Business Analyst

A student wrote to me: “I graduate in Business Administration but could not find a job. My parents suggest that I go back to school to study Management of Information System (MIS) since it has a better opportunity. I have taken a few courses in Computer programming languages (i.e., Java, Python) and did well. I do not want to spend more years in school. Is there a better solution? Please help.”

Answer: If you can program well and have a strong knowledge of statistics and accounting which most business students must learn then you can apply for a Business Analyst position. Today every company is facing with an increasing amount of data from electronic sources, and the Internet and they need to find people who can collect, analyze and understand these data through the practice of data analytics. This is a relatively new area but it is expanding fast. Finding a well-qualified business analyst is difficult as there is a critical shortage of people with this skill. Although some business schools are beginning to teach this subject, it would take many more years to fill the demand.

Today analytics is one of the top things that many companies need. Soon every industry will require workers to have this skill. You could take a data analytic course online to supplement your skills without having to go back to school. Your degree in business and your computing skills are good enough. In this job market, seize the opportunity is one way to gain a competitive advantage.

Online Business Analytics courses:


  • Blogs of Prof. John Vu, Carnegie Mellon University