Choose a Natural Sunscreen

Natural sunscreens mostly rely on physical blocking methods, rather than chemical. In other words, physical sunscreens absorb the sun's rays so your skin doesn't.[1] When looking for a natural sunscreen, make sure it has a high concentration of sun-blocking ingredients, particularly zinc oxide or titanium dioxide. Even though these sunscreens are natural, you should still look at the ingredients to ensure you want them on your body. For extra sun protection, apply the sunscreen properly and use other methods to help block the sun.


Reading the Label

  1. Look for 10 percent zinc oxide or titanium dioxide. Natural sunscreens often use ingredients that physically, rather than chemically, block the sun. Because these don't offer a high SPF on their own, you need to make sure they have a high enough concentration in the sunscreen to actually block light. Choose a sunscreen that has a 10 percent or higher concentration of zinc oxide or titanium dioxide.[2]
    • These two ingredients are the only FDA-approved ingredients for blocking the sun that are often used in natural sunscreens.[3]
  2. Pick an SPF between 30 and 50. You may think going for the highest SPF is the best plan. While that won't cause any harm, higher SPFs actually don't provide a significant improvement in protection. Plus, they'll take a larger chunk out of your pocketbook.[4]
    • An SPF of 30 will block 97 percent of the sun's rays. Moving up to SPF 60 will only block 1 percent more, 98 percent. If you're are very fair-skinned, you may find SPF 50 helps some on vulnerable areas, such as the nose and ears.
    • Try not to go below 30 SPF, though, particularly if you're light-skinned. 15 SPF only blocks 93% of the sun, and you'll get a lot less protection the lower you go.[1]
  3. Choose a broad spectrum sunscreen. Even if you're using a natural sunscreen, you still want it to protect you from all the sun's rays. Look for "broad spectrum" or "full spectrum" on the label, which means it protects you from both UVA and UVB rays.[5]
  4. Avoid synthetic active ingredients for sensitive skin. While most natural sunblocks won't use these ingredients, it's still a good idea to check for them if you have sensitive skin. The ingredients include dioxybenzone, oxybenzone, para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA), and sulisobenzone.[1]
  5. Skip sunscreen-bug repellent combos. For sunscreen to be effective, you need to reapply it frequently. However, bug repellent usually doesn't need to be applied as often. Therefore, it's a good idea to keep your sunscreen and bug spray separate.[6]
  6. Check for other ingredients you may be allergic to. Natural sunscreens may still have ingredients that could irritate your skin, as it all depends on what your skin can take. Some will add essential oils, which you can have a reaction to. If you know you react to certain ingredients, check the label before buying.

Protecting Yourself Using Other Natural Methods

  1. Cover up when you're in the sun. One easy way to avoid getting sunburned is to wear clothing that blocks the sun when you're outside. Wide hats and sunglasses are a good place to start, but pants and long-sleeved shirts add even more protection.[7]
  2. Stay out of the sun at peak times. When the sun is the strongest, it's best to stay out of it altogether. Between 10 am and 2 pm, try to stay away from the sun's strong rays to help protect yourself.[5]
    • In areas where the sun is out longer (nearer the equator), 4 pm may be a better end time.
  3. Find some shade. If you can't avoid the sun altogether by going inside, find some shade outside. Get under an awning or tree. You could even carry an umbrella with you to protect you from the sun.[8]


  • Slather on your sunscreen. You likely need to use more sunscreen than you think you do, particularly with natural sunscreens that rely on physically blocking the sun. An adult needs to use about 3 spoonfuls of sunscreen (maybe more, depending on body size).[2] If you're having a hard time visualizing that amount, it's about the same as a standard shot glass.[9]
  • Apply the sunscreen before you leave the house, and make sure to get all exposed skin, including your ears, the tops of your feet, your neck, and exposed scalp.[9]
  • Reapply sunscreen at least every two hours. You'll need to reapply it more often if you're sweating a lot or you've gotten in the water. If you have particularly sensitive skin, you may want to reapply every hour.[9]

Sources and Citations