Begin Writing a Research Paper
A Write-a-Research-Paper involves crafting an organized argument based on the sophisticated analysis of current research. Research papers can be on just about any topic, from medicine to medieval history, and they are a common assignment in many secondary schools and universities. Writing a research paper can be a daunting task, especially in those moments just before you begin to write. But organizing your thoughts and sources will make it much easier to begin writing your research paper and to avoid writer's block.
Preparing for the Assignment
- Read the assignment description carefully. Most research papers will be assigned by instructors, who will have specific parameters for the assignment. Before you write your paper, be sure that you understand exactly what is being asked of you.
- The length of the paper.
- How many sources and what types must be used.
- The appropriate topic. Has your instructor assigned a specific topic, or do you choose your own? Does he or she have any suggestions? Are there any restrictions on your choice of topic?
- The paper's due date.
- Whether you have to turn in any pre-writing tasks. For example, your instructor might ask that you submit a rough draft for peer review or turn in your outline along with your finished paper.
- What kind of format you will use. Does the paper have to be double-spaced? Do you need APA format? How are you supposed to cite your sources?
- If you are unclear about any of these important details, be sure to ask your instructor.
Some things you will likely need to know include:
- Gather your writing tools. Some people like to write on a laptop. Others may prefer a notebook and pen. Be sure that you have all the materials you require to engage in the writing process. Double-check that your computer is operational and that you have enough supplies to see you through the writing process.
- If you require a computer and Internet connection but do not own a computer, see if you can gain access to a computer lab at your public library or university library.
- Break down your assignment into component pieces, and create a timeline. Research papers often involve many steps, each one of which takes a significant amount of time.
- Day 1: Initial reading; determine topic
- Day 2: Gather research sources
- Days 3-5: Read and take notes on research
- Day 6: Create outline
- Days 7-9: Write first draft
- Days 10+: Revise into final form
- Bear in mind that research papers vary in complexity and scope. A high school research report may take two weeks, a Master's thesis may take a year, and a professor's scholarly research in her field may take years.
If you want to write a good research paper, you will not be able to cut corners. Be sure that you leave yourself enough time--at least a day or two--to complete each step. Having at least two weeks to research and write your paper is ideal. The exact timeline you create will depend on a number of factors, including the length of the assignment, your familiarity with the topic, your personal writing style, and how many other responsibilities you have. However, the following timeline is representative of the kind of timeline you may create for yourself:
- Choose one or more spaces where you can concentrate. Some people like to read and write in completely quiet, isolated environments, such as a private study room in a library. Other people are more able to concentrate in places with a bit more activity, such as a coffee shop or dormitory lounge. Have in mind a few places where you might be able to plan and write your research paper. Make sure these places have good lighting (ideally with some windows for natural light) and that there are plenty of electrical outlets for your laptop.
Determining a Research Topic
- Determine whether you need to come up with your own topic. In many cases, your research topic will be assigned to you by your instructor. If this is true for you, you can simply move on the the next stage in the process. However, if your assignment's exact topic is an open one, you will need to take some time to figure out the topic of your research paper.
- Choose a topic that fits the assignment parameters. Even if the topic is an open one, you will still likely have some limitations on the topic you choose.
- For example, your microbiology professor will not want a terrific research paper on the philosophy of the Enlightenment. Similarly, an American literature instructor who asked you to write about F. Scott Fitzgerald will not be happy if you hand in an essay about Jeff van der Meer. Stay focused and relevant.
Your topic must be relevant to the class you are taking and to the specific assignment you were given. For example, your topic might need to be related to something that was covered in your lecture. Or your topic might need to have something to do with the French Revolution. Make sure that you understand what is being asked of you so that your research topic is relevant.
- Make a list of relevant topics that are interesting to you. Once you have understood the assignment's parameters, you can begin brainstorming possible topics that fit those parameters.
- Glance through your course texts and lecture notes. Where there any topics that grabbed your attention? Did you highlight any passages in your book because you wanted to learn more? These might be excellent cues to point you to a topic.
- Consider which specific reading assignments you have enjoyed the most so far. They might lead you to a topic.
- Have a conversation with a classmate about your course. Talk about what excites you (or what doesn't excite you), and use that as a jumping-off point.
