideas that have long names.
- Paraphrase what your teacher says. You can remember things better if they are in your own words.
- Ask questions in class. Always ask questions in class to clarify concepts or ideas that you do not understand. While doing your assignments the night before, come up with a list of questions on the things you have difficulty understanding or that you find interesting. If the information your teacher presents in class still hasn't cleared up your confusion, ask the question in class.
- Talk to your teacher. Before or after class, talk to your teacher about any study guides they might have that can prepare you for a pop quiz. If they do not have a formal study guide, ask your teacher what they expect you to learn from their class. You can say, “I would like to be well prepared for any future pop quizzes. Today I learned X, Y, and Z during class. Is there anything I am missing? Am I understanding the information correctly?”
- You can also ask them about the information that you should pay special attention to when you read the assigned chapters for homework.
Studying for Your Pop Quiz
- Create a study plan. Create a study plan by outlining your study goals, and how much time you will spend studying and reviewing each week. It is important that you write your study plan down so that you can stick to it.
- Identify and write down your study goal. For example, “I want to be prepared for my pop quizzes.” In a planner or on a calendar, set aside how many hours per week you think you will need to be prepared for your pop quiz. Then, find times throughout the week where you can fit in your study hours. For example, one hour after dinner, one hour each Saturday, or one hour before or after work.
- Take notes on each chapter. While reading your chapter assignments, take detailed notes. Take notes on information your teacher presented in class. Write out the definitions of new words you encounter. Take notes on concepts and ideas you do not fully understand so you can ask them in class the next day.
- When taking notes, follow the chapter order. This will make your notes logical and easier to study.
- Make flash cards. When taking notes, make flash cards of important information so you can review this information easily. Make your flash cards by writing down key concepts and ideas one side, and the answers or explanations on the other side. Try to review your flash cards at least three times a week, or before you sleep.
- Do the practice tests at the end of each chapter. To test your knowledge, do the practice tests at the end of each chapter. Spend extra time studying the information that you got wrong. Include the information you missed in your flash cards so you won't get it wrong on the pop quiz.
- If your book doesn't have practice tests at the end of each chapter, you can make your own practice tests. Make your own practice tests by creating questions based on your notes. Make these questions open-ended questions where you have to write out the answers. By writing out the answers, you will remember the information better.
- Have a friend create a practice test for you. This is a great way to make preparing for pop quizzes fun and effective.