Boost Your Immunity to the Common Cold
Your body’s natural immune system works hard to fight off diseases and infections caused by the germs we come in contact with every day. That includes more than 200 cold viruses just waiting to be caught. You are resistant to the exact cold viruses you have dealt with before, but cold viruses are always evolving and mutating, making you susceptible to the new strain. Take steps to help your natural immune system fight off the viral infection known as the common cold.
Boosting Your Body’s Immune System
- Identify how your immune system works. Your immune system is not a single organ or place in your body. It is a complicated and intricate network that helps prevent infections and limits the effects of those that you do catch.
- There are two types of immunity: humoral and cell mediated immunity. Humoral involves the production of antibodies and fights infections outside of the cell, like bacteria. Cell mediated immunity fights intracellular organisms, such as viruses and cancer. Cell mediated immunity fights the common cold.
- Put simply, cells that originate in your bone marrow relocate to all areas of the body to help fight off infection. This includes your skin; lymphatic system; spleen; mucosal tissues like those in your mouth, nose, and gut area; your thymus gland; and your blood stream. Basically, any possible way a germ can enter your body, cells are there to help fight off a possible infection.
Because it is such a complex system, scientists have not been able to prove direct links between lifestyle changes or taking vitamins or supplements to enhancing your immune system. Scientists are studying things that may boost your immune system, but there are no definite answers yet.
- Adopt a healthy lifestyle. The very best single thing that you can do to help your immune system be as strong as possible is to make everyday changes to live an overall healthy lifestyle. Some of the steps you can take include the following:
- Avoid smoking or quit smoking. This includes avoiding secondhand smoke as much as possible.
- Control your alcohol intake. If you drink alcohol, do so in moderation. Excessive and repeatedly heavy alcohol use adds stress to many organ systems in your body, making it harder to provide the needed balance to help prevent infections.
- Exercise regularly. Try to select an exercise routine that you enjoy so you are more likely to stay with it.
- Maintain Ideal Body Weight. If you are overweight or obese, take steps to lose weight. Talk to your doctor if you need help with a diet plan, a referral to a nutritionist, or even medication that can help you get started towards your weight-loss goal.
- Control your blood pressure. High blood pressure leads to cardiovascular disease, which compromises organ function and blood flow. This can interfere with your immune system’s ability to work effectively in your blood stream, which is one of the ways diseases can enter your body.
- Get enough sleep. Feeling overly tired and having trouble just making it through every day puts added stress on your entire body, including your immune system.
- Get any medical screenings that are recommended for your age group. Recognizing problems as early as possible strengthens your body’s ability to help fight off unwanted diseases.
- While there are no screening tests for viral infections like the common cold, routine screenings for other diseases helps to keep your immune system strong to fight off all the germs you are exposed to every day.
- Eat a healthy diet. Maintaining a balanced and healthy diet provides the tools your immune system needs to be as strong as possible.
- Include a balance of vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds, whole grains, healthy fats, and protein sources such as lean meats.
- Focus on the quality of the food you eat. Pay attention to the type of carbohydrates as opposed to focusing on the quantity of carbohydrates. For example, the carbohydrates found in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and beans, are healthier than others.
- Drink plenty of water and avoid consuming sugary beverages.
- Use healthy oils in food preparation, such as olive and canola oil.
- Create a healthy plate at every meal. A healthy plate contains mostly vegetables—the greener the better—fruits of all colors, whole grains such as whole grain breads or pastas, and protein sources like fish, poultry, beans, and nuts.
- Limit the amounts of refined grain products, red meats, and avoid bacon, cold cuts, and other processed meats.
- Have timely and age-appropriate vaccinations. Vaccines are one way to boost your immune response to specific viruses and diseases.
- Participation in the recommended vaccinations provide short- and long-term benefits when you are exposed to those germs later on.
- Some vaccines contain very weakened parts of the actual microorganism that the vaccine is intended to protect you from. This type of immunization is called "artificially acquired immunity."
- Some vaccines last your whole lifetime, others require boosters, and some you need to get each year, like the flu vaccine. Follow your doctor's instructions on getting the immunizations you need.
Taking Vitamin and Mineral Supplements
- Consider taking vitamins and minerals. If you do not think you are getting enough nutrients from your diet, consider taking a multivitamin with minerals each day.
