Become Famous on MovieStarPlanet

Become famous on MovieStarPlanet by setting up a plan to win with kindness, being supportive of others and using your smarts to gather starcoins and gain interest from other players. This article suggests a variety of things that you can do in combination to increase the chances of becoming well known on MSP––just be aware that it won't happen overnight but with persistence, it will likely happen over time.


Watching and making movies and artbooks

  1. Make movies. Making movies and watching movies is the most obvious of all methods. If your movie is short, you get 10 Starcoins ( currency ) but if your movie is longer, you get 25 Starcoins. Add VIPs and use their animations. Make sure they have animations.
    • Get people to watch your movies!
    • Make friends and share your movies with them.
    • Watch short movies. You get 10 Starcoins everytime without having to watch something super long.
    • Make a series. People will be more interested in watching a series.
  2. Make short movies. Short movies are a five scene movie that you can make quickly for fame, and starcoins!
  3. View lots of artbooks. If you love artbooks, you get StarCoins and you give people fame. If you comment by saying "cool movie" or "awesome artbook" a lot, you'll have a great reputation of being nice and friendly.

Interacting with other players

  1. Be nice to people and make friends. If you want to be popular and famous, you have to be known by people, and the best way to do this is make friends and be nice! If you're mean people won't want to befriend you and you'll be known in a not-so-kind way. Be nice and compliment people, give them autographs, and so forth.
    • Have a good attitude. If you're always grumpy and negative, no one will want to be your friend and you'll be disliked. Write nice comments on friends walls, or support other people's work. Then people will want to give back to you and you will have a good reputation.
  2. Go to chatrooms. If you go there often and chat, you'll make some friends. Find something interesting to chat about and people will respond.
  3. Go to forums. You can click on some, read them and comment. Make sure they're nice and positive or if it's negative, you'll be disliked. You can make your own by clicking the plus button. Only level 6 or VIPs can post forums.
  4. Friend high leveled MovieStars. If you give them a lot of autos, help them get fame, and say lots of nice things to them, they might want to add you and they might say nice things about you to get you known.
  5. If you're level 6 and have a lot of StarCoins (currency) then buy people gifts from their wishlist. If you're a VIP, give people greets or diamond rides. You can only give 1 auto per hour if you don't have VIP.
  6. Ask your friends for favors. If you have a very close friend, they would do anything for you. Ask them to out them in their movies and artbooks or to autograph you.

Undertaking missions

  1. Do the missions that MSP wants you to do. Click on the little icon that wants you to do activities, then follow the instructions.

Purchasing items

  1. Go shopping. If you have a lot of StarCoins (currency) you can buy a lot of fashionable clothes or items. Shop for outfits that go together, rather than mixing and matching.
    • Buy good animations and clothes. You can make better looks and movies with clothes and animations. Be unique and creative. Don't let people judge your looks!

Playing games

  1. Play games for coins and fame. If you play a game like Dress Up you can spin the Starcoin wheel if you win. You also get up to 500 fame whether you win or not, but it depends what place you get.

Petting animals

  1. Pet animals for starcoins. There are many varieties of Boonies and Bonsters. If you pet then you get Starcoins! The most well-known method is to go to high scores and select pets, then click the owner name and go to their room. They have tons of animals to pet. It may take a while to get Starcoins from this method but everyday you can re-pet an animal.


  • Make sure your status has good things like hearts. Here's a copy and paste one: ❤ .
  • Watch short movies so you can get money to get fashionable clothing.
  • Log on often so you can try out these tips often.
  • Be unique and different, you might be known for something different, not like being a high level or being a forumer.
  • Always, always, always love your friends looks, movies, artbooks, and statuses when they make them.
  • Name your movies with titles that are sure to catch people's attention. Use good grammar, and ensure that the movie has a good plot. Random movies tend to get bad reviews.
  • Be nice to others and have a positive attitude. No one likes it when you're grumpy and mean.
  • Get membership. It is pretty expensive, but there are going to be many great features if you get VIP membership. You can get fame easier, you get diamonds which is a special currency that can be used to buy various upgrades and some that can get you fame, you can autograph people every 2 minutes which is useful for getting friends and more popular because everybody likes to get autos. You also get many Starcoins.
  • Use grammar and appropriate smileys! People like this a lot better and you seem more sophisticated.


  • Don't be mean. Don't be scary or threaten people that you will hack them/steal their account. You will be known, but in a bad way. People will report you for saying mean things.
  • Don't spread rumors. If you do people will not want to add you, because they will think you are a bratty gossip queen.
  • Be kind- don't swear. Use your common sense!

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