Change Hair Color in Photoshop

Change the hair color of anyone in Photoshop. Whether it's a celeb, friend, or even yourself. It's easy; read on!


  1. Open Adobe Photoshop.
  2. Import your photo.
  3. Make a new layer mask.
  4. Make a selection of the hair.
  5. Copy then paste the selection (Ctrl + C)(Ctrl + V).
  6. Open Image> Adjustments> Variations.
  7. Adjust the desired hair colour. Then Click on OK.
  8. Merge the hair sharp edges with the rest of the photo.
    • Grab the eraser tool (E) and set the opacity to 70%.
    • Now erase the sharp edges.
  9. Save the image as a JPEG, GIF, or BMP.
  10. Finished.


  • Then click the original hair and delete it. (You won't need it anymore)
  • Adobe Photoshop CS5 is the easiest and best version till now.
  • If the sharp edges wasn't erased, use the blur tool for them.

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