Call a Person That Has Blocked Your Number
Someone has blocked your number, but you still want to call them! Before you proceed, think about why the person blocked your number. Make sure that you won't be bothering anyone and opening yourself up to harassment charges. If you're calling for legitimate reasons, read on for a few ways to get around the block!
Calling From Your Own Phone
- Disguise your caller ID. This keeps the receiving phone from knowing who is calling. Your number will not appear, and your ID will be listed as "Hidden".
- To disguise your caller ID on IOS (iPhone), go to your Settings App. Next, go to the "Phone" section of the settings, and select "Show My Caller ID". Then, slide it to the "Off" position.
- For Android, go to Settings > Call Settings > Additional Settings > Caller ID. Then, select Hide Number. Your calls will remain anonymous and you can bypass the blocked list.
- Dial *67. This code will block your number so that your call shows up as an "Unknown" or "Private" number. Enter the code before the number that you're dialing, like so: *67-408-221-XXXX. This may work on cell phones and home phones, but it won't necessarily work on businesses.
- Download an app that gives you a random phone number. If you have a smartphone, you can download one of various free apps that will assign you a randomly generated phone number. You can use this number for the purpose of texting and calling within the app – and you may be able to use it to call people that don't use the app. This is generally a reliable method of calling a person that's blocked your number.
- One advantage to this method is that the area code is also randomly generated. Thus, the person will not suspect where the call is coming from.
- Call a landline. Many land-based home phones do not allow you to block numbers. If you know the person's home phone, try giving them a call!
- Change your number. Contact your service provider, and ask about changing your phone number. You may need to pay a nominal fee. This may not be the easiest choice unless you plan to replace your phone soon. Bear in mind that if you give this person reason to do so, he or she can always block your new number.
Calling From a Different Phone
- Use a public phone. Perhaps the simplest solution is to call this person using a number that they have not blocked. This way, they won't expect that it's you on the other end of the line. If they hang up, they hang up – but you should at least get through the call-block screening. Be aware that this will likely only work once or twice before the person stops answering calls from unknown numbers.
- If there are payphones in your area, spend a few coins and make a hard-to-trace call.
- Check into a hotel room and make the call from the hotel phone.
- Use a school phone or a work phone. Ask to use the landline at a shop or restaurant.
- Ask to use a friend's phone. Explain the situation to a friend, then ask if it's okay to use her personal phone to call this person. Be considerate of your friend's property, and do not use the phone to harass or threaten someone. If you take the situation too far, you may make your friend complicit by using his or her phone.
- As with public phones: if you continually use the same friend's phone to call someone who's blocked your number, the call-blocker will probably stop answering calls from that number. He or she may even block your friend's number.
- Consider speaking through a proxy. If the person is going to hang up as soon as they hear your voice, write your friends/relatives a script and get them to talk instead. It helps if the proxy is a mutual friend – someone that the blocker trusts. This might be a good way to say what you need to say without making the blocker feel directly threatened. Make this clear in the beginning of the script.
- For example: "Hey, Allie. This is Joe McAdams, calling on behalf of Billy. I just want to pass along a short message, and then I'll let you go about your day. He says; '[your message here]'. Sorry to bother you!"
- You can also use a voice changer to disguise your voice. If the person has blocked your number, however, there's a good chance that there is history here – and that they will quickly identify you.
Being Conscious
- Think before you call. This person probably blocked you for a reason. Make sure that you're not harassing the person in any way, or you may exacerbate the problem. Carefully consider the "why". Ask yourself whether this call will actually resolve anything tangible, or whether it's just a way for you to make your presence known.
- Be considerate. If you are truly making this person uncomfortable, you should give them space. Things resolve themselves in their own time – but pushing the situation too far might erase that possibility.
- Be aware of the consequences. If you continually call someone who doesn't want to be called, it may be grounds for them to take legal action against you. If it happens often enough, it may constitute harassment. This person could take out a restraining order and make it illegal for you to contact them, period. Consider whether this one phone call is worth it.
- The Caller ID Act of 2009 made it a crime to use Caller ID spoofing for harming or defrauding someone. If you use a service to block or change the way that your phone number appears, be very careful about how you use this power.
- Find another way. Consider why you need to reach this person, and whether you can fill this need in a less invasive way. It can be very tempting to call someone and say what you need to say – but this may not be the most productive tactic if the person in question feels invaded by the prospect of speaking with you on the phone.
- If you simply need to express your feelings and get closure, try writing a letter or email to the person in question. The person may feel less threatened if he or she has more time to read and respond to your words.
- If it's an emergency and you legitimately need to reach or find someone: reach out to mutual friends, or contact the police. Seek out someone neutral who can help you reach this person.