Care for Dry Hair

Despite the fact that you use high-quality shampoo, your hair just doesn't bounce around like those girls on the commercials. Just how do you get it to do that? This article will come to the rescue.


Correct shampooing

  1. Use a shampoo that is made for dry hair. Shampoos (and conditioners) that will attract moisture to you hair, and they will also help your hair retain it. Try chemical free ones, unless you have severe dandruff that needs to be washed out.
  2. Conditioner should contain low pH. For dry hair, you should use a deep conditioning treatment at least once or twice a week, to help obtain moisture (but only on the ends of your hair).
  3. Once you are in the shower and have already shampoo-d and rinsed, apply conditioner, working thoroughly on the tips. Leave the conditioner in for 5-15 minutes, as this will help it to penetrate the cuticle and moisturize the hair.
  4. Refrain from washing your hair every day; this will only dry out the hair even more.

Avocado hair cream treatment

  1. Make an avocado hair cream. Avocados are great for moisturizing dry skin and dry hair.
  2. While in the shower, gently massage the inside of the avocado into your scalp and hair.
  3. Leave for a few minutes. Then rinse out completely.

Butter treatment

  1. Massage a small piece of butter into your locks. Be sure to cover all of the hair right to the scalp and ends.
  2. Cover the hair with a shower cap. Leave on for 30 minutes.
  3. Shampoo out the butter. Rinse thoroughly. You will be left with lovely soft hair.

Hot oil treatment

  1. On your next trip to the salon, get a hot oil hair treatment. This will intensely moisturize your hair.
  2. Have a hot oil treatment at home. There are products available on the market that will enable you to do this.

Avoid styling products

  1. Don't use too many styling products on your hair. This will only weigh the hair down and make it look greasy and even drier.
  2. Try not to color your hair. It will also suck moisture out of your hair.

Dry your hair with care

  1. Don't use the straightener, blow-dryer, or curling iron too often! As an alternative, air dry your hair, or separate into sections and squeeze with a paper towel to dry (this will actually absorb more water than a standard towel).
  2. If you must use a blow-dryer, straightener, or curling iron, use it on a low heat. Apply a small amount of heat-resistant product to your hair to prevent it from suffering from heat damage.

Hats can help

  1. Wear a hat if you're out in the sun to prevent it from getting dried out.

Stay hydrated and keep up the nutrition

  1. Drink plenty of water.
  2. Be sure to get some of those essential fatty acids in your diet; there are plenty in tomatoes and fish like salmon!


  • Curly hair is typically drier and more coarse than straight hair and doesn't reflect light nearly as well. Use a detangler such as Cowboy Magic or Mane & Tail (which is actually for horses). These will deliver a burst of sealed-in moisture to coarse, frizzy hair.

Things You'll Need

  • Shampoo and conditioner specialized for dry hair, such as Kerastase brand
  • Heat resistant product to prevent your hair from heat damage while styling, such as Aveda brand
  • A hat
  • Plenty of water

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