It is possible that a great topic will hit you instantly. It is more likely, however, that you will need to take some time to brainstorm before settling on your specific topic. Be sure that your potential topics are all ones that you find interesting: you will have to spend a lot of time researching this subject, and the task will be more pleasant if you enjoy it. In order to brainstorm interesting topics, you can:
- Settle on a tentative topic. After you have made your list of exciting topics, take a moment to look at them. Are there any that jump out at you? Do you notice any patterns? For example, if half of your list has to do with weaponry of the First World War, that is a good indication that that is where your interests lie. Other things to consider as you choose a tentative topic include:
- Its relevance to the assignment. Does it fit all assignment parameters?
- The amount of research material available on the topic. You can be pretty sure that there is a wealth of published information available about medieval French monasteries. However, there might not be a lot of published material available about the way Catholic priests in Cleveland respond to rap music.
- How narrow your research topic must be. Some research paper assignments are very specific: for example, you might be asked to research the history of a single object (like the Frisbee). Other kinds of research paper assignments are quite broad, such as if you are asked to survey the way women are involved in warfare. It helps if your topic is narrow enough that you will not be completely overwhelmed by information but broad enough to allow you to engage meaningfully with your resources. For example, you will not be able to write a good 10-page paper on the topic of "World War II." That is too broad and overwhelming. You might, however, be able to write a good 10-page paper on "How Chicago's Newspapers Depicted World War II."
- Read lightly about the tentative topic for 1-2 hours. Before you have settled on a definite topic, it does not make sense for you to read research materials in any kind of depth. That would be a waste of time. However, it is helpful to do just a little bit of light reading on your topic to make sure that it is viable. You might discover that your tentative topic is too broad or too narrow, or you might discover that your tentative topic will not allow you to make a meaningful contribution. After reading about your tentative topic, you can:
- Decide that the tentative topic is viable and pursue it
- Decide that your tentative topic requires some tweaking
- Decide that this topic is completely unviable, and test out another tentative topic from your list
- Run your research topic by your instructor. Many Communicate-With-Your-Professor and teaching assistants are happy to provide suggestions to those writing research papers. If you are not certain whether your topic is a good one, one of your instructors might be able to guide you. Your instructor will likely have office hours for you to attend, which will allow you to talk about your paper ideas.
- It is also a good idea to talk to your instructors early in the writing process so that you can take their advice about where to look for resources or how to structure your paper.
- Remember to be prepared and articulate when you meet with an instructor about your paper topic. They will want you to have thought carefully about your topic and your ideas before meeting with them.
Gathering Research Materials
- Gather your primary sources. Primary sources are the original objects you are writing about, whereas secondary sources are commentaries about a primary source.
- A work of literature
- A film
- A manuscript
- Historical documents
- Letters or diaries
- A painting
You are more likely to have primary sources if you are writing a research paper in a humanities, arts, or social science field. A hard science field is much less likely to involve the analysis of a primary source. Depending on the topic of the research paper, you might need to have available:
- Search online for secondary sources and references. Many universities and schools subscribe to searchable databases to allow you to hunt for reference material.
- If your school does not subscribe to major databases, you can search online for open-access journals or use tools like Jstor and GoogleScholar to begin to find solid research material. Just be wary about sources you find online.
- Sometimes these databases will provide you with access to the source itself--such as a PDF version of a journal article. In other cases, these databases will simply provide you with a title for you to track down in a research library.
These databases might help you locate journal articles, scholarly monographs, scientific papers, indexes of sources, historical documents, or other media. Use a keyword search or Library of Congress subject headings to begin to find published material that is relevant to your topic.
- Use a library search engine to compile a list of sources. In addition to searchable databases, your own local public library, research library, or university library will likely have Locate-a-Book-in-a-Library in their collections. Use the library's internal search engine to begin tracking down relevant subject headings, authors, keywords, and topics.
- Be sure that you keep a careful list of the titles, authors, call numbers, and locations of these sources. You will have to track them down soon, and keeping careful records will prevent you from having to re-do any searches.
- Visit the library. Many libraries organize their shelves according to subject area. This means that if you are gathering material on a single topic, it is likely that the books will be shelved closely together.
- Be aware that many libraries shelve their periodicals in a separate section from their books. Sometimes these periodicals are not permitted to leave the library, in which case you might need to create a photocopy or digital scan of the article.
The results from your search in the library system's search engine should point you to the most likely place--or places--for you to find relevant books. Be sure to scan the shelves that surround the books you're searching for: you might find relevant sources that did not appear in your web-based search. Check out any books that you think might be relevant.
