Buy, Store and Cook With Garlic

An old New York proverb says that "A nickel will get you on the subway, but GARLIC will get you a seat." However, there are a number of other benefits from eating fresh garlic, including lowering blood pressure and fighting bacteria and viruses.

Here are some tips on how to select, store and cook with this fragrant bulb from the lily family.


  1. Buying. Choose bulbs that are firm, with unbroken skin and no sign of sprouting.
  2. Storing. Store garlic in a loosely covered container in a cool, dry place, (not in the refrigerator).
  3. Preparing.
    • Separate cloves (smaller half-moon shaped pieces) from the bulb.
    • Peel each clove with a knife by sliding tip under the loose skin and lifting it off.
    • Chop or crush the garlic on a cutting board.
    • Let stand for 10 minutes to get the most health benefit from the phytonutrient, allicin, in the garlic.
  4. Cooking. Add garlic as late in the cooking process as possible, since overcooking will reduce its health benefits.


  • Remove any green parts since these may be difficult to digest.
  • Use garlic as soon a possible after breaking up the bulb, since it will spoil more easily after the skin is broken.
  • Chew a piece of parsley after eating garlic to help alleviate "garlic breath."


  • Be aware that, if you are pregnant or nursing, eating too much garlic may cause indigestion or give a strong flavor to your milk.
  • Check with your doctor or pharmacist before adding too much garlic to your diet if you are on blood thinner medication.

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