Be an Effective Healer

Being an effective healer requires the practitioner to be mindful of self-care and boundaries when working with clients. This article tells how.


  1. Care for your clients. As healers in the world we all take on a certain amount of responsibility for the well-being of our clients. That doesn’t mean it is our job to ‘cure’ them, but it definitely requires us to be present, hold space, and offer the best to them.
  2. Avoid adopting the emotional energy of others. Learn the ways in which to not ‘take on’ the emotional/energetic issues of clients. Yet, although you will maintain a clear channel in your work, realize that client’s stories will still affect you. Think about how you can be a caring and compassionate helper in the world and not be effected by other’s sufferings.
  3. Learn the ways of ‘discharging’ the built-up trauma of a client. Be firmly grounded during the session and take time after it has concluded to do dry bathing, drink water, and use the bathroom to continue flushing out any vibrational resonance from the session.
  4. Receive adequate bodywork sessions yourself. Trade sessions with others, and occasionally indulge in a massage, acupuncture or chiropractic sessions. These supportive sessions should be part of all practitioners’ wellness program.
    • Others include: taking time away from work, on retreat, reflection and infusion into nature. The natural world has an incredible way of restoring balance to the system and should also be included in a practitioner’s wellness program.
  5. Follow all the other good things you tell your clients: proper diet, exercise, sleep, etc. goes for you too, but we’re all human and occasionally that gets out of balance.
    • The key is to return to center.
    • That’s what we help do for our clients, we need to remember to do for ourselves as well.

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