Become a Great Babysitter

Having to watch children that are not your own can be a difficult task, but taking time to do research on that family is exciting. Knowing who you are about to watch is a big factor in babysitting.


Preparing Yourself

  1. Match your age to the task. Check the ages of the child or children needing babysitting. Depending on your age, this impacts the age of the kids you can be responsible for
    • If you're around this age (15 or younger) it's best to babysit an older kid about 10 years old and upward, children that can do most things for themselves. And it's best around this age to make sure the child can entertain themselves, as they may not be keen to interact with you.
    • If you're 16 or older, you should be able to babysit younger children. You must be comfortable handling small children. You should have more responsibility at this age.
    • No matter what the age of the child, don't leave any child alone. You are there to take care of them, no matter what.
  2. Ask questions. When you're ready to go in the babysitting business, don't be afraid to ask questions about the child you will be caring for; always be prepared.
  3. Bring with you pen and paper for emergency information, important phone numbers and directions to the house as soon as you arrive. Bring an emergency checklist just in case the parents don't have one. Show the parents these things, as it helps to reassure them.
  4. Let the parents know that you do believe in discipline and you won't let a child run over you. Explain that you will be strict about bedtime and not viewing unacceptable websites, etc.
  5. Gather things you might do with the kids. Include things that are within the child's interests. Consider bringing a small prize for each child at the end if they're good, such as a sticker sheet or small toy). A sample list could be: crayons and coloring pages, Play Doh, a movie, board games, a cookie recipe, etc.
  6. Be aware that the children might do things that might be frightening to you sometimes, such as throwing a tantrum, tossing toys or yelling at you. Just act in much the same way that you would if they were your own sisters and brothers and do your best to calm them down. Give a timeout if they're really misbehaving, or call the parents for advice.

Upon Arrival for the Babysitting

  1. Walk through the house and do a safety check. Close the doors to rooms you don't want the children in. Look for hazards such as matches, hanging electrical cords, medications or other things children can get hurt with or get into trouble with.
    • Check with the parents or guardians for any last minute phone numbers and contact details.
  2. Spend time getting to know the children better. Every child acts a certain way when parents aren't around.

Looking After the Children

  1. Interact. Instead of laying back on the couch watching some TV, play with the kids. It's more fun if the babysitter actually plays "House" or "Dolls" or whatever the game may be. If you have a smart phone, download a couple of educational apps and interact that way. The parents will appreciate it later!
  2. Smile. Be positive, patient, and never yell. If the kids are acting up, warn them that they won't get a special prize at the end of the day. If you're happy, the kids most likely will be, too!
  3. Play outdoors if there is daylight. Take the kids out to play. They can play tag and games like that. Try to play with them, too. The kids can play games like basketball and soccer with you.
    • Make sure the kids wear sunblock approved by the parents.
    • If you have permission from the parents, maybe take the kids out for a walk with the dog(s) or take them out to ride their bike(s) at the park.
  4. Prepare food. Check the cabinets and cook a snack or meal, as required. Make easy food, such as chicken nuggets or mac and cheese. Make sure to include veggies with the meal. Green beans or corn, for example.
    • Give the kids a small snack if babysitting throughout the day, such as fruit or fruit chews.
    • For dinner, give the kids something the parents have planned or asked you to prepare. For dessert, give them something like ice cream.
  5. Allow the kids to do something fun before bedtime. Maybe watch TV, such as Nick Jr., Disney Jr., or PBS. You could also put on a favorite movie. Or, have arts and crafts time. You can bring a craft set you bought like a jewelry maker, games, a create your own car set, or a toy airplane set. You can bring coloring books and paper and even paints. Maybe even let them explore the web with their parents permission and your supervision.
    • Some websites -,,,,,,,,, and
  6. Get the kids to bed on time, as requested by the parents. Just read them a favorite story and shut out the lights. Keep an ear out for any crying, calling out or anything else the kids are doing besides sleeping. They remain your responsibility until the parents walk back in through the door.


  • Clean up messes--the parents will be glad you did.
  • Try to make sure that the kids are having fun too. Do stuff that they like and try not to leave a kid out if your babysitting for two.
  • Ask where the first aid kit is and know how to use it. If you're really keen, learn infant and child CPR, so that if there is an emergency, you will want to handle it well. This knowledge can also increase your reputation as a good babysitter.
  • If you're babysitting more than one kid, make sure that you spend time with each of them and find a way that they both have fun.
  • If the child you are babysitting for is a toddler/still in diapers, when you change them, try giving them a toy or turning on something like music or the TV. This will help keep the kids calm and relaxed. Be sure to keep the songs appropriate for their age/s.
  • Always keep an eye on the kids, and don't get distracted. Pay immediate attention if toddlers or very young children wander off; follow them immediately to either keep watching or to bring them back to where they are under your watchful eye. Swimming pools, filled bathtubs, drain holes, stray animals, bottles of pills that look like candies and the like are traps for very young children as their understanding of risks is very limited.
  • Verify the time the parents plan to be home. Be sure you know whether you are expected to give the child a bath and/or put them to bed.
  • Make sure that the things you plan are age appropriate--for example, don't plan to take a walk in the park if the child or toddler can't even walk.
  • Always ask if the children have any allergies, because you never want them to have an allergic reaction when you are watching them.


  • Never feed the children without parental permission. Know what the children are allergic to.
  • Don't invite visitors over. It is unprofessional and distracting to your duties.
  • Don't open the door for strangers. Lock all doors and windows as soon as the parents leave.
  • Know what the children are up to at all times. Never leave children unattended.
  • Never leave out knives or anything that the kids shouldn't be getting hold of.

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