Become a Neonatal Nurse
A neonatal nurse is a nurse who specializes in the care of newborn infants who are born with various problems including prematurity, birth defects, malformations, and surgical problems.
Neonatal nurses generally care for these infants from the time that they are born to the time that they are released from the hospital. These nurses work with mothers and newborns on a daily basis and are an incredibly important part of our healthcare system.Contents
Preparing Yourself in High School
- Enroll in math and science courses. Depending on what your high school offers, taking as many science courses as possible is a great way to start on a career path to becoming a neonatal nurse. You will want to take basic science courses, such as chemistry, physics, and biology, as well as any elective science courses that may be offered (for example, courses in forensics or anatomy would be helpful). In addition, you will want to enroll in mathematics courses, particularly in subjects such as algebra and calculus. Having a strong background in math and science will make you a more attractive candidate for college-level nursing programs.
- In addition to math and science courses, you should include English and language arts, psychology, and foreign language classes in your coursework if possible. All of these classes offer skills that you will require as a neonatal nurse.
- Take Advanced Placement (AP) courses if offered. These courses can help set you apart as a particularly high-achieving student and can propel you on the right trajectory to becoming a neonatal nurse when you begin college.
- Work hard in the classroom. Admission into college-level nursing programs is very competitive, and your grade point average (GPA) will be important.
- In addition to having a high GPA, you should look to perform well on your college entrance exams (such as the SAT or ACT). A good score on these entrance exams can help you obtain a place in a great nursing program.
If you are struggling in any of your courses, talk with your teacher or an adviser to prevent getting a poor grade that may affect your chances of getting into a competitive nursing program.
- Volunteer at a local hospital.
- In order to find volunteer opportunities, check with your local hospital to see if they offer a summer volunteer program for high school student. In order to find a program near you, do an online search for “volunteer opportunities in hospital” and you will find many opportunities. Alternatively, visit your local hospital and inquire about any opportunities they may have.
- While you are volunteering, talk to nurses and to neonatal nurses in particular. They may be able to offer advice or insight into their careers that is hard to match. If you develop a relationship with a nurse, you might ask her if you can “shadow” her for a day. By following her around and seeing her day to day duties and responsibilities, you will have a better idea of what it takes to be a nurse.
Volunteering is a great way to give back to your community and it is a great activity to include on a resume when applying to nursing programs. Volunteering in a healthcare setting shows that you have exposure to the demands of working in a healthcare profession and shows that you are caring and dedicated to helping ill people feel better.
- Take a first aid or CPR class. Your school may offer these classes as part of their curriculum, or you may have to seek them out from a local community center. Taking one of these classes will demonstrate that you have experience with health-related skills and will show your motivation to become a nurse.
- To find a first aid or CPR class, visit the website of the American Heart Association. They list options for courses for the general community that you may be interested in.
- Attend nursing camp. If possible, you may want to look into attending nursing camp during one of your summers in high school. You can do an online search to see if there is a program that you can attend that’s near you. For example, Seattle Children’s Hospital offers a summer nursing camp to expose high school students to the role of a nurse in various clinical settings.
- Some nursing camps require you to apply. You will want to find out the entry requirements for a camp you may be interested in attending as early as possible.
Pursuing Neonatal Nursing in College and Beyond
- Enroll in an undergraduate education. You will want to enroll in a college or university where you can get a four-year undergraduate Bachelor of Science degree. Preferably, you will go to a university where you can receive a bachelor of science in nursing (BSN, BScN) degree.
- Within a BSN program, you will complete your general education courses and also have training in math and science requirements that will be integral to your future career as a neonatal nurse. These courses include statistics, microbiology, anatomy, and physiology.
- Do an online search for colleges and universities that you may be interested in that have BSN programs. If you are having trouble locating programs, speak with a guidance counselor or other teacher who can help you find a program that would be appropriate for you.
- Often times, states have universities and colleges that offer nursing programs. In-state tuition costs are less expensive than out of state programs, and public university is less costly then private.
- It is also essential you confirm that the program is accredited through a national organization.
- Keep up your grades. You will need to complete all the courses in your BSN program and keep your grade point average as high as possible. In order to get into a graduate nursing program (which you will need for your training in a neonatal specialty), many programs will require at least a 3.3 GPA (on a 4.0 scale) as well as a grade of B or better in all science and nursing courses.
- If possible, take neonatal nursing electives. Your college advisor may be able to recommend some relevant electives, or you can talk to certified neonatal nurses to find out what kind of classes they would recommend that you take.
- Obtain relevant work experience. In addition to having good grades, you will need relevant work experience. Many potential employers will want you to have experience in particular working with ill infants. This work experience will be critical for building up your resume. Try to get as much experience as possible working in a hospital setting, whether through internships set up by your college or university or by volunteering or shadowing neonatal nurses at a local hospital.
- Become a member of the National Association of Neonatal Nurses (NANN).
- To join NANN, visit You are able to join online, by email, by mailing a membership application, or by calling NANN Member Services.
- When applying, you will be asked some basic demographic questions, including your academic credentials, your position, your work setting, and your employment status.
- If you are a member of the National Student Nurses’ Association (NSNA), you can join NANN at a discounted rate of $45.
Membership in NANN can help you connect with practicing neonatal nurses and network with potential employers. This is a great way to connect with other students who aspire to become neonatal nurses as well as nurses in later stages of their career that may be able to offer guidance and advice.
- Pass the NCLEX exam.
- Visit the NCLEX website ( to find out what you have to do to apply and register for the NCLEX. You will need to be declared eligible to test by the board of nursing/regulatory body. You can find all the necessary details on the NCLEX website.
After graduating with your BSN, you will want to look into sitting for the NCLEX-RN exam. This exam is a comprehensive test that must be passed before you can earn your license. Passing this exam will enable you to practice in your state (and some states have licensing agreements with other states) by giving you a state license.
Continuing Your Education
- Find a job in a hospital with a NICU. After you become a registered nurse by passing your NCLEX exam, you will want to find a nursing job in a hospital that has a NICU. This will give you the opportunity to get experience with ill newborns and enable you to start developing the skills that you need for a successful career in neonatal nursing.
- Many NICUs will hire graduate nurses who have an interest in neonatal intensive care. Look for a hospital that will give you the opportunity to work in a NICU as you begin your nursing career.
- Look for hospitals that offer mentorship programs.
- Grow your career. Many neonatal nurses start out working as staff nurses who care for ill newborns in hospitals.
- Look to practice nursing in a NICU (preferably a Level III NICU, which is geared to take care of the most seriously ill and/or preterm infants) as a staff nurse before applying to graduate school. This will give you essential experience that you need for your graduate school application.
An average day can consist of assisting new moms with breastfeeding, delivering preterm infants, and caring for ill full-term infants. As you become more experienced in your neonatal nursing career you can grow your career by becoming a neonatal nurse practitioner (NNP).
- Look for graduate degree programs. To become a NNP (an advanced practice nurse who works with other staff to provide critical care to infants in the NICU), you will also need a Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) degree or a Doctor of Nursing Practice Degree in Neonatal Nursing.
- Many nursing schools will offer a MSN degree through a two-year Advanced Practice Neonatal Nursing (APNN program). Enrolling in this type of program will get you ready to become licensed as a nurse practitioner or as a clinical nurse specialist.
These programs will prepare you to work with critically ill newborns and working in delivery rooms.
- Choose your desired level. There are three different levels in the neonatal nursing specialty. The levels vary in their demands and in the level of intensive responsibilities.
- Level I nurses care for healthy infants. While still intense and demanding, this is the least demanding level of neonatal nursing.
- Level II nurses care for sick and premature babies that are in need of constant attention. They frequently work in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU).
- Level III nurses work in the NICU and monitor the most seriously ill and premature infants. In addition to caring for these infants (usually around the clock), they also are responsible for teaching parents how to properly care for their sick babies.
You should carefully reflect on what type of setting you want to work in and consider if your desire is to work with critically ill infants. Regardless of your level of nursing, you will make a difference in the lives of the infants that you care for.
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