- Talk to a librarian. Librarians are very knowledgeable about their collections. Some library systems even have librarians who are specialists in particular areas such as law, the sciences, or literature. Talk to a librarian or a research librarian about your topic of interest. He or she might be able to point you in some surprising and useful directions.
- Vet your potential sources for accuracy. There is a wealth of information out there, some of which is accurate and some of which is not. It can sometimes be difficult to tell which is which.
- Make sure your sources are peer-reviewed. Peer review is a process by which scholars and scientists test each other's work for accuracy. If a work has not gone through a peer-review process, it is possible that the source is inaccurate or sloppy.
- Do not rely too heavily on popular websites. Wikipedia and similar websites are useful sources of quick information (such as an important date), but they are not the best places for in-depth analysis. Take information from popular websites with a grain of salt, and check the information against scholarly sources.
- Look for books published with reputable presses. If your source is a published book, make sure the book was published with a decent press. Many of the best presses are affiliated with major universities, which is a helpful clue. Do not trust information that comes from a self-published book.
- Ask experts in your field about their favorite journals. Some scientific and scholarly journals are better than others. It can be difficult for a student to understand the differences between a top-tier and a second-tier journal, so you should ask an expert for advice about the most reliable sources of information.
- Look for sources that have good footnotes or endnotes. While there are some exceptions to this, in general most solid research will have careful citations. If you've found an article without any footnotes, that is an indication that the author did not review anyone else's research, which is a bad sign.
However, there are some tools you can use to make sure your research sources are not leading you astray:
- Read the footnotes to get further suggestions. One of the best places to find ideas for further research is in the Write-Footnotes or endnotes of sources that have been particularly helpful to you. Footnotes or endnotes are where an author cites his or her own research sources, which creates a paper trail that you can follow too. If you respect an author's conclusions, it would be worthwhile for you to examine the sources that inspired her ideas in the first place.
- Keep your research materials together and organized. By this point, you should have a number of books checked out from the library as well as journal articles or scientific articles printed out or on your computer. Create a system to keep these materials organized. Create a separate folder on your laptop for relevant journal articles, for example, and keep your research books on a single shelf. You don't want these valuable sources to get lost.
Using Research Materials Wisely
- Analyze your primary sources closely. If you are writing a research paper that analyzes a primary source, you should start by closely examining your primary materials. Read them closely, look at them closely, and take careful notes. Consider writing down some initial observations that will help ground you. After all, you don't want your own thoughts to get lost when you begin reading expert opinions on the topic.
- Skim secondary materials for relevance. Do not assume that every source will be equally relevant to your research topic. Sometimes titles are deceiving, and sometimes you might discover that a study is flawed or completely off-topic. Assume that only about half of the sources you've compiled will end up serving your purpose. Before you begin taking detailed notes, decide whether or not a source is worth reading in depth. Some ways to figure this out quickly include:
- Skim over chapter headings and section headings to determine major topics. Flag any specific sections or chapters that might be particularly relevant to you.
- Read the introduction and conclusion first. These sections should let you know the topics covered by the author and whether or not they apply to you.
- Skim through the footnotes. These should give you an idea of the kinds of conversations the author is involved in. If you are writing a psychology paper and the footnotes of an article are all citing philosophers, that source might not be relevant to you.
- Decide which materials to read in depth, which materials to read portions of, and which to discard. After skimming your research materials, decide which ones are likely to help out your research the most. Some sources will be very useful, and you might want to look through the entire work. Other sources might only have small sections that are relevant to your research. Remember that it is perfectly fine to read a single chapter out of a book instead of the whole thing. Other sources might be completely irrelevant; you can simply discard them.
- Take careful notes. It is normal to be overwhelmed with information while writing a research paper. You will be introduced to new concepts, new terms, and new arguments. In order to keep yourself organized (and in order to remember clearly what you have read), make sure that you take careful notes as you go.
