Be a Cool Hippie

You like hippies, huh? Well, this isn't for everyone, so if you're not slightly hippie right now, then this might not work for you. But if you just want to read this for the heck of it, then go ahead.


  1. Try to be funny and serious at the same time.
  2. Love your country; criticize your government.
  3. Try to be calm and collected. This may be hard for some people.
  4. It's OK to dislike people's actions, just love them as a person.
  5. Laugh a lot.
  6. Be yourself! Listen to whatever music you want, wear the clothes that appeal to YOU. No one else should tell you what you should like and if they do (which they will) don't listen to them, if they're the kind of person who tries to hurt people you shouldn't take their advice much less criticisms seriously. However, it's not necessary to brag about your differences; just set an example.
  7. Advocate love as opposed to hate -- peace as opposed to war -- self-expression as opposed to inhibition.
  8. Give peace a chance!
  9. Do free. Be willing to help others for free -- or take it out in trade or barter. The hippie subgroup known as the Diggers believe that ultimately money will be abolished, that all work will be done for free or trade.
  10. Make everyone your friend.
  11. Everyone's your friend now as a hippie, so make people who hate the world your very distant friends.
  12. Don't let anything bug (bother) you or bring you down.
  13. It's not necessary to use words like solid, groovy, dig, etc., but if you want to, find a guide to 60s slang such as The Hip Pocket Book.
  14. Some popular hippie reading material includes Siddhartha by Hesse, Lord of the Rings by Tolkien, and the writings of Mahatma Gandhi and John Lennon. However, you should choose the reading material you prefer. Same with your musical choices.
  15. Wear a cool headband.


  • Hippie fashions include tie-dye, hemp jewelry, peace symbols and rasta.
  • Be rebellious and flow against the tide.
  • Let your inner beauty shine!
  • Deny all stereotypes. Tie-dye? Not mandatory. Drugs? A personal choice. Many hippies in the 60s felt that a natural diet (especially vegetarianism), meditating and staying healthy were the keys to a 'natural high'. True hippies defy all rules and regulations. In fact, if you are merely following instructions like these to be a hippie, instead of using them as just hints to inspire you on your own path, you aren't a hippie yet.
  • Cool events where you can meet other people who are hippies include burning man, rainbow festivals and music concerts such as phish and wide spread panic.


  • Remember, you grow up knowing what you want, what you like, who you are, and who you want to kick with peace.
  • Remember that it is not necessary to take drugs just because you're a hippie.
  • If you choose to take drugs, remember that your experiences could be bad if you don't know what you're doing - ask yourself whether this is what you really want, and if yes, gather information, for instance from a site like

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