Choose a Cage for a Ferret

Ferrets are fun, intelligent animals; often described as a cross between a cat and a dog. Unlike cats and dogs, however, ferrets should not be given free run of the house. Barring a completely ferret-proofed room just for them, an appropriate cage is a must.


  1. Determine the size you need. The size of the cage depends on the number of ferrets you plan to own. A single ferret needs a cage that will allow space for one bed, one litter box, a food dish, and room to play. More ferrets will need room for more beds, food dishes, and play space. A good cage should be at least 30 to 60 inches (76 to 91 cm) long, 18 to 24 inches (46 to 61 cm) wide and a minimum of 20 inches (51 cm) high.
  2. Make sure the cage walls are made of closely-spaced sturdy wire. Wire walls allow air to flow through the cage. Ferrets need good ventilation; never house ferrets in aquariums, no matter how big the aquarium is, they are unsanitary and can lead to serious health problems. Aquariums are for fish, not ferrets.
  3. Make sure the door is big enough for a litter pan to fit. For ease of cleaning and maintenance.
  4. Get a cage with a strong, escape-proof latch. Ferrets are very clever and if it is at all possible, they will figure out how to escape. Be careful of spring latches and small gaps. If your ferret tries to squeeze out, he could get stuck and suffocate.
  5. Know that ferrets paws are not designed for wire floors. If the cage you choose has wire floors cover them with a piece of fitted linoleum, which is a breeze to clean.
  6. Make sure the cage has distinct sleeping, eating, and toilet areas. Also make sure that you can secure the litter box and food dish to the cage. If they're not secured, they will be tipped over and used as toys.
  7. Don't buy a cage that uses painted or pressure-treated woods or metals containing toxins such as lead or zinc.


  • Having the right cage is just the beginning. You also need to furnish the cage properly with a heavy or locking food dish, water bottle or locking bowl, large litter pan, bedding, and ferret-safe toys.
  • Keep your ferret's cage away from televisions and sound systems; he needs to have a quiet retreat to go to when necessary. Also keep it out of direct sunlight as ferrets overheat easily.
  • A good bedding to use is a mix of blankets, towels, old clothes, etc. Your ferret will find it fun to burrow in, and it's easy to clean; just throw it in the wash weekly.
  • Don't use cedar or pine chips as litter or bedding for ferrets, as they can be toxic.
  • Your ferret needs to be out of his cage for three hours a day for exercise and mental stimulation. Don't leave him in for extended periods of time.
  • Ferrets need to be out of their cage at least 4 hours a day so make sure you are ready to play with them. If you do not have time to play with your furry little friend, either don't get one or consider getting two so they can play together in the cage.
  • Do not use clay litter (the most common cat litter) or wood chips as litter! These can cause respiratory issues in ferrets! Either use paper litter or dust-free pellet litter!

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