- The source's major argument or conclusion
- The source's methods
- The source's key pieces of evidence
- Alternative explanations for the source's results
- Anything that surprised or confused you
- Key terms and concepts
- Anything you disagree with or doubt in the source's argument
- Questions you have about the source
- Useful quotations
If you are working on a photocopied article, you can write directly on the page. Otherwise, you should keep a separate notebook or word processing document to keep track of the information you read. Things you should write down include:
- Cite information carefully. As you take notes, be sure that you indicate exactly which source provided you with the information. Most citations include the author's (or authors') names, date of publication, title of publication, journal title (if relevant) and page number(s). Other possible information to include might be the publisher's name, the website used to access the publication, and the city in which the source was published. Remember that you should cite a source when you quote it directly as well as when you have simply gleaned information from it. Not doing so could lead to accusations of plagiarism or academic dishonesty.
- Use whatever citation format your professor requested. Common citation formats include Write-in-MLA-Format, Cite Sources-in-Chicago-Manual-of-Style-Format, Write-an-APA-Style-Paper, and CSE style. All of these have online style guides that can help you cite your sources appropriately.
- There are many computer programs that can help you format your citations easily, including EndNote and RefWorks. Certain word processing systems also have citation programs to allow you to build your bibliography.
- Organize and consolidate the information. As you continue to take notes, you should begin to see some patterns emerging about your topic. Are there any major disagreements that you notice? Is there general consensus about certain things? Have most of the sources left out a key topic from their discussions? Organize your notes according to these key patterns.
Making an Outline
- Open a new blank document. This will be where you outline your paper. An outline is a key step to writing a research paper, especially research papers that are on the longer side. An outline will help keep you focused and on-task. It should also expedite the writing process. Remember that a good outline does not have to have entire, smooth paragraphs. Instead, an outline will only contain the most vital pieces of information for you to arrange later. This includes:
- Your thesis statement
- The topic sentence, key pieces of evidence, and key conclusion for each body paragraph
- A sensible order of your body paragraphs
- A concluding statement
- Come up with a tentative thesis statement. Most research papers will require you to make some kind of argument based on the evidence you've gathered as well as your analysis.
- Argumentative. You cannot simply state something that is common knowledge or basic fact. "The sky is blue" is not a thesis statement.
- Convincing. Your thesis must be based in evidence and careful analysis. Do not posit a wild, deliberately unconventional, or unprovable thesis.
- Appropriate to your assignment. Remember to adhere to all parameters and guidelines of your paper assignment.
- Manageable in the space allotted. Keep your thesis narrow and focused. That way you might be able to prove your point in the space given to you.
You will introduce your argument using a thesis statement, and all of your following paragraphs will be dependent upon your thesis. Remember that your thesis statement must be:
- Write the thesis statement at the top of your outline. Because everything else depends on your thesis, you want to keep it in mind at all times. Write it at the very top of your outline, in large and bold letters.
- If you have to tweak the thesis as you go through the writing process, then do so. It is likely that you might change your mind somewhat as you compose your paper.
- Other key things to include in an introduction include your methods, the parameters of any studies you performed, and a roadmap of the sections to follow.
- Consider necessary background information for the topic. Many papers include a section towards the beginning of the paper that gives the reader key information about their topic. In many cases, you also need to provide a discussion about what other researchers have said about your topic (a.k.a. a literature review). List the pieces of information that you will need to explain in order for your reader to be able to understand the following contents of the paper.
- Consider the information needed to prove your thesis statement is correct. What kinds of evidence do you need in order to demonstrate that you are right? Do you need textual evidence, visual evidence, historical evidence, or scientific evidence? Do you need expert opinion? Take a look at your research notes to locate some of this evidence.
- Outline your body paragraphs. Your body paragraphs are where your research and analysis will come into play. Most paragraphs are a few sentences long, and all of the sentences are related to a common theme or idea. Ideally each body paragraph will build off of the previous one, adding weight to your argument.
- A topic sentence that explains what the following evidence is and why it is relevant.
- The presentation of pieces of evidence. These could include quotations, the results of scientific studies, or survey results.
- Your analysis of this evidence.
- A discussion of how this evidence has been treated by other researchers.
- A concluding sentence or two explaining the significance of the analysis.
Usually each body paragraph will include:
- Organize your body paragraphs. Each body paragraph should stand on its own. However, they all must work together to argue the merits of your thesis statement. Consider how your body paragraphs relate to one another. Think of a compelling, sensible structure for these body paragraphs. Depending on your topic, you might organize your body paragraphs:
- Chronologically. For example, if your research paper is about the history of an artifact, you might want to discuss its key features in chronological order.
