Become a Flight Controller
Flight controllers work closely with national space programs to make space missions a success. You may have seen flight controllers in movies guiding spacecraft and assisting the crew on their mission. To take on this responsibility, flight controllers have to be motivated, educated individuals. They get plenty of training before they officially begin work in this competitive field.
Getting the Right Education
- Complete a degree in aeronautical engineering or a related subject. Flight controllers come from all sorts of different study areas. Many of them get a degree in aeronautical engineering or study a physical or natural science like physics, astronomy, and biology. Others go to school for mathematics or computer science.
- To increase your chances of getting hired as a flight controller, study a technical field. Engineering, applied math, and science are the most common fields related to space flights.
- Physics, math, physiology, computers, orbital mechanics, and power generation are a few areas to consider no matter what degree you pursue.
- Take classes on computer systems and other specialist interests. Flight control teams consist of a diverse cast of specialists. Every team needs a medical specialist and a biomedical engineer, for instance. Some flight controllers work on electronics systems while others specialize in data management or logistics. Study different areas to figure out where your skills and interests lie.
- For example, if you’re interested in data management, you might take some classes on computer information systems and databases. If you’re interested in mechanical components, learn about electrical circuits and building machines.
- You don’t need to be an expert in a specific field, although specialization increases your chances of getting hired. Space agencies provide additional training after hiring new flight controllers.
- Choose communication-based activities to learn team working skills. Knowledge isn’t all there is to succeeding as a flight controller. Flight controllers work in small teams, each team responding to a flight director and spacecraft communicator. To improve your communication skills, take some public speaking courses. Take advantage of leadership opportunities through group projects or by volunteering.
- Space missions are complicated, requiring many different people to work together to succeed. Strong interpersonal skills are a big plus, especially if you’re looking to get promoted from a lower position at a space agency.
- Recruiters appreciate candidates that show initiative. As a flight controller, it’s up to you to make your voice heard. Ask for what you want and speak up when you notice a problem.
- Master time management skills to stay organized under pressure. Space missions are all about teams, so knowing how a successful team operates is an advantage for any candidate. Successful teams work well together and stay organized despite all of the tasks and paperwork roles like flight controllers deal with. Managing high-stress scenario is a key part of flight missions. These skills come from practice and experience.
- Some flight controllers get a second degree in business management or communications. Going through school a second time isn’t mandatory, but it can help you gain skills you might otherwise miss.
Gaining Relevant Experience
- Apply for space-related internships before you graduate. Even if you don’t get to train as a flight controller right away, work your way up to it. NASA, for instance, offers many different internship positions for people with skills from photography to engineering. Check other space agencies or private contractors for similar opportunities.
- NASA has internship opportunities for students 16 or older. Apply at
- Try to steer yourself toward an internship that prepares you to be a flight controller. For example, working as an engineer or a computer technician often provides valuable experience. Every space mission requires people with these skills.
- Apply for fast-paced roles related to space flight after graduation. Work experiences are the best way to show your suitability for the flight control room. Ideally, your work experience will be space-related, such as through a space agency or private contractor. If that isn’t an option, seek out opportunities that fit your educational background and allow you to grow as a leader.
- For instance, working at a fast-paced business may help you learn how to manage a team. Improving as a computer programmer or biomedical engineer can prepare you for a specific role as a flight controller.
- The exact work you do isn’t as important as the traits you put on display. Your biggest advantage is proving you’re a motivated, team-oriented individual who thrives under pressure.
- Practice flying by training on a space flight simulator. Flight controllers gain experience by using simulators that replicate plane or space shuttle movements. NASA has a free program called GMAT that lets you handle space mission support. It doesn’t have graphics, so you may also need to purchase a realistic flight simulator game in order to gain even more of an understanding about how to maneuver spacecraft.
- GMAT is available at
- Try Kerbal Space Program or X-Plane for a few graphic-based simulators.
- Space agencies also have their own flight simulators, so you get more hands-on training after being hired. Practicing in advance increases your chances of becoming a flight controller.
- Receive specialty training from a space agency once you are hired. When you get hired, the space agency puts you on a team with other new applicants. Experienced space controllers put you through basic training, which takes about 4 weeks. After basic training, a supervisor gives you additional training in your chosen specialty.
- Each part of mission control requires a different knowledge base. If you’re prepared to go into a specialty like logistics or equipment assembly, you have an advantage and are more likely to end up with the kinds of tasks you enjoy.
- The space agency will monitor your skills and aptitudes in training. They use the results to assign you to more specialized training that determines your role as a flight controller.
Applying for Flight Controller Positions
- Become a citizen of the country you wish to work in. In the U.S., for instance, this means being born in the U.S., being born to American parents, or becoming a naturalized citizen. People from other countries can work for NASA through an exchange program with their home country’s space program. Flight controllers have traditionally been government employees, but private companies designing civilian space missions may offer more opportunities for employment.
- Check your country’s space program or job applications for their official requirements. If you don’t qualify as a flight controller, you may still be able to find another role at a space agency.
- Age isn’t anywhere near as important as citizenship and other factors. In fact, many people become flight controllers right after finishing their education.
- Sign up through the recent graduate program if you have finished school. The NASA Pathways Recent Graduate Program handles anyone less than 2 years removed from finishing their education. These jobs are posted through USAJobs, although you can find them listed on NASA’s website. The recent graduate program is meant for job training, so it’s a great way to get your foot in the door after finishing school.
- Find job listings for recent graduates at
- Submit an employment application through a space agency website. If you want to bypass job training and programs and feel ready for the real deal, then apply directly for a flight controller opening. In the U.S., try applying for NASA through USAJobs. Contractors that work privately or with government space agencies may also post jobs, which you can find through a quick search online. Submit a resume listing your work experience, education, and other qualifications.
- New applicants face a lot of competition, so you can increase your chances of getting hired by staying alert. If you’re in the U.S., watch for new postings on
- Keep an eye on sites like Glassdoor, LinkedIn, and ZipRecruiter to find additional opportunities.
- Undergo a background check when the space agency requests it. After you hear back from the space agency, follow any directions they give you about completing your application. If you are considered for the job, the agency will ask you to get a background check. Once you give permission for the check, the agency looks at your criminal history to make a hiring decision.
- Because many flight controllers work with the government, security is a big concern. Flight controllers receive security clearances from the agency. If you have a criminal record, your application may be disqualified.
- The biggest employers of flight controllers in the U.S. are NASA in Washington D.C. and the Johnson Space Center in Houston. Relocation is required for training and employment.
- Flight controllers work long hours during missions, so food and drinks are allowed inside the control room.
- Good flight controllers can become flight directors. Flight directors serve as mission control, leading other flight controllers and making quick decisions during emergencies.
- Some flight controllers become astronauts. If you dreamed of becoming an astronaut, you may get a chance through your experience on flight missions.
- Flight controllers sit around a lot during missions, so you don’t go through any significant physical training when applying. Your physical health becomes more crucial if you plan on becoming an astronaut later on.
- The stress level for flight controllers can get pretty high. Flight controllers are expected to work long shifts while still making tough decisions under pressure. If you like a more leisurely pace, being a flight controller isn’t ideal.
- Non-traditional work hours are a must for flight controllers, which can cause scheduling issues. Space missions don’t take breaks, so your operation center will be active all day every day.
Things You’ll Need
- 4-year Bachelor of Science degree
- Space flight simulator
- Computer with an Internet connection
- Citizenship in the country the space agency is in
- Experience in management or team environments