- Talk with your doctor before making any changes to your existing medication regimen, including adding or altering vitamin and mineral products.
- Taking a multivitamin with minerals helps to ensure you are getting an adequate daily intake of vitamins as well as micronutrients in case your daily diet is not what it should be.
- Taking large doses of any one vitamin or mineral is not recommended. Large doses of zinc especially are not recommended and can cause an upset stomach.
- There is evidence that consuming adequate amounts of the micronutrients helps to maintain the natural function of your immune system. These include selenium, zinc, iron, copper, folic acid, vitamins A, B6, E, and C.
- Make sure selenium is part of your diet. Selenium is a mineral that has antioxidant properties It is found in foods like Brazil nuts, liver, shellfish, tuna, beef, and chicken. It is being researched for its potential to help your natural immune system fight off the progression of different types of cancer.
- The research is not related to viral infections like the common cold, but the work is helping scientists to better understand possible ways to boost the immune response to different diseases.
- Selenium helps the cells in your body with normal metabolism and has been identified as possibly having anti-inflammatory properties considered useful in fighting some diseases, such as some forms of arthritis.
- Most people get enough selenium from their diet. There is no need to take supplemental selenium unless your doctor feels you are deficient and recommends that you do so.
- The recommended daily dose is about 55mcg.
- Consider adding vitamin A. Taking vitamin A has proven helpful when there is an actual deficiency, but most people get enough vitamin A from diets that contain sweet potatoes, carrots, dark green and leafy vegetables, fish, and fruits.
- There is no evidence to suggest taking vitamin A is beneficial in helping to fight infections in people that are not vitamin A deficient.
- Vitamin A plays a role in the treatment of some infections that involve mucosal membranes, which is one way common cold viruses enter the body.
- Vitamin A influences the production of certain types of T cells. T cells are an important part of how your body’s immune system works to fight infections.
- Ask your doctor about extra vitamin B2 and B6. Both of these B vitamins have been identified as playing a role in fighting off infections.
- Vitamin B2, also called riboflavin, has been shown to enhance the immune system in animal studies. Research in humans is ongoing.
- Vitamin B6, known as pyridoxine, causes the immune system to be suppressed in people that are deficient in this vitamin.
- Large doses of pyridoxine are not recommended. Supplements are only suggested in low to moderate doses and should be taken by people that are considered deficient.
- Excess amounts of vitamin B6, or pyridoxine, may actually help cancer tumors to grow.
- Avoid taking large amounts of vitamin B6 unless your doctor advises you to do so.
Natural sources of vitamin B2 include dark green and leafy vegetables, dairy products, and nuts. Natural sources of vitamin B6 include seafood and poultry.
- Take vitamins D and E. Natural source of vitamin D include exposure to natural sunlight, seafood, and dairy products. Obtain vitamin E naturally through a diet that includes dark, green, leafy vegetables and nuts.
- Vitamin D has been shown effective in treating tuberculosis (doctors have long found exposure to sunlight helpful in treating TB), because it triggers an antimicrobial response to the disease. Scientists are researching whether or not the Vitamin D produced by sunlight has the same affect on other diseases like the common cold.
- Vitamin E has been shown to boost the body’s response to certain vaccines. More work is needed to clearly understand this finding.
- In people over the age of 65, higher than normal vitamin E doses were given following hepatitis B and tetanus vaccines. The vitamin E improved the performance of the vaccines. So far, the results are limited to those two vaccines only, and only in people over age 65. Work in this area is ongoing.
- Use zinc. It is important to have enough zinc in your diet, but too much zinc can actually interfere with the immune system.
- Taking zinc within the first 24 hours of developing cold symptoms may help to reduce the severity and the duration of a cold.
- Do not use intranasal zinc products. Research has linked the intranasal use of zinc to severe side effects, including the loss of the ability to smell.
- Taking zinc orally can cause gastrointestinal problems, including nausea.
- Taking zinc for long periods of time can cause some types of mineral deficiencies.
- Zinc can be obtained by consuming shellfish, lean beef, and liver.
Using Herbal Supplements to Strengthen Your Immune Response
- Beware of product labels. Herbal products and the claims they make are not regulated by the FDA. In addition, the companies are not required to show evidence that supports their claims.
