Build a Stage

Building a stage can provide a great addition to a playroom, or provide an elevated platform for a performance. By combining multiple stage platforms, you can build a stage in any shape or size you desire. Using a few basic tools and some lumber from your local home improvement store, it is possible to create a sturdy stage that will last for years.


Preparing for the Build

  1. Gather the tools you will need to build your stage. Take out the tools that you will use in the construction of your stage. If you don’t own any of the tools you need, ask friends to borrow tools, or you can rent tools from many home improvement store.
    • Drill
    • Circular Saw
    • Pliers
    • Socket ratchet wrench
    • Screwdriver
    • Measuring Tape
    • Pencil
  2. Purchase quality lumber. To construct your stage you will need to buy wood that will provide the structure of your stage. Look for lumber that is straight and free from knots. Pressure treated lumber is best if your stage will be resting on concrete or placed outside. For each individual platform you will need:
    • 6 – 8 foot 2x4’s
    • 1 – 8’x4’ sheet of 3/4 inch plywood
    • 12 – 3.5 inch hex bolts
    • 24 washers
    • 12 nuts
    • 26 - 1 ½” wood screws
    • 24 - 3” wood screws
  3. Cut the 2x4s to the proper length with a circular saw. You will need to cut several different lengths of 2x4s to form the supports of your stage platform. To avoid mistakes and wasted wood, remember this rule of carpentry: measure twice, cut once.[1]
    • From two 8’ pieces of 2x4, cut 3 lengths of wood to 3’9” (45 inches).
    • You will have 4’3” of wood left from one 2x4, cut it into two 2’ pieces. (Discard the remaining 3”.)
    • Use a new 8’ 2x4 to cut four 2’ lengths of wood.
    • From the fourth 2x4 cut six 1’ pieces at a 45º angle on each side. Cut the angles on either end toward each other. The long side of the board will measure 12” while the short side accounting for the angles will be approximately 5 ½”. The angled boards will be used to brace the legs.
    • The other two 2x4s will be used to make the frame. Don't cut these.
  4. Cut additional sections of wood to build more platforms. If you need to build a stage that is bigger than 4’x8’ you will need to create multiple platforms. Cut all of your wood at once to save time in construction.

Constructing the Frame

  1. Lay out the frame for your stage platform. Lay the 3’9” pieces of 2x4s parallel to each other with approximately {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} between each piece. Arrange two 8 foot pieces of 2x4s at the top and bottom of the 3’9” sections to create a frame.
    • The wood should form a rectangle with one 3’9” section separating the rectangle into two squares.
  2. Secure the 2x4s together using wood screws. Drill a pilot hole to prevent your wood from splitting. Use two screws at each joint to fasten the pieces of wood together.
    • Attach two 3’9” pieces of wood between the ends of the two 8’ pieces of wood.
    • The 8’ 2x4 will be on the outside of the 2 shorter pieces.
    • The shorter pieces of 2x4 will be between the 8’ pieces.
    • The measurement from the outside edge to the opposite outside edge is 48”.
    • Place the third 3’9” piece of 2x4 in the middle to support the center of the platform. Center the wood 48” from the end of the 8’ 2x4.
  3. Connect the legs to your platform. The 2’ sections of wood that were cut will serve as the legs. Hold or clamp the legs in place to drill a guide hole for a bolt. Drill two holes for each leg all the way through the leg and the frame.[2]
    • Place one leg at each corner of the frame.
    • Attach the legs to the 8’ piece of 2x4 not the shorter cross beams.
    • Slide a washer on the 3” bolt and insert it into the holes. Place another washer on the other end of the bolt and fasten it to the wood with a nut.
    • Tighten the bolts using a socket wrench while holding the nut with the pliers.
  4. Brace the legs. The 2x4s cut with the 45º angle will act as a brace f or the legs. One side of the angle cut 2x4 will be against the leg, and the other side will be flush with the top of the platform.
    • Drill pilot holes from the angle cut 2x4 into the leg.
    • Drill pilot holes in the side of the angle cut 2x4 into the beam of the stage frame.
    • Fasten the brace to the legs and frame using 3” wood screws.
  5. Fasten the stage platform to the frame. Turn the platform over on its legs. Place a sheet of plywood on the frame. Attach the plywood to the frame using 1 ½” wood screws.
    • Use a drill with a screwdriver bit to drive the screws into the wood.
    • Place a screw around the perimeter of the wood every 16 inches.
    • Insert two screws in the center of the plywood into the 2x4 cross beam of the frame.
  6. Build multiple platforms to create a larger performing area. You can arrange multiple 4X8 sections of stage to create a larger stage for your performance.

Finishing the Stage

  1. Prepare the wood for painting. Sand the edges of your wood and the surface of the plywood with a 200 grit sandpaper. Smooth the edges of the wood and surface of the plywood with the sandpaper.[3]
  2. Paint the wood black. Prime the wood with an oil based primer to seal the wood. Paint the surface of the stage and frame with black latex paint. Giving your stage a coat of black paint will help protect the wood.[4]
  3. Configure the sections of stage you built together. Line up the separate stage sections edge to edge. Arrange four sections to create a stage that measures 8 feet by 16 feet.
  4. Wrap the stage with black cloth to hide the legs. Give your stage a professional finish by covering the bottom of the stage with black fabric.


  • Check to make sure the bolts attaching your legs are secure each time you use the stage.
  • Remove the bolts connecting the legs for easy storage. Label the position of each leg prior to removing it.
  • You can create a platform without legs by following the same method and not attaching legs.

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