Cancel Netflix

Netflix is an on-demand Internet movie and TV show streaming service that provides unlimited access to the service for a flat monthly rate. The service is currently available through a number of devices including Mac and PCs, Internet connected TVs and Blu-ray players, game consoles, and mobile devices. But if you've had enough of Netflix and want to know how to cancel your account, just follow these steps.


  1. Sign in to your Netflix account. Just go to the Netflix home page and sign in with your email address and password. Once you've typed them in, just click "Continue."[1]
  2. Click the “Your Account” tab. Just click on the arrow on the top right corner of the page and select the option from the drop-down menu that appears.
  3. Select “Cancel Membership.” You can find this button on the top left of the page, just under the "Membership & Billing" tag.
  4. Select the checkbox to accept the terms of cancellation and click "Complete Cancellation." This will complete the process. Cancellation of your account will be immediate.
  5. Retrieve the cancellation confirmation email. You can find this email in the email account associated with your Netflix account. Keep this as proof of your cancellation in the event you are accidentally charged in the future. If you're closing your account early in the month, you'll still be able to use the streaming service until your account closes (but you'll still have to pay, too).
    • Netflix will save your Watched Instantly activity, your recommendations, and your queue for up to a year, so if you decide to rejoin before then, all of that will be waiting for you.


  • Cancel your account at least a week before the end of your current billing cycle to avoid being charged for the following month.


  • You must return any DVDs you have rented through Netflix to avoid being charged for them after cancelling your account.

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