- Having said that, there is some good preliminary evidence to support the possible benefit of some herbal products.
- Talk to your doctor before making any changes to your existing medication regimen. This includes adding or changing herbal products. Herbs are drugs that have side effects and have the potential for serious drug interactions.
- Take ginseng. North American ginseng root has been rated by a division of the United States National Library of Medicine as being possibly effective in preventing colds.
- Taking 200mg twice a day during the cold and flu season may help to prevent catching colds or possibly even the flu.
- The study suggests this may be effective in adults ages 18 to 65. The researchers go on to report that it may not help to prevent the first cold of the season, but may help to prevent further colds.
- Consider taking garlic. Some evidence suggests that garlic may have some ability to help fight infections.
- Laboratory work has shown garlic to be effective against bacteria, fungal, and viral infections like the flu and the common cold.
- While this work is promising, human research is yet to show efficacy in controlled scientific studies.
- Take probiotics. There is clear research that now supports the work done by “good” bacteria that lives in the gut in helping your immune system to function properly.
- Probiotics do support good bacteria, but the direct scientific link between taking probiotics and improving your immune system is still not established.
- Take care to Select an Acidophilus Supplement products carefully as they are not regulated and they are not all the same.
- Use other herbal products with caution. Products that contain herbs like aloe vera, echinacea, and licorice root, claim to help fight infections.
- Many of these agents can be harmful and scientific evidence to support their claims of efficacy specific to improving your immunity is lacking. This does not mean the claims are not true, but there is little evidence to support the claims.
- Echinacea has been written about many times, claiming to help with the prevention of colds. Echinacea may shorten the duration of your cold; however, researchers at Harvard suggest using echinacea with caution.
- In addition, echinacea can be dangerous. People with allergies to ragweed have suffered serious allergic reactions when taking echinacea, including some episodes of anaphylactic shock.
- There is little evidence that aloe vera does anything to alter the immune response. Topical application for various skin conditions has been shown to be helpful, but there is no evidence to support the use of aloe vera in preventing colds.
- Licorice root has been used in Chinese medicine for many years; however, it is usually combined with other herbs and ingredients. The specific claims of efficacy for licorice root have yet to be scientifically validated.
- Talk to your doctor before using licorice root since it can interact with many commonly used prescription medications. Do not use licorice root for an extended period of time.
Protecting Yourself Against Cold Viruses
- Take practical steps to prevent infections. Follow good personal hygiene habits and use common sense to control your exposure to germs that can cause infections like the common cold.
- In addition to adopting healthy lifestyle habits and maintaining a healthy diet, avoiding contact with unwanted germs is the next most effective step in helping your immune system to keep you healthy.
- Wash your hands. The best way to prevent catching a cold is to keep your hands clean and wash them frequently.
- Always wash your hands after using the bathroom, assisting a child to use the bathroom, and changing a diaper.
- Be sure your hands are clean before you begin food preparation. Wash your hands frequently as you prepare your meal.
- Clean your environment. Keep surfaces as clean as possible, especially those used to prepare food.
- Keep door knobs, sink handles, mats used for napping by children, and bathroom surfaces clean.
- Disinfect surfaces using EPA-approved products. The websites for both the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Environmental Protection Agency provide more information.
- The CDC and the EPA publish information on agents that are approved as disinfectants for commercial, hospital, and residential use. Examples of residentially approved products include two familiar brand names, Lysol® products and residential cleaners made by Clorox®, among many others.
- Avoid touching contaminated objects. If you are around someone that is sick, be aware that their germs are likely on their hands.
- Pay attention to objects touched by the sick person and properly clean the objects as soon as possible to control the spread of germs.
- Do not hug, shake hands with, or kiss, someone with an infection.
- Use paper towels. Avoid using fabric or cloth towels when several people need to dry their hands after washing.
- Using hand sanitizer is a good way to clean germs from your hands without the need for a towel.
- Select daycares with smaller classes. Exposing your child to other children at an early age is not necessarily a bad thing, as this helps to strengthen their immune system.
- To prevent some colds, the flu, and other infections, choosing classes with smaller numbers of children enrolled may help to limit your child’s exposure to an excessive amount of germs.
- Breastfeeding an infant is key in boosting the child’s natural immune system, even years later.
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Sources and Citations
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