Become a Botanist
Botanists are biological scientists who study algae, mosses, conifers, fungi and plants and their environments. There are many types of careers available to botanists depending on the level of education you have obtained. With a bachelor's degree in plant science, you can work as a laboratory technician or assistant in various fields that study plants and the environment (such as industry jobs or government positions) or as an expert at a museum or botanical garden. With advanced training, you can work as a lead researcher in these same fields, or you can conduct research and teach at a university.
You also may seek ways to use plant species to make consumer products like medications, fuel and food. Even if you are not interested in establishing a career as a botanist, you can learn more about botany and apply it to your own life as a gardener or horticultural hobbyist.Contents
Becoming a Botanist with Undergraduate Training
- Focus your high school curriculum. Most high schools require specific courses in order to graduate, but there are ways you can focus your studies and learn some important skills during your high school years to help you during college.
- In addition to required coursework, choose courses in chemistry, physics, and biology. The more science, the better, but don't forget to also devote yourself to studying English (or your local language), math, and the humanities-- these are all important for your college success and will be used throughout any career.
- Study a foreign language. You can get a leg up on college studies by beginning your foreign language skills now and honing them further throughout college. If you know a country you'd like to work in, choose that language; if you're American and you don't know what language to choose, learn Spanish, which is increasingly valuable for job seekers in the United States.
- Aim for relevant work experience early on. If you need to take a job during high school or college to support yourself, don't just waste your time at the local fast food restaurant or daycare when you could be using those years to gain valuable work experience. Any experience you gain now in plant-related jobs will help you secure work later on.
- Apply for a job with your local plant nursery. You will learn valuable skills about plant identification and care.
- Consider landscaping. Mowing lawns may not seem like the job of a botanist, but landscaping requires knowledge of plant diets, climates, plant diseases, and a host of other relevant skills related to botany.
- Other choices for part-time or summer work during the high school years include work in a park or farm; florist; or summer camps, particularly science- or outdoor-themed camps.
- Get good grades. Graduate at the top of your class so that you can attend a well-regarded college with a good reputation in the biological sciences and a good career placement rate. Applying yourself to your studies will not only help you to get the grades you need, it will also increase your skills and knowledge needed to succeed in your career.
- Establish study skills early on. Check out this helpful wikiHow guide to learn about establishing and implementing study skills that will help you succeed throughout high school and college.
- Develop your research skills. In addition to studying the material you learn in your classes, it is important that you learn how to do your own research from start to finish: that means studying the existing literature on a topic, gathering data, evaluating your data, and writing it up in a report. Take assignments seriously that ask you to research a topic. Visit your local library if you need help with your research skills.
- Choose an appropriate college or university. This will depend on your career goals, your financial resources, and how well you've done in high school in order to get accepted to the college of your choice.
- When selecting a college or university, consider the specializations and majors at each school. Larger universities tend to offer more choices for courses and majors and more opportunities to work with professors on research projects, but they also tend to be more expensive and selective in admissions. Smaller colleges may only have a general botany major, but they may meet the requirements of what you need for your career and be more affordable.
- Don't overlook rural areas in your search. While a lot of students hope to attend college in a big city or on the coast, many colleges and universities in more rural areas have very well regarded programs in agricultural science or related fields because of their locations in agrarian communities.
- Complete your program of study. Most undergraduate degrees take four years to complete, and you want to be sure to maximize those years so that you learn all the needed knowledge and skills for your chosen career.
- It is helpful if you research and decide early on what you want to do with your degree so that you can focus your program of study and specialize if possible. However, be sure to take into account what jobs are actually hiring and don't just choose based on what you enjoy the most. Many college graduates learn the hard way that just because you love a specific field does not mean you will find a job in that field.
- Take core courses such as physics, biology, chemistry, plant pathology, horticulture and agronomy; these will differ depending on your university's offerings and major requirements. Also think about what types of courses will be helpful in your particular career field. Will knowing Spanish be important? Will it be useful to be proficient in computers and software? What about business management, communication, or geography? Sometimes the courses that are not required in a program of study are still necessary for your career success.
- Complete an internship in botany. The internship helps you gain the experience you need to become a botanist. Many internships during your junior or senior year of college lead to job offers and help to kick-start your career, so begin talking to your professors early on in your studies to determine what places to apply.
- Where you intern should depend on what you hope to specialize in during your career. It will also help you to know if you've made a good choice before committing to a full-time job.
- Good professors and advisors will be able to help you locate local businesses with opportunities for interns, but some places to consider include: the local government's parks and recreation department, any local zoo or botanical garden, research internships with faculty, wilderness programs, national parks, or large industrial companies that work with plant sciences like Monsanto, Pfizer, or others that are local to you.
Becoming a Botanist with Graduate Training
- Earn an undergraduate degree in biological science. An undergraduate degree takes approximately 4 years to finish. When selecting your college, consider the biological science specializations each school has. For example, larger universities may offer a major in botany along with specializations such as plant pathology, agronomy or horticulture. However, a smaller college may have only a general botany major.
- Take core requirement courses such as physics, biology, chemistry, plant pathology, horticulture and agronomy.
- Complete undergraduate electives like math, English and speech, paying close attention to what might be useful in your career path.
- Complete an internship in botany. The internship helps you gain the experience you need to become a botanist.
- Prepare for graduate school. Many careers in botany require graduate training (at the Master's or doctoral level), but attending graduate school takes some forethought and planning. Don’t rush into it: it is a huge commitment of time and money, and you want to be sure you find the right program for you.
- Research graduate school programs and find several you're interested in attending. Consider the programs of study offered, the program's prestige, the location of the school, and the packages available to graduate students (tuition waivers, stipends, health insurance, research opportunities, teaching opportunities, etc.) when narrowing down your choices.
- If you plan to attend an American university, take and pass the Graduate Record Examination (GRE), a standardized test needed to enter graduate school. The GRE tests verbal and quantitative reasoning and writing skills.
- Ask professors for letters of recommendation. Hopefully you established close mentoring relationships with your undergraduate professors and they will be able to attest to your work ethic, interest in plant science, and experience in research to date. Don't ask anyone if you are unsure what type of review they would give you.
- Complete application requirements such as sending in a letter of intent, application fee, official transcripts and a resume. Graduate school admission committees are typically composed of faculty who will be working with the admitted students, and they tend to admit students that they think will help them with their own research, so be sure to tailor your letter of intent to mention your specific interests in botany and the faculty you want to work with and why. Consider applying to several of your top schools because you are unlikely to be accepted to all of them, especially if your GRE or undergraduate grades are less than stellar or if you have no research or other background in botany.
- Attend graduate school. Depending on your program of study, this could take anywhere between two and seven years to complete.
- A master's degree in biological science usually takes 2 years to complete. You take courses in botany, participate in fieldwork and complete a thesis.
- A doctorate degree in biological science takes 5 to 6 years to finish if you are able to attend full-time, and longer if you have to work and attend part-time. A doctorate degree generally combines fieldwork and classroom instruction, extensive laboratory research and the completion of a dissertation.
- Work as a botanist. Now that you have completed your advanced training, you can begin to apply for and accept a position as a botanist in your field of expertise, working in industry, government, public policy, or as a professor.
- You can gain practical experience and additional job opportunities through temporary postdoctoral positions at a local university. Temporary postdoctoral fellowships provide a way to publish research findings and earn a permanent faculty or researching position and also help fill up your resume or curriculum vita.
- You can obtain a job through the college career placement center, online job websites, networking or classified job advertisements.
- Advancement opportunities for botanists include becoming lead researchers, consultants and managerial positions. Working as a lead botanist researcher includes directing other botanists and botany technicians in research projects. A botanist consultant consists of helping government agencies and businesses with botany issues. A managerial botanist means handling administrative duties such as obtaining funding for research projects.
- Attend seminars, workshops and courses and read academic journals to keep up to date with plant science advancements.
Learning About Botany As a Hobby
- Visit the library. The non-fiction section of the local library often contains many resources on botany. Narrow down your search by considering what exactly you want to learn about (local native plant life? gardening? plant diseases?) and then searching for those types of titles.
- Ask the librarian for help to find relevant books you might have overlooked.
- If your local library has more than one branch, go online and search the catalog of available books. Sometimes your local branch many not have a copy of a book that you might need, but you can request it from another branch and it will be sent to you.
- Don't forget that libraries are resources for more than just books: they often have classes and workshops on topics related to the community, and many libraries offer courses in plants and gardening, particularly in the springtime.
- Take advantage of the internet. There are so many resources online for learning about plants and plant care-- there has never been a better time to learn about botany from the comfort of your own home.
- If you know what you are interested in learning more about, a simple internet search can yield hours of reading material.
- Join a message board or Facebook group that focuses on your area of interest. There are so many to choose from: there are groups that focus on everything from citrus care to tomato blight! Not only will you get advice and answers from people who love to share their knowledge, but you might also make friends with similar interests.
- Consider other local resources. Depending on where you live, you may have access to many types of places for hands-on learning about plant life.
- Check out local farms, orchards, or vineyards and chat up the owners. They usually love to share their knowledge and may even welcome you back as a volunteer if you want to help out and learn more.
- Visit the local nursery or even the big-box home improvement store to learn about plants that thrive in your local environment.
- Check for local clubs or groups like a gardening club, master gardeners, urban farmers, or horticulturalists. You can sometimes find information about groups on community bulletin boards at libraries or coffee shops, or check online to find information about more tech-savvy groups.
- An undergraduate degree or a master's degree is satisfactory for some entry-level jobs in inspection, applied research, management, as a research technician or a grade school botany teacher. However, employers prefer you have a doctorate degree in botany or biology.
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