Be a Bald and Beautiful Woman

More and more women nowadays are shaving their heads. Maybe it's because you're sick and you've lost your hair, maybe it's because you're donating your hair, or maybe you simply want to shave your head for the fun of it. Many women are very attached to their hair, this article is here to help out all those women with bald heads who need to feel as beautiful as anybody else, with or without hair!


Maintaining your confidence

  1. Have confidence. Any person on this planet, even supermodels, would look unappealing and seem unapproachable if they lacked confidence. Smile, stand up straight, and be proud of who you are, no matter what. If you're confident and okay with who you are, others will pick up on that vibe. Confidence is a way of telling other people that you count and that they need to deal with that.
  2. Find things that you like about yourself. You've lost your hair, but this is only one part of your body. Look into the mirror and find other things you like about yourself. Do you like the colour of your eyes? The shape of your face? Your lips? Just because you don't have hair doesn't mean that you've lost all your other beautiful features.
    • Do a search online, such as using Pinterest or Google images for "bald women". You'll see many amazing photos of bald women who have made themselves up in all different, inspiring ways that might influence your own take on some of their ideas.
  3. Realize that being bald doesn't make you any different. Sure, you may look different than some people, but there are tons of women without hair! People who insult bald women are simply ridiculous. It's the same thing as saying "That girl looks funny because her hair is long!" It just doesn't make sense.


  1. Keep the makeup light. When it comes to makeup, the general rules apply: do not overdo it. Having no hair doesn't mean you can wear more makeup. Stick to the basics - you don't have to cake on makeup just because you don't have hair.
  2. Consider a head tattoo. It could be impermanent (henna or Sharpie) or permanent. You could tattoo on spirals, patterns, hair locks, an image, anything you like really.

Clothing and accessories

  1. Emphasize your more feminine features. Be sure to wear slightly girlier clothes if that's okay with your general style, because some women may feel they look boyish without locks. Wear some earrings, a dress, flats, and clothes that accentuate your figure. If your personal style isn't girly, don't change it just because you're bald. Wear what you like to wear and what makes you feel comfortable.
  2. Wear earrings. Consider wearing big, bold earrings. Or, if you don't want to wear big earrings, try emphasizing one ear. For example, wear a diamond stud in each ear and wear several small diamond studs in one ear. This really adds a nice touch.


  • Most bald women actually look very beautiful. Have confidence in yourself.
  • Remember that all in all, it's just hair. You can survive without it.
  • Don't ever feel bad because you are bald. Certainly there are many other women in your position, and remember that absolutely everyone is beautiful in some way.
  • Know that just because you're bald doesn't make you a different person than you were before. You're not automatically ugly just because you're bald. You're the same beautiful person that you always were, inside and out.
  • Not all women look good with very long hair, so don't panic. Your new look may be far better than anything hair could ever achieve!


  • Brace yourself for the mean people. Be ready just in case someone makes fun of the way you look. 99% of the people you know will never make fun of you, but there may be that one person that says something mean. These people are just a bad part of life that everyone must deal with. You may not like it, but hey, you don't have to like them.

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