Be a Qualified Manager

Do you want to became a manager? Well this information will give you an idea of the requirements. A manager is some one who co-ordinate and overseas the work of other people so that organisation goals can be accomplished. However there are certain skills needed in order to perform effectively on certain levels.


  1. First of all you need to know the levels of manager that are available in the working world. There are three levels of managers within a traditionally structured organization, the First line Managers, Middle line Managers and the Top managers.
  2. To become a first line manager you will have to be responsible for emotional intelligence and coaching for performance. First line Managers are also known as supervisory / operative level of management. It consists of supervisors, foreman, section officers, superintendent etc. The role of the first line manager is arguably one of the most important tasks in any organisation or business.Gaining the commitment of front line staff, meeting the needs of customers and middle /senior managers at the same time is pivotal if the organisation or business is to achieve success.Getting the best out of staff, often in circumstances where time and resources are limited, is a demanding task for all managers but for newly appointed first line managers and those with limited experience of managing people the challenges are daunting.
  3. To become a qualified middle line manager you will ave to be able to work well with both first line and top line managers.Middle line Managers are branch managers and departmental managers within an organization. They are responsible to the top management for the functioning of their department. They devote more time to organizational and directional functions.Middle managers are responsible for implementing the top management's policies and plans and typically have two management levels below them. Usually among the first to be slashed in the 're-sizing' of a firm, middle management constitutes the thickest layer of managers in a traditional (tall pyramid shaped) organization.
  4. To become a qualified top line manager you must be able to think well in abstract situations. Top line managers are consists of board of directors, chief executive or managing director. The top management is the ultimate source of authority and it manages goals and policies for an enterprise. It devotes more time on planning and coordinating functions.Top managers in most organizations have a great deal of managerial experience and have moved up through the ranks of management within the company or in another firm. An exception to this is a top manager who is also an entrepreneur; such an individual may start a small company and manage it until it grows enough to support several levels of management. Many top managers possess an advanced degree, such as a Masters in Business Administration, but such a degree is not required.


  • To become a well qualified manager there are certain managerial skills required to do so. These managerial skills are divided into three: Technical skill, Human Skill and Conceptual skills.
  • To be a qualified manager you a required to have the technical skill ability. These are job specific knowledge and techniques needed to proficiently perform task. This basically means that manager needs to know how to do the job they are supervising so that they would know whether or not the work is being down properly, and if not they will be able to correct the problem. This type of Managerial skill will mostly be used at first line management.
  • A manager must be able to work well with other people, individually or in groups, the ability to do this is know as human skill. The reason for this skill is that they will all have to interact with people and when doing so they have to do it in polite manner. They will also need this skill in order to give good advise to their workers and also to motivate them towards their work. This type of skill is demanded at all levels of management.
  • Managers are also required to have the conceptual skill. This is the ability to think and conceptualize abstract and complex situations.Conceptual skill is the ability to visualize (see) the organisation as a whole. It includes Analytical, Creative and Initiative skills. It helps the manager to identify the causes of the problems and not the symptoms. It helps him to solve the problems for the benefit of the entire organisation. It helps the manager to fix goals for the whole organisation and to plan for every situation. This type of managerial skill is used by the top line managers.