- Conceptually. You might consider the major themes in your paper and discuss each concept one-by-one. For example, if your paper discusses the way a particular film treats gender, race, and sexuality, you might want to have separate sections on each of these concepts.
- According to scale. For example, if your paper discusses the impact of a vaccine, you might organize your paper according to the size of the population from smallest to largest population, e.g. its impact on a particular village, then a nation, and finally on the globe.
- According to a yes-no-so structure. A yes-no-so structure involves the presentation of one perspective (the yes), then its opposite structure (the no). Finally, you bring together the best parts of each perspective in order to create a new theory (the so). For example, your paper might explain why certain health care providers believe in acupuncture, then why other health care providers consider it to be quackery. Finally, you can explain why each side might be a little bit right and a little bit wrong.
- It can be very useful to include transition sentences between your body paragraphs. This way, your reader will understand why they are arranged the way they are.
- Consider other necessary sections. Depending on your field or the parameters of your assignment, you might have other necessary sections besides the body paragraphs. These can vary quite widely, so be sure to consult your syllabus or your instructor for clarification. These sections could include:
- An abstract
- A literature review
- Scientific figures
- A methods section
- A results section
- An appendix
- An annotated bibliography
- Outline your conclusion. A strong conclusion will serve as the final statement that your thesis is correct. It should tie up your loose ends and make a strong case for your own perspective.
- Possible downsides or alternative explanations for your results
- Further questions in need of study
- How you hope your paper has impacted the general discussion of the topic
However, your conclusion might also serve other functions as well, depending on your field. These might include:
Overcoming Writer's Block
- Don't panic. Most people experience writer's block at some point in their lives, especially when faced with a large task such as a research paper. Remember to relax and take a few deep breaths: you can Get-Over-Writer's-Block with some easy tools and tricks.
- Use freewriting exercises to get your mind flowing. If you are stuck on your paper, put away your outline for a few minutes. Instead, simply write down everything you think is important about your topic. What do you care about? What should others care about? Remind yourself of what you find interesting and fun in your research topic. And simply writing for a few minutes--even if you are writing material that will not enter your final draft--will get your juices flowing for more organized writing later.
- Pick a different section to write. You do not have to write a research paper from beginning to end in that order. Especially if you have a solid outline, your paper will come together no matter which paragraph you write first. If you are struggling to write your introduction, choose your most interesting body paragraph to write instead. You might find it to be a more manageable task--and you might get ideas for how to get through the more difficult sections.
- Say what you mean out loud. If you are getting tripped up by a complicated sentence or concept, try to explain it out loud instead of on paper. Talk to your parents or a friend about the concept. How would you explain it to them over the phone? Only begin to write down this concept after you have gotten used to explaining it orally.
- Let your first draft be imperfect. First drafts are never perfect. You can always fix imperfections or clunky sentences in revision. Rather than getting hung up on finding the perfect word, simply highlight it in yellow in your document as a reminder to think about it later. You might be able to find the right word in another day or two. But for now, just focus on getting your ideas on paper.
- Take a walk. You don't want to make a habit out of procrastinating, but your brain sometimes needs to take breaks in order to function properly. If you have been struggling with a paragraph for more than an hour, let yourself take a 20-minute walk and come back to it later. You might find that it looks a great deal easier once you have gotten some fresh air.
- Change your audience. Some people experience writer's block because they are anxious about who will read their paper: such as a teacher who is a notoriously tough grader. To get over your anxiety, pretend that you are writing the paper for somebody else: your camp counselor, your roommate, your parents, your advisor. This might help put you in a better frame of mind and will also help you clarify your thinking.
- Give yourself a lot of time--ideally at least two weeks--to work on a research paper. Some papers require even more time than this to complete properly.
- Always have the purpose of the assignment clear in your mind. Make sure your paper is on-task and relevant.
- Be sure to cite your sources correctly, depending on the format your professor specifies. This is an essential skill in research papers.
- The keys to a good research paper are excellent sources, solid analysis, and a well-organized essay structure. If you have these nailed down, you have a good shot at writing a truly successful paper.
- Don't be afraid to talk to your advisor, instructor, or classmates about your paper. Many instructors are happy to talk about essay-writing strategies, good topics, and good sources with students.
- It is considered plagiarism not to cite information from sources, even if the information is not presented in a direct quote.
- Do not plagiarize. Plagiarism is dishonest and can have huge consequences including suspension, expulsion, and failing a course.
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