Build Healthy Office Habits

Aside from maintaining a healthy diet and consistent exercise routine, is there anything else that you can do to ensure your body's well-being? Here are a few guidelines for you to follow to combat the consequences of a sedentary, office lifestyle.


  1. Give your brain a break. Often, life at the office is not physically demanding, but mentally draining. The pressure to meet tight deadlines not only takes a toll on your mental happiness, but also on your body's physical comfort. The effects of stress are never positive. People who are stressed out are less productive and less energetic in the workspace—characteristics that no boss appreciates in his or her employees.
    • Use the same time to give your legs, arms, eyes, and back a break, as well. Step away from your screen for at least a minute or two every hour.
    • Install a program on your computer or phone to remind you to take breaks. Workrave is a free program which tracks your mouse and keyboard time, and gives a reminder at intervals you set, for short (30 second) breaks and for longer (3 to 5 minute) breaks. Some programs, including this one, also suggest simple exercises to perform during breaks. If you tend to get heavily focused on computer work, give this program, or something like it, a try.
  2. Fill your surroundings with positive things.To reduce stress, it is recommended that you create a “zen” space in your office. Keep a plant, goldfish, or a couple of sentimental pictures on your desk; such items will make you feel more at ease in your office space. The more relaxed you feel at work, the more level-headed you will be when completing important work-related tasks.
  3. Get some exercise. Take full advantage of the office supplies around you during your work breaks. You can use an office chair to stretch your abs, back and legs. It might sound totally silly, but you can even use a bunch of copy paper to do arm lift-ups. Don't forget to stretch your neck and wrists as well. All of these exercises are crucial to your body's well-being.
    • Take advantage of your building, too. Take the stairs to come and go. Park further from the door.Try using a break room or washroom on a different floor, or walking the long way around to get to the printer or copier.
  4. Drink lots of water. Make sure that you are drinking enough water to keep yourself hydrated. Water helps each cell in your body absorb nutrients and expel waste products. Moreover, drinking water can help you lose weight; water can help suppress your appetite, so that you don't mindlessly snack and pack on the pounds! Sitting for long periods of time can cause you to easily gain weight around your waist and legs.[citation needed]
  5. Eat right. Keep some healthy break room supply snacks with you while working. Popping a cherry tomato or baby carrot into your hungry mouth might quell the urge to purchase a candy bar at the vending machine.
    • Pack a Waste‐Free Lunch and healthy snacks so you decide exactly what you eat.
  6. Check on the ergonomics of your work area. Even if you have improved it once, you may need to make adjustments, particularly if your work habits or most frequent tasks change. Also check that you are working with neutral, relaxed body position, and not overreaching, bending, or leaning against hard or sharp edges.
  7. Vary your activity and sitting or standing position from time to time throughout the day.
    • Consider a standing desk, especially the sort which will adjust to let you alternate between sitting or standing.
  8. Organize your time. If you can get your work done while you're supposed to be there, you may not have to stay late or give up parts of your weekends just to keep ahead of it. If you consistently have more than you can handle, see if it's possible to hire more people to help.
  9. Keep germs away. To keep germs away from you, follow these tips:
    • Wipe your desk with disinfectant wipes
    • Don't eat at your desk without a plate or napkin.
    • Wash your dishes and utensils regularly.
    • Clean your keyboard, mouse, touch screen, and mousepad periodically. Clean your telephone if you use it.
    • Wash your hands before and after leaving work, and after using the bathroom; and
    • Sanitize often.


  • Stay home from work if you are sick, and encourage others in your workplace to do the same. If you do not wish to take a sick day, find out if you can telecommute. It doesn't do anyone any good to have a cold or stomach bug circulating through everyone in the company.
  • Get a flu shot annually.
  • For built in exercise and to save money, ride a bike, walk to work, or take transit, instead of driving your commute.

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