Change Your Name in Georgia

How to Change Your Name in Georgia from Statute 9.12.1-4 and is valid for all persons seeking to change their name for all reasons including: Name Change After Marriage, Name Change After Divorce, or simply for personal reasons.


  1. Select Your Name. The 1st step is deciding the name that you want. Do you want to change just your last name? Or do you want to change it all? You will have to decide before you can head to the next step.
  2. Fill in Petition. You will need to get a Georgia Name Change Petition. This will be the official form that you will use to apply to the County Court Clerk's office in your area for your name change.
    • Petition must be notarized with the Georgia Name Change Petition Verification Form.
  3. File Petition. Be sure to make at least 1 copy of each form and apply for you name change at the County Court Clerk's Office closest to you. The charge is $213.50.
  4. Give Public Notice. You must inform the general public of your name change. This can be done by submitting a Georgia Notice of Name Change Form. The ad in the newspaper must run once per week for 4 consecutive weeks. The newspaper must serve in the County where you reside.
  5. File for Name Change Decree. After 30 days from the final ad places in the newspaper, you will be eligible for a name change decree which will be your official form for changing your name. To get your name change decree, you must call the Court Clerk's office and see when the Judge is available. You will need to bring all of your documents as well as a Georgia Name Change Decree which the Judge will sign.
  6. Change Your Name. Now you can go about and change your name at any public or private institution that exists as long as you provide your original name change decree.


  • Must be a resident of Georgia for at least 6 months.
  • Must be at least 18 years of age.

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