Care for a Dendrobium Orchid
Dendrobium orchids and hybrids born of dendrobium mixes are a good place to start when learning to grow orchids. They do need more specialize care than the more common houseplants, however a great deal of that is in matching the light, humidity and relative amount of water that exists where they grow in the wild. Still, this orchid can be a bit more forgiving, tends to be more resistant to disease than many other orchids, and gives a first time grower, with background knowledge, often quite rewarding displays of flowers and therefore success early on. The steps for growing a dendrobium orchid include the following:
Study the natural habitats
- Observe not just where they grow, but where they flourish.
- The dead branch with a lot of light is the best for growing.
- The second best growing area would be on a branch far out from the tree. There is will get mixed light, however more light than not.
- The orchid will still grow if it breaks and part falls from the tree. The only requirement is that is still has enough light.
- They grow in a wet forest, where humidity is high, showers are almost daily but also where they get a great deal of air circulation.
- Dendrobium orchids can use the soil even on the ground a bit for their aerial roots as long as all other conditions are met.
- Picture now the areas where the dendrobium can grow.
- There is a range within the tree where they can grow.
- In full shade, the dendrobium may grow, but will not flower.
- In full, strong sun, it may flower, however it may get too hot for too long and the flower buds will not develop properly and will fall before blooming.
- In mixed, but very bright light, the flower and they flourish.
Steps for Optimizing Success in Growth Indoors
- Imitate the conditions of the natural habitat.
- Use dead wood chips, much sunlight and good air circulation as optimal growth conditions for your plant.
- Remember that the tree does not retain water, and has plenty of air around it.
- Provide lots of drainage and holes (if in a pot) for air flow.
- Let the dendrobium dry in between misting.
- Use any spray bottle for misting.
- Avoid using chlorinated or “softened” water. These do not exist in the natural habitat and are both harsh on the plant.
- Keep high relative humidity.
- If your house in winter uses heat, use either an orchid cage or terrarium to increase humidity.
- Adjust the orchid container.
- Do this several times per year as the sun changes position throughout the year.
- Remember, the dendrobium needs natural sunlight.
- Move the plant outside during the summer.
- Use a basket and hang towards the outer part of a tree or overhang on a porch.
- Move the plant gradually.
- After being indoors, they, like people, can burn if moved too quickly into a great deal of natural light.
- Ensure that the orchid receives nutrition.
- In their natural habitat roots are used to collect dead insects, dust, rotting tree matter as a food source.
- Fertilization must be done artificially if grown indoors.
- Use orchid fertilizer in a mister once every three months.
- Too much fertilizer will burn the roots, so fertilize only as directed.
- Do not attempt to push your orchid with too much fertilizing.
- Water outside only if there is a drought.
- Two to three times per week of rain or mist is normal and the average.
- Disturbing the orchid is detrimental.
- Do not change how your orchid is planted more than absolutely required.
- Too much “fussing” about the orchid is how most people kill them.
- Give the orchid simulated optimal conditions and except for misting, leave it alone.
General Care for the Dendrobium
- Only remove a stem if it is dead and rotting.
- Remove any dead matter with sterilized blades.
- Remove old stems with no leaves only if they truly bother you. Remember, though that old stems will still flower and that every time you make a cut, you are potentially letting in disease or creating rot.
- Decide on a course of action. If you prefer more flowers, do not cut the stems even if they are older.
- Split an overgrown dendrobium.
- If the plant has outgrown its environment, cut out sections of three to five sprouts (both dormant and leafing).
- Dip the plant in water to remove any stray material so you can clearly see where you are cutting.
- Leave no less than five to six sprouts on original plant.
- Use this cutting to start a new plant.
- Cutting will send plant into shock. As long as you continue to follow all of the aforementioned steps, they will stop being in shock and resume growing.
- For the sections of cutting, again create a nature-based environment.
- Make the necessary cuts.
- Allow to air dry for one half hour before replanting or attaching to another branch.
- Water or mist, but then allow it to dry well for a bit so scabs may form. Do make sure the plant mix or branch is not dry.
- With open “wounds” the plant is more susceptible to disease and rot. Extra water will prevent a plant from scabbing and forming some protection.
Steps for Identifying a Dendrobium
- Identify all orchids that you purchase.
- Without knowing the orchid is a dendrobium, you will have no way to understand its specific needs.
- Study the stem of the orchid shoots.'
- Dendrobiums have symmetrical and near identical shoots.
- Older shoots will be the same thickness at the base of the shoot as at the top. Just over 1/4” is average width for dendrobiums.
- Newer shoots with leaves are between .33 and .5 inches in diameter.
- As with the older shoots, they are nearly the same width at the bottom as at the top.
- Study the flower shoot pattern.
- Dendrobiums can continue to send flower shoots out of older and leafless stems or shoots.
- This re-flowering can happen many times, leaving the stubs of multiple flower shoots.
- Flower shoots do not have branches, but can have many flowers in different stages of opening along the flower shoot.
- The flowers are mid-sized, approximately half an inch to one inch across.
- Identify using the stems and flowering pattern, as well as the long, slender flower shoots
- Although the flowers can help to narrow identification down, they are less unique than are the stems.
- There are four rounded lobes on the flowers (as opposed to being knife like or sharply angled).
- Other parts of the flowers are not good identifiers as they appear like too many other orchids.
Materials Needed
- A dead, dry wooden piece of branch.
- If grown in hanging pot, a mix of wood chips, coconut husk chunks, plant medium charcoal, and smaller amounts of perlite and sterilized potting soil. The last two need only a pinch or so of each.
- Coconut fiber, orchid moss and natural string such as hemp if you plan to attach directly to a branch.
- Do not give up if you loose the first orchid you try to grow. It is a learning curve.
- Do not give up even if your plant does not flourish at first.
- If you purchase a second hand plant, or a split from a home grower, keep separate from other dendrobiums until you are sure it is free from virus, fungus or other problems that can infest your orchids.
- Purchase only from orchid growers that have a good reputation.
- Once you have mastered the dendrobium, investing in an orchid cage with provide decades of beautiful blooms.
- Even growing just the dendrobium type of orchid, you can have a large array of colors and mixed colors.
- Avoid being too finicky with the plants. Remember that nature is much less finicky.
- Dendrobiums come in a multitude of colors and even stem lengths. Some are considered somewhat “miniature”.
- Once you have had success, you will have a “feel” for dendrobiums and will experience more success with others.
- Even with one partial stem, there is a chance of still growing a first rate plant.
- Nearly all states have orchid societies. Use your own splits to trade so as to expand your palette of colors.
- Although not known for high levels of toxicity, it is still advisable to keep out of the reach of children and pets.
- If you purchase or trade one of your splits for another, segregate the new spit until you are sure it does not carry any fungus or virus that can infect all of your orchids.
- Do not dispose of a plant just because it has died back. If there is any live stem, there is always the chance of growing it back, with guidance, towards a full and healthy specimen.
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Sources and Citations
- Aloha Orchids, , Hawaii. Many individual conversations that were not in any way confidential provided great input to understand the workings of an orchid and to fill in the "gap areas" in this article. With gratitude!
Orchid Species Culture: Dendrobium Hardcover – Illustrated by Charles O. Baker (Author), Margaret L. Baker (Author)