Change File Properties

When a file is created on a computer it is automatically given a set of properties such as date, size, and format. Changing properties can allow you to personalize the organization and synchronization of files on your computer. You can manually change some attributes in Windows 7 and Vista by using the Details pane at the bottom of each folder window. You can also access the Properties menu of the chosen file. If you use Mac OS X, file properties are called "permissions," which you can change using either the Finder or a downloadable application. This guide shows how to change file attributes on both Windows and Mac OS X platforms.


Changing File Properties Using the Details Pane in Windows 7 and Vista

  1. Double-click on the folder containing the file you want to modify.
  2. Click once on the file. The details pane at the bottom of the folder window shows a few of the file's properties. Some of the attributes can be changed by clicking a property and manually entering new information.

Changing File Properties Using the Properties Menu in Windows 7, Vista and XP

  1. Right-click on the file whose date you want to change. Click on Properties from the submenu.
  2. Click on the "Details" tab in the Properties menu if using Windows 7 or Vista. Click on "Attributes" if using Windows XP.
  3. Click in the area under the Value section. You need to click near the property you want to change. Manually enter the new information you want. Click "OK."

Changing File Properties Using an Application in Mac OS X

  1. Download a software application that allows you to view and modify file attributes.
  2. Access the file's properties as described by your application software and modify them as you see fit.

Changing File Permissions Using the Finder in Mac OS X

  1. Open the Finder and click on the file you want to change.
  2. Open the File menu and select "Get Info."
  3. Click the disclosure triangle to reveal the ownership and permissions options.
  4. Select the lock icon and enter an administrator’s name and password.
  5. Select a user or group from the Name column, then choose one of the following from the the Privileges column.
  6. Click the gear icon, then choose “Make (username) the owner.”


  • In Windows Vista and Windows 7, you can add properties to a file when saving it. You can add these when you choose to "Save As," bringing up the box where you type in a name and file extension. Manually enter information in the property fields that appear. These vary between different file types.
  • If you are using the detail pane method in Windows 7 and Vista, try expanding the pane. Expanding it may show more attributes that can be changed.
  • In the Properties menu found in Windows 7 and Windows Vista, you can choose the option, "Remove Properties and Personal Information," found under the "Details" tab. This will permanently remove selected attributes and not make a copy of them.
  • Apple offers software applications that allow you to change additional file properties such as date and time.


  • Sometimes you cannot modify certain attributes of a file. You will not be able to change, add or remove them.
  • The properties of a file will change depending on the type of file you are viewing.

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