Become an Optician

An optician dispenses eyeglasses and contact lenses based on a prescription written by an eye doctor. As an optician, you will be responsible for measuring the eyes of your patients and fitting the frames or contact lenses to a particular patient's eyes. In some areas, opticians require a state license in order to practice. Learning how to become an optician can start you on the path towards this rapidly-growing and rewarding career.[1]


Earning an Education

  1. Decide if you have the necessary skills/abilities. As you work towards a career as an optician, it's important to assess whether you're capable of working in this field. Though it's not as physically demanding as many other careers, there are some basic skills and abilities you'll need to possess in order to work well as an optician.
    • Communication skills - you will need to be able to listen patiently to a customer's questions, speak calmly/politely to customers, and explain things in a way that is easy to understand.
    • Customer service skills - since you will most likely be working in a retail setting, you will need to be knowledgable about your products and answer any questions your patients have. It will be helpful to be friendly, courteous, patient, and outgoing with customers.
    • Management skills - you may be required to contribute to the business aspects of operating an optical store. As such, you should have a working knowledge of your store's sales and inventory records, and know where to find relevant sales/inventory information as needed.
    • Manual dexterity - because of the nature of an optician's work, you'll need to have sufficient hand-eye coordination to take measurements and operate the tools used to adjust and repair eyeglasses.
  2. Take relevant courses in high school. Depending on where you live, you may be eligible to work as an optician or take the optician licensing exams with a high school diploma or GED. Other states require a postsecondary education. Whether or not you plan on attending college, it's a good idea to start taking relevant courses while you're still in high school to prepare for a career as an optician.
    • Taking courses in physics, basic anatomy, algebra, and trigonometry can help prepare you for a career as an optician.
    • Any additional math courses you take may help prepare you for the measurements and adjustments you'll need to make as an optician.
  3. Graduate high school. You will need a high school diploma or GED at the very least. Some states require further education, and some employers may require a postsecondary degree or advanced certificate as well.
    • You may be required to furnish an official transcript from your high school or GED program to your state's governing body.
    • The transcript must include the date you received your degree, and you may be required to have it sent directly from your school or GED program (not delivered by you).[2]
  4. Look into postsecondary education programs. Some states require you to successfully complete a postsecondary education program. Even if you are not required to do so, it may help make you a more marketable employee once you enter the job market.[3]
    • If you decide to pursue a postsecondary education program, you will have to choose between a two-year associate's degree or a one-year certificate. Your state may have requirements, or you may be able to choose the program you like best.
    • Check your state's optician requirements by searching online for "optician education" and your state.
    • Make sure you choose an accredited program. As of early 2016, the Commission on Opticianry Accreditation (COA) recognizes 22 accredited programs in 14 different states.
    • You can search a directory of accredited programs by visiting the COA website at
  5. Consider an apprenticeship. Because so few postsecondary optician degree programs exist, many states allow an apprenticeship instead of a degree requirement. Apprenticeships often combine hands-on training with a predetermined amount of formal education. The availability and scope of an apprenticeship will vary considerably, depending on where you live. You can find out your state's specific requirements by searching online, or by visiting and selecting your state from the drop-down menu to the right of the page. An apprenticeship program will generally require the following from all applicants[4]:
    • a completed application and applicant statement of purpose
    • a diploma, transcript, or equivalency certificate that verifies your completion of high school
    • your professional history
    • your health history
    • a criminal background check
    • letters of reference

Getting Licensed in Your State

  1. Check your state requirements. Depending on where you live, you may be required to take the American Board of Opticianry and the National Contact Lens Examiners (ABO-NCLE) licensing exams. In addition to being licensed, some states require you to pass a written exam, a practical exam, a certification exam, or some combination of these examinations. There may be additional requirements and restrictions in place, depending on where you live. Check online to see what licensing or state examinations your state requires in order to become an optician.
    • As of early 2016, there are 23 states that require you to be licensed in order to work as an optician.
    • You must be at least 18 years of age in order to be eligible for the licensing exams.[5]
    • Each state's educational requirements may vary. Some states allow you to take the licensing exams and/or work as an optician with a high school diploma or GED, while others require some level of postsecondary education.
    • Some states require you to be "of good moral character," which may entail a background check for criminal history.[6]
    • Some states require you to disclose any physical or mental health issues, substance abuse/dependency history, or previous loss of license/certification.[7]
  2. Prepare for the licensing exams. Before taking the licensing exams, you should review your study materials from your college coursework or certification program (if applicable). The ABO-NCLE also provides some study materials on their website, which may be helpful as you prepare for the exams.
    • When you arrive at the ABO-NCLE website, hover your mouse over the "Exam Information" tab, scroll through the drop-down menu, and select "Practice Area."
  3. Register for the licensing exams. There are two national competency exams administered by the American Board of Opticianry and the National Contact Lens Examiners (ABO-NCLE) in order to become licensed.[8] The ABO administers the National Opticianry Competency Exam (NOCE), which is required if you plan to measure, adjust, and dispense eyeglasses. The NCLE administers the Contact Lens Registry Exam (CLRE), which you'll need to pass if you want to measure for and dispense contact lenses.[9]
    • The exams are offered twice each year, in May and in November. You must register on the ABO-NCLE website.
    • Registration will cost $225 for each exam. If you miss the registration deadline you can still register for an additional $75 late fee per exam, as long as you complete your registration by the late deadline date.
    • You will need to give at least 24 business hours' notice if you need to change the exam time or location before your scheduled exam. There are no refunds, but you can have your exam transferred to the next testing date for a $50 transfer fee.
    • There are more than 300 PSI testing centers across the United States. Check online to see which testing center is closest to you by visiting
  4. Take the licensing exams. You'll need to take both exams if you wish to be licensed for both eyeglasses and contact lenses, but if you only plan to work with one or the other you'll need to take that exam. You will have two hours to complete each exam, which will be taken entirely on a computer at the testing site.[10]
    • When you arrive, you will need to verify your identity with a valid government-issued photo ID. Photo IDs that are not issued by the government, such as work badges or school IDs, will not be accepted.
    • You are prohibited from communicating with anyone else during the exam, and you must leave all personal items at home, in your vehicle, or outside the testing site.
    • There are 125 multiple-choice questions per exam.
    • The NOCE will test your knowledge of ophthalmic optics, ocular anatomy/physiology, ophthalmic products, instrumentation, and dispensing procedures.
    • The CLRE will test your knowledge of ocular anatomy and physiology, refractive errors, instruments used for measurement and observation, pre-fitting contact lenses, diagnostic lens fitting, dispensing procedures, follow-up assessments, and regulatory requirements.
  5. Wait for your test results. You will not get your results immediately. They will be sent to you by email some time after you've completed the exam.[11]
    • Your score will not be numeric. Instead, you will receive a pass or fail notification in the ABO-NCLE email.
    • Test results are usually emailed within four to six weeks from the end of the testing window.
    • In addition to the official email containing your results, you will receive an official certificate that is suitable for framing through the mail. It will be sent to the address you gave upon registration, and it will display the name you gave when you registered.

Finding Optician Jobs

  1. Write a strong resume. Your resume makes a first impression before you ever set foot in an employer's office. It's important to keep your resume looking professional. You should also keep it relatively short, but be sure to include all the necessary relevant information.[12]
    • Choose a professional, straightforward font type, such as Sans-serif, Helvetica, and Garamond.[13]
    • Use a normal font size between 10 point and 14 point.
    • Include your full name and contact information at the top of your resume.
    • List your qualifications near the beginning of your resume.
    • Detail any previous experience working as an optician or doing relevant work. Arrange your work experience in reverse-chronological order, with the most recent job at the top.
    • List your education in reverse-chronological order.
    • Name any professional opticianry licenses you've received.[14]
  2. Search for jobs online. Searching for a job can be frustrating. It takes a lot of patience and perseverance, but eventually you will find job listings in your area. Start searching online, as this will give you access to the most listings available.
    • You can search through general career-finder websites like Indeed and Monster, or try a specialized optician jobs board like[15]
    • You can also find optician job listings through a state-wide professional organization's website. The Professional Opticians of Florida, for example, has a career marketplace on their website for finding optician jobs across the state.[16]
  3. Complete a strong interview. Interviews may be the most stressful part of the job hunt. However, once you've gotten an interview, you know you're in a better position than many other applicants. How well you prepare for the interview can make or break your chance at an optician job.[17]
    • Research the company, it's history, and the role you'd be filling at that company.
    • Brush up on recent developments in the industry so that you can speak knowledgeably and with authority on relevant subjects.
    • Check into how opticians dress at the place you're interviewing by visiting them in person or having a friend scout it out.
    • Dress appropriately for the interview. Unless the store flaunts a casual dress code, it's best to stick with business attire (including a tie for men).
    • Leave early so that you arrive at the interview on time (or a little early, if possible).
    • Be friendly, courteous, and professional during the interview. Answer all of the interviewer's questions as best you can, and ask follow-up questions to show that you're taking a genuine interest in the company.

Working as an Optician

  1. Get on-the-job training. Many opticians receive training from an employer upon being hired. This is particularly the case if your state does not require you to have a postsecondary education. By shadowing your employer and your coworkers during on-the-job training, you'll learn how to track prescriptions, operate the necessary equipment, take measurements, and adjust/repair eyewear.[18]
  2. Keep the office organized. Because many opticians work in a retail setting, you may be required to do some basic office and storefront maintenance on the job. This may include business-related tasks, sales/cashier work, or both.[19]
    • Business-related tasks you may be responsible for include organizing sales records, tracking/sorting customer prescriptions, and ordering/maintaining optical equipment.
    • Sales/cashier work you may be responsible for include assisting customers as they browse eyeglass frames, helping customers try on frames, and completing transactions at the cash register.
  3. Take the necessary measurements. An optician's main task is to take and record precise measurements. This is the main reason why opticians are required to be proficient in mathematics.[20]
    • You may have to measure a customer's face size, size/shape of the eyes, or distance between the pupils.
    • Depending on where you work and the size of your office's workforce, you may be required to measure and cut lenses and insert them into eyeglass frames.
  4. Adjust and repair eyeglass frames. Another important aspect of working as an optician is adjusting eyeglass frames to fit the customer and making repairs when a customer's eyeglasses are damaged. You should have a working knowledge of how to use the necessary equipment to make adjustments and repairs from your apprenticeship, your formal education, or your on-the-job training.[21]


  • Remember that opticians are part of the health-care industry and must project a professional image to gain the confidence of customers. A neat, well groomed appearance is essential, since you will be dealing with people's health and well being.
  • Always double-check and triple-check the box to make sure the dispensed lenses or contacts match the patients prescription (Rx) in terms of magnification, curvature, etc.
  • Retailers with eyeglass and contact lens shops provide a large percentage of the optician jobs and are some of the likely places to apply once you have the necessary qualifications.
  • If you're having a hard time finding an optician job at a store in your area, look into job openings at area eye clinics. This may be a good way to get your foot in the door and gain valuable experience.


  • Many states require you to have a license in order to work as an optician. If it's required in your state, make sure you pass the exams and earn your license to practice.
  • Some states require you to renew your license(s) every few years. Find out what's required in your state by searching online.

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