Buy a Pet Cockatiel

Cockatiels make wonderful pets. They are the second most popular bird to own, and for good reason! Cockatiels can live for more than fifteen years, are extremely affectionate, and have excellent personalities. Cockatiels are social birds that enjoy sitting on your finger or on your shoulder, and can be easily taught to do tricks and even talk. Before you buy a pet cockatiel, there is a lot to learn to be sure that you are ready for your new pet and find the bird that is right for you.[1]


Getting Ready to Buy a Cockatiel

  1. Do your research. Buying a cockatiel is a major commitment, and it's important to know what you are getting into. All birds need to have their food and water refreshed daily and their cages cleaned frequently. But cockatiels are especially social animals that require daily exercise and attention from their owners to keep them happy and healthy. Be sure you have enough time to invest in your pet cockatiel, and that your family is on board with the decision.[2]
    • If a cockatiel sounds like too much work, consider a lower-maintenance option like a canary, or a pair of finches. These birds also make beautiful pets, but require far less attention.[3]
  2. Prepare for the cost of owning a cockatiel. The average cost of a cockatiel is only $80-100, but the start-up costs for its cage, food and equipment can easily reach $300.[4] Also remember that the cockatiel will need food and toys, and at least one veterinary exam per year. You can expect ongoing costs for your cockatiel to be at least $100 per year.[5]
  3. Purchase a cage and equipment for your cockatiel. Cockatiels need a lot of room to exercise, so you want the biggest cage you can accommodate. The minimum recommended cage size for a single cockatiel is 24" x 24" x 24". Be sure that the bars are spaced no more than 5/8" apart. [6] The cage should have at least 3 perches for the cockatiel to choose from.[7] The bird will also need the following:
    • Food and water dishes
    • Cockatiel food
    • A night light near the cage; some cockatiels experience "night frights"
    • A bird bath
    • Toys
  4. Look into adopting a bird from a shelter or rescue organization. Friendly, lovable cockatiels are often given up to rescue organizations because their first owners bought them on a whim without realizing how much work a cockatiel is. The joy of taking care of a cockatiel will be magnified if you know that you did the bird a favor by saving her life.
    • Rescue organizations for cockatiels and other birds can be found worldwide![8]
  5. Find a trustworthy pet store or bird breeder. Ask other cockatiel owners or your local avian veterinarian for tips on reputable sellers. Your local bird club is another good resource. Make sure the seller offers a health guarantee for any pets they sell, and remember that birds that are hand-raised will generally be more friendly and sociable than aviary cockatiels that are bred and raised for display.[9]
    • Ask the seller lots of questions about the birds and how they were raised. If the seller can't readily answer these questions, you should consider another shop.

Choosing the Right Cockatiel

  1. Think about what you want from your cockatiel before you shop. If you want a beautiful display bird and are less interested in companionship, choose your bird based primarily on appearance. If you are looking for a friendly companion bird, however, you will want to choose a bird based on its temperament and sociability more than how it looks.[10]
    • When choosing a display bird, choose a healthy bird with plumage that you find attractive.
    • When choosing a companion bird, look for a bird that seems curious and playful, makes noises, and is eager to be handled.
    • Some shy cockatiels can eventually be made more tame, but some never get used to people. Don’t count on being able to completely tame a skittish bird.
  2. Look for signs that the cockatiel is healthy. Healthy birds have bright, clear eyes. They should have no discharge from their beaks, and no sneezing. Make sure the bird has a smooth beak that closes evenly, and no missing feathers or toes. [11]
    • Do not choose a bird with damaged, dirty or puffed up feathers. These are all signs of illness.[10]
  3. Ask about the age of the bird. It is ideal to choose a young bird that is fully weaned, and has been hand fed and hand raised. When considering an adult bird, note that the darker the bird's beak, the older it probably is.
    • Determining the sex of a cockatiel can be a tricky business, and in some cases requires DNA analysis to know for sure. Fortunately, both male and female cockatiels make wonderful pets. [12]

Bringing Your Cockatiel Home

  1. Allow your cockatiel to get used to its new environment. The transition to a new home is stressful for a cockatiel, and your bird will need time to rest and get acclimated. Try to let the bird rest for 2-3 days before handling it. Try to keep children and other household pets away from the bird, but do talk to it frequently in a low, calming voice to help it get used to you.[13]
    • Remember that cockatiels are very social animals. You might leave music or the television on when you leave the house during the day so the cockatiel has something to listen to.
  2. Begin to train your cockatiel. You should spend some time researching the best ways to train a cockatiel, but a great place to start is teaching the bird to be near you outside of the cage. Gently remove the bird from the cage and take it to a small room with a door, like a bathroom or large closet. Close the door so the bird does not escape, and let the bird go. Then sit near the bird and talk to it every once in a while as it adjusts to your presence. Eventually, you can work on training the bird to climb onto your finger.[14]
    • Training a cockatiel can take time, but your patience will pay be rewarded with a well-socialized, friendly companion.
  3. Get your cockatiel used to being bathed. Cockatiels can be very dusty birds and need to be bathed every few days. Fill a plant mister bottle with clean, slightly warm water, and acquaint your cockatiel with the routine by giving it just a spray or two in the beginning. It won't be long before the sight of the spray bottle will bring the cockatiel to a close perch. They love the spray and will open their wings and turn their bodies until they are soaking wet, and then shake off the excess water. [15]
    • Remember not to do bathe your cockatiel when it's too cold, or at night.
    • Cockatiels also enjoy bathing in pans of water, and even playing in a regular bathtub filled with 1/2" of warm water